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I think I really need to say this...

Don't think that Foxy, Glue and the yellow and red robots aren't on that level because they are. People like THTB are also great players and take the time to help the community grow.

Nah, I'm not thinking that. I'm just talking generally. Lots of players are good but get overshadowed due to popularity I guess. There's lots of great players.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The problem isn't really what the tech is or that it might help scrubs win. It doesn't matter which character, which person or what tech is found. It's the principle of the situation. I remember hearing about something similar involving Justin Wong. Justin Wong was finding a bunch of shit out and was winning all these tournaments (can't remember which game, probably mvc2). And he was only sharing his tech with East Coast players. Which like CD jr said, he found it out so he can tell whoever he wants and train who he wants. But there comes a point when you have to make a decision on whether or not you just want to see your friends or you winning tournaments or doing well, of if you want the entire community to level up and for us to have bigger entries at tournaments.

I know you're thinking "wow, revealing this smoke tech isn't going to do all of this", and maybe not. But like I said it's not specifically about the smoke tech. It's about hiding knowledge regardless if you personally found it or not. Imagine if Justin Wong never told anyone anything he ever found. Not only would he have less competition and less people entering tournaments, it would create resentment against him and he would be viewed in a negative light. Regardless if you care about that or not, you should at least want the community as a whole to level up any way possible. And sharing knowledge, no matter how insignificant YOU think it is or how gamebreaking you think it is, we can only know this by rigorous testing and training. This gamebreaking tech may not be so bad and there may be ways around it, just like the Parry Glitch.

I'm not attacking you CD jr I'm just trying to help you understand some of the reasoning behind all of this. It does seem like a lot of people are "trolling" you but you have to understand the frustration these guys have. They would have been better off if you said nothing about it if you weren't going to reveal it. I mean you couldn't have expected any other response by stating you know some game changing Smoke tech and then saying you're not going to tell anyone about it.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
If you are smart enough to find your own ground-breaking tech then I'm all for not showing it to people. You deserve to cash in on your find and steal as many games as possible with it. Going around the forums bragging about how you found some new tech is rather annoying tho cause we don't know the extent of how good this 'new tech' is. Mainly because there are a lot of jack-asses out there who don't understand the game mechanics and don't properly test to see if their 'tech' is actually legit.

People need to understand there is a difference between tech and new set-ups and combos.

New 'Tech' is finding a brand new tactic that the opponent has no way to avoid and just has to deal with it. Finding a cute new wake-up or set-up to where the opponent has more than 1 way out of the situation altogether isn't new 'tech', its just a creative set-up.

If you don't plan on going to tournies or you know your not a good tournament player, then take pride in your tech finding and post all you want to gain recognition. Honestly, the only reason I posted the 'Void' tech with Scorp is because I knew I was falling off the map in the competitive scene cause I couldn't make tournies for the rest of last year so I used that to remind people I still play. =P But if your a tournament player and your aiming to win. There's absolutely nothing wrong keeping it to yourself. You play to win.


Dojo Trainee
Your sheer arrogance is just baffling. Whether or not YOU reveal this tech or not, people are already digging for it, it's going to be found. You honestly think you're THAT good that nobody's going to find it? Some ego you got there. If you wanted people to NOT USE IT in tournaments; you'd reveal the damn thing SO THE T.O.'S CAN FUCKING BAN IT.

Not so you can just randomly pull it out and win a major with it.
Y'know, I honestly can't recall a single post you've made where I haven't thought "Wow, what a fucking idiot." I try to keep that to myself in the interest of decency, but after seeing the way you've carried yourself in this thread and the way you disrespect CD Jr, you don't know the first fucking thing about decency, and so you don't deserve it from anyone else. I'm going to put you on blast AND give you a little history lesson at the same time, so if nothing else, you can't say this won't be informative!

Let's start with your first address: "Even if you don't post it, it'll be found eventually, so you should just post it anyway". That's like saying "Your kids are going to grow up and start drinking anyway, so you should pass them a shot of JD straight out of the womb!" In fact, you'd might as well skip a few chapters and say "EVENTUALLY we're all going to get old and die, so let's just pass them a shot of antifreeze and skip right to the end!" You're probably thinking to yourself that these statements both sound really fucking dumb right about now.

Welcome to my world. Welcome to CD Jr's world. Welcome to the world of anyone who has any understanding of how competitive fighters work, which sure as shit isn't you.

