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Idea for a for a fun/interesting tournie

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
It's dubious if Mileena, or even Rain should be in this. I think Rain has something to prove, but im undecided if Mileena is just "average", or still good. I guess the list can be left open to discussion till people are 100% happy. If Mileena was dropped Pig Of The Hut, would you still take part?
yea id main scorp, quan or rain then


I'm going to take Mileena out then Pig if that's alright, a few people have beef with her.

Guys, like I said before, I am MORE THAN HAPPY to run a XBL version of this, but I cant do a PS3 version as I dont have a PS3! That doesn't mean someone else can't once we've thrashed out the rules. Be good to get this running on both platforms.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I would need a date for this. Im way out of practice atm as well but if i can make it ill play. Sounds fun.


I can't be counted upon, I don't currently have any game system. I was just remarking jokingly to the thread, add some off topic fluff, so-to-speak.


I would need a date for this. Im way out of practice atm as well but if i can make it ill play. Sounds fun.
Well I wanted to get some numbers up first and speak to someone about running a PS3 version of this, but I was thinking December, so you'd have a bit of time to get rid of ring rust.


I can say yes or no based more on the day/time than anything. ;)
Was thinking of doing this sometime in December if that helps?

Does it have to be a new character? If not... then it's a free win for Pro Saibot. :p
I'm not sure what you mean? If you'd like to enter with Noob saibot, that would be cool! Which platform are you on? Im thinking of doing a two character team lock (so you can only pick one of two characters, of your choice, from the list in the opening post).

No rule is set in stone yet, though.