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If/When IGAU2 is made, what do you want to see in it?


Grundy think you handsome!
Faster walk speeds for all characters, and God like anti airs for all characters. This is literally all they need to change for IGAU 2.


Dojo Trainee
umm different characters, static forsure. better costumes for everyone.
as far as game play. I havnt had to deal with any shit anti airs, plus every can pretty much read it and do a j1 of their own. keep interactable and clashes, cause its like a staple of the game and is what makes it different. but tone down some of the interactables, but then again them changing the mb 3 stuff helped with it alot, so maybe just dont make them otg. So overall i just dont really change much, faster walkspeed would be cool i guess, but i dont really get the obsession for that.



What the character select screen SHOULD have looked like. DLC characters included. Give us a few females who have more than just a cameo in recent comics and TV shows. Looking at you - Killer "out of fucking nowhere" frost.

Also, music and sound effects. Turn the fucking volume up. Give us a memorable score. Unpopular opinion - I actually like the Injustice music. I'd just like for it all to be louder, much louder.

Overall improvements, we'd all appreciate. I'd like to see NRS try adopting movement more like KOF. Yes, I know. Kill me.

Give characters less retarded hurtboxes and more consistent hitboxes.
it makes me sad that this isn't the actual roster

oh what could have been

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
smaller (just a little bit) screen, moves have longer range, especially pokes' range, super jump, comics style for graphic, better music, fix some stupid things like safe invincible wakeup, slow walkspeed..., gameplay should be more different than MK. (Injustice is very different than MK9 tho).
no more top players as game's testers, say whatever you want, i hate that (no offence tho). they test it and 1000 patches will still come out, so what's the point? And how can NRS be sure that some of them don't keep something OP for their chars?
and Sub-Zero or Raiden as a guest char


I like to play bad characters
I would simply like the rushdown chars to simply be the best rushdown chars. Right now I feel like some of the best inside chars also have some of the best zoning in the game. IMO thats dumb. why do they get to have great long range attacks and great up close attacks that are better than chars made to get in your face with no long range attacks. I undestand a few "get off me moves," but being very good in both areas and leaving other chars meh up close makes no sense to me.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
IGAU is specifically built to make you commit to your choices, and it doesn't need to be more SF like - if you want Street Fighter, play Street Fighter.
Restating this because nobody gets it. Everything people whine for is just shit that makes it more like something they're already familiar with. Any time people ask for better walk speeds, better pokes, more footsies, etc, they are asking to make it something that it's never going to be. Every decision they made in designing the IGAU system was to force people to make choices, as much as they could in every way.

Let me tell you - I'm glad they're never going to listen to people in this thread.


Eternal Champion of Justice
I dont get what the problem is with safety being a part of the game. There are alot of games where where you are generally safe or after much of what you do including launchers. These games are generally accepted as some of the most balanced tournament games. Tekken 5 and up the vf series sc2. vf especially i know is a game the nrs team has respect for.


Restating this because nobody gets it. Everything people whine for is just shit that makes it more like something they're already familiar with. Any time people ask for better walk speeds, better pokes, more footsies, etc, they are asking to make it something that it's never going to be. Every decision they made in designing the IGAU system was to force people to make choices, as much as they could in every way.

Let me tell you - I'm glad they're never going to listen to people in this thread.
not sure what me thinking better walks (by removing acceleration because it's a bad concept) makes me want a game I'm already familiar with. I want an improved sequel and this is what would improve it for me

This is assuming NRS doesn't make it completely different, something you, me, and everyone else won't know until we see it years from now.


Amazonian Speed Force

What the character select screen SHOULD have looked like. DLC characters included. Give us a few females who have more than just a cameo in recent comics and TV shows. Looking at you - Killer "out of fucking nowhere" frost.

Also, music and sound effects. Turn the fucking volume up. Give us a memorable score. Unpopular opinion - I actually like the Injustice music. I'd just like for it all to be louder, much louder.

Overall improvements, we'd all appreciate. I'd like to see NRS try adopting movement more like KOF. Yes, I know. Kill me.