Just because people are looking for a potentially game-breaking exploit doesn't mean we should just hand it out so they can break the game for free. Finding easy access to this reset is NOT a good thing, so why the hell should CD Jr advocate it? Christ, it's like saying "Well, smugglers are looking to acquire illegal weapons, they're GOING to get them eventually, so arms dealers should just hand them out for free!" Regardless of whether or not it's "going to happen", CD Jr doesn't want to support the exploitation of a broken gameplay mechanic that could potentially mar the game's reputation in the competitive scene. Why should he hand it out like candy so it can damage the game's image at a much faster rate, ESPECIALLY now that it's being picked up by MLG? This is a crucial point in the game's lifespan. This is a point where we have an opportunity to prove that the game can hold up at a competitive level. Incase you didn't know (and I'd bet my left nut that you had no fucking clue, because your ignorance knows no bounds), MLG picked up Tekken once upon a time. You might notice that MLG no longer supports Tekken. Do you wonder why that is? I can promise you that anyone who's familiar with the American Tekken scene doesn't, because in the wonderful world of Tekken 6, over-centralization runs rampant. EVERYONE plays Bob, and no one wants to see that. There's no variety, there's no hype, and Tekken is already considered to be a boring game to watch at the highest level of play. I don't mean to knock the game by any means, because I enjoy playing Tekken myself, but even most Tekken players will tell you that watching two fat guys back dash into jabs and throws ad nauseam gets real old, real fast.

And now, my favorite part. See, what I love about this is that it shows you aren't even trying to put two and two together, because you don't need an innate understanding of the competitive scene to figure this one out: You claim that he should post it so tourney organizers can ban it. Let's rewind a bit, here: Was Cyrax's bomb trap banned? Was Kabal's block infinite banned? Was Raiden's block infinite banned, for the three days it was considered a threat? Hell, let's fast forward to now: Are Cyrax's resets banned? Jax's reset? Smoke's reset, the culprit in question? Quan Chi's rune trap? No. No, no, no. No to EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF THESE. If not one of these has ever been banned at major tournaments, EVEN AT EVO, what the fuck makes you think that Smoke's reset will be? A word to the not so wise: You can't just BAN some of this shit. It's not so easily regulated at the highest level of play. Kabal's block infinite couldn't be banned because TECHNICALLY, it was escapable, and you couldn't just say "Okay, you can loop this one or two times, but not twenty times." Cyrax's bomb trap couldn't be regulated because you couldn't so easily say "Okay, you can do a bomb after a command grab, but you aren't allowed to attack right after." Cyrax's resets can't be regulated either, because there's so many ways to trigger an inescapable reset combo that the TOs can't just say "Okay, so here's a list of the fifty ways we know of that you can trap an opponent into an inescapable reset, you're not allowed to do any of these"; furthermore, what if someone like Tony T or J360 comes along, and busts out a new reset that isn't on that list? Christ, every time I talk to J360, he has a new Cyrax reset, and each one he shows me is more ridiculous than the last. It's futile to try and control Cyrax's resets for this reason, and so no one even tries. Quan Chi's rune trap also falls under the same category as Kabal's old block infinite and Cyrax's old bomb trap: How can you say "Okay, you can't link EX runes into block strings at all" without placing overwhelming restrictions on the character's options?

This isn't even a matter of ignorance, it's just a matter of sheer stupidity: You couldn't taken a few seconds to get those little neurons in your head clicking, longer if needed, and conclude that none of the other resets in this game have ever been regulated. If it was as easy as just banning them, Cyrax wouldn't have a single balance issue worth mentioning in competitive play (that we know of, anyway). How the hell do you expect TOs to say "Okay, so you can't do this specific combo with Smoke because it gives a guaranteed reset, you're just not allowed to do it"? Even if they do, it becomes the same issue as Cyrax: Obviously, getting a guaranteed reset with Smoke is just a matter of specific positioning, so there's no one way to land it consistently. There are probably a hundred ways to set your opponent up for the exact positioning needed, and so again, it goes back to the Cyrax issue: How can you regulate that? How can you expect to cover every possible method of attaining the reset, enforce it as a ban list and then just pray to your religious deity du jour that a new method isn't found?

I keep seeing you attack CD Jr, ostensibly for no reason at all. You have no right to attack him out of nowhere, and that clearly isn't stopping you. You accuse him of being arrogant for... What, withholding information that could potentially harm this game's reputation, now at this crucial point in its lifespan? I actually spoke to him about this yesterday, and he told me he tweeted Hector Sanchez about his guaranteed reset in the hopes that the reset will be hotfixed out, because no one should have consistent access to it. Not him, not you, not me, not a living soul. Consider that Smoke is widely regarded as a top ten character, and sometimes top five, WITHOUT the means of consistently achieving the reset: What is it going to do to the game's balance if he gets that? What will happen if the guaranteed reset becomes common knowledge?

Get the fuck out. Stop constantly attacking the guy for withholding potentially gamebreaking information, IN THE INTEREST OF THE COMMUNITY, as though that makes him selfish or arrogant. Nevermind that you clearly don't understand how tournament regulations work if you think that a T.O. can just snap his fingers and ban this reset. You obviously don't know your head from your ass, which explains why everything that comes out of your mouth is a load of shit.