Give characters less retarded hurtboxes and more consistent hitboxes.
The only character I don't recognize is the top right woman. I've only been reading DC for the past 2 years now, wish I started sooner, and I would like to know who she is. Or, is it that I'm just not familiar with that look.
- Keep interactables, but tone down damage 3-5%. I like that they're powerful, but 18-20% is nuts.
- More stage variety. Oa, swamp, Apokalips, tundra, Mars, Olympus perhaps... less dark Batman stages.
- Brighter color scheme.
- Slightly faster walk speed / no walk acceleration
- Change damage scaling so that adding a D2 or a Super to the end of combos doesn't result in LESS damage.
- Slightly increase the damage of supers so that they are more viable. A simple 1 bar combo shouldnt be better than a Super.
- Less T-Rex arms.
- More double jumps and air dashes for characters.
- Less safe and abuseable launcher strings COUGHCOUGHBATMAN.
- More unlockables vs downloadables.
- Less glitchy DLC. Literally every time I power-on I'm missing half my skins and characters.
- More trait/power variety. I love this mechanic and would love to see it expanded.
- Longer story mode. Why not?
- Swamp Thing.


monster masher
The only character I don't recognize is the top right woman. I've only been reading DC for the past 2 years now, wish I started sooner, and I would like to know who she is. Or, is it that I'm just not familiar with that look.
Pretty sure that's Circe, a wonder woman villain.


design it for 3v3 with options for 2v2 and 1v1 but balance it for 3v3.
My body is ready for an NRS team focused game.


Game should be more fast paced. It would make the game more hype to watch/play.

There should be more variety to combos too. I feel like no 4 button, the weird damage scaling, and not being able to cancel dashes into block/specials limits the amount of combos we can do.

Less vortexes/guessing. Too much makes the whole game a guessing game. The stuffing/reversing wake-ups also gets pretty old, although it's probably a must in high level play, to me it feels so gimmicky and situational cuz a lot of it is character/wake-up dependent.

Last thing would be to make the game more consistent in terms of inputs, combos and character hitboxes.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
The only character I don't recognize is the top right woman. I've only been reading DC for the past 2 years now, wish I started sooner, and I would like to know who she is. Or, is it that I'm just not familiar with that look.
That is Circe.


Every fighter has footsies.
This game has footsies despite what many people do believe. It is based on your positioning, your health, timer etc. What your best options are in a situation and knowing your opponents. Footsies does not literally translate to "my best poke vs yours". Footsies is generally having the knowledge of the two characters on screen and knowing what they should or should not be doing.

Better AA's?
Why does no one back dash or dash under people jumping? I do this in almost any game I play.
This is something that can be translated into a lot of fighters. I know people want to anti air and get a combo off of it, but there are other ways to stopping people from jumping on you. If you are good at back dashing and dashing under people's jumps, then you are limiting them. If they can not get a solid jump in on you at all, then they will tone down the jumping as it is not effect on you. You do not need to get damage off an AA to show people they need to stop jumping on you.

Walk speeds.
This was explained really well by GuamoKun. If you factor in the large stages, the different camera view(more zoomed out then mk or sf4) then the walking might seem slow. You see a lot of top players utilizing walking. Players such as tyrant, khaotik and forever king.

Safe wake ups?
Anyone ever play SF4? DP FADC ?



Joker waiting room
Every fighter has footsies.
This game has footsies despite what many people do believe. It is based on your positioning, your health, timer etc. What your best options are in a situation and knowing your opponents. Footsies does not literally translate to "my best poke vs yours". Footsies is generally having the knowledge of the two characters on screen and knowing what they should or should not be doing.

Better AA's?
Why does no one back dash or dash under people jumping? I do this in almost any game I play.
This is something that can be translated into a lot of fighters. I know people want to anti air and get a combo off of it, but there are other ways to stopping people from jumping on you. If you are good at back dashing and dashing under people's jumps, then you are limiting them. If they can not get a solid jump in on you at all, then they will tone down the jumping as it is not effect on you. You do not need to get damage off an AA to show people they need to stop jumping on you.

Walk speeds.
This was explained really well by GuamoKun. If you factor in the large stages, the different camera view(more zoomed out then mk or sf4) then the walking might seem slow. You see a lot of top players utilizing walking. Players such as tyrant, khaotik and forever king.

Safe wake ups?
Anyone ever play SF4? DP FADC ?

i used to rustle metzos's jimmies when i dashed under doomsdays body splash when he cornered me

dp fadcs in street fighter are a horrible easy mode tactic, not only a safe wakeup into ultra but +3 too