Y'know, I honestly can't recall a single post you've made where I haven't thought "Wow, what a fucking idiot." I try to keep that to myself in the interest of decency, but after seeing the way you've carried yourself in this thread and the way you disrespect CD Jr, you don't know the first fucking thing about decency, and so you don't deserve it from anyone else. I'm going to put you on blast AND give you a little history lesson at the same time, so if nothing else, you can't say this won't be informative!

Let's start with your first address: "Even if you don't post it, it'll be found eventually, so you should just post it anyway". That's like saying "Your kids are going to grow up and start drinking anyway, so you should pass them a shot of JD straight out of the womb!" In fact, you'd might as well skip a few chapters and say "EVENTUALLY we're all going to get old and die, so let's just pass them a shot of antifreeze and skip right to the end!" You're probably thinking to yourself that these statements both sound really fucking dumb right about now.

Welcome to my world. Welcome to CD Jr's world. Welcome to the world of anyone who has any understanding of how competitive fighters work, which sure as shit isn't you.

Just because people are looking for a potentially game-breaking exploit doesn't mean we should just hand it out so they can break the game for free. Finding easy access to this reset is NOT a good thing, so why the hell should CD Jr advocate it? Christ, it's like saying "Well, smugglers are looking to acquire illegal weapons, they're GOING to get them eventually, so arms dealers should just hand them out for free!" Regardless of whether or not it's "going to happen", CD Jr doesn't want to support the exploitation of a broken gameplay mechanic that could potentially mar the game's reputation in the competitive scene. Why should he hand it out like candy so it can damage the game's image at a much faster rate, ESPECIALLY now that it's being picked up by MLG? This is a crucial point in the game's lifespan. This is a point where we have an opportunity to prove that the game can hold up at a competitive level. Incase you didn't know (and I'd bet my left nut that you had no fucking clue, because your ignorance knows no bounds), MLG picked up Tekken once upon a time. You might notice that MLG no longer supports Tekken. Do you wonder why that is? I can promise you that anyone who's familiar with the American Tekken scene doesn't, because in the wonderful world of Tekken 6, over-centralization runs rampant. EVERYONE plays Bob, and no one wants to see that. There's no variety, there's no hype, and Tekken is already considered to be a boring game to watch at the highest level of play. I don't mean to knock the game by any means, because I enjoy playing Tekken myself, but even most Tekken players will tell you that watching two fat guys back dash into jabs and throws ad nauseam gets real old, real fast.

And now, my favorite part. See, what I love about this is that it shows you aren't even trying to put two and two together, because you don't need an innate understanding of the competitive scene to figure this one out: You claim that he should post it so tourney organizers can ban it. Let's rewind a bit, here: Was Cyrax's bomb trap banned? Was Kabal's block infinite banned? Was Raiden's block infinite banned, for the three days it was considered a threat? Hell, let's fast forward to now: Are Cyrax's resets banned? Jax's reset? Smoke's reset, the culprit in question? Quan Chi's rune trap? No. No, no, no. No to EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF THESE. If not one of these has ever been banned at major tournaments, EVEN AT EVO, what the fuck makes you think that Smoke's reset will be? A word to the not so wise: You can't just BAN some of this shit. It's not so easily regulated at the highest level of play. Kabal's block infinite couldn't be banned because TECHNICALLY, it was escapable, and you couldn't just say "Okay, you can loop this one or two times, but not twenty times." Cyrax's bomb trap couldn't be regulated because you couldn't so easily say "Okay, you can do a bomb after a command grab, but you aren't allowed to attack right after." Cyrax's resets can't be regulated either, because there's so many ways to trigger an inescapable reset combo that the TOs can't just say "Okay, so here's a list of the fifty ways we know of that you can trap an opponent into an inescapable reset, you're not allowed to do any of these"; furthermore, what if someone like Tony T or J360 comes along, and busts out a new reset that isn't on that list? Christ, every time I talk to J360, he has a new Cyrax reset, and each one he shows me is more ridiculous than the last. It's futile to try and control Cyrax's resets for this reason, and so no one even tries. Quan Chi's rune trap also falls under the same category as Kabal's old block infinite and Cyrax's old bomb trap: How can you say "Okay, you can't link EX runes into block strings at all" without placing overwhelming restrictions on the character's options?

This isn't even a matter of ignorance, it's just a matter of sheer stupidity: You couldn't taken a few seconds to get those little neurons in your head clicking, longer if needed, and conclude that none of the other resets in this game have ever been regulated. If it was as easy as just banning them, Cyrax wouldn't have a single balance issue worth mentioning in competitive play (that we know of, anyway). How the hell do you expect TOs to say "Okay, so you can't do this specific combo with Smoke because it gives a guaranteed reset, you're just not allowed to do it"? Even if they do, it becomes the same issue as Cyrax: Obviously, getting a guaranteed reset with Smoke is just a matter of specific positioning, so there's no one way to land it consistently. There are probably a hundred ways to set your opponent up for the exact positioning needed, and so again, it goes back to the Cyrax issue: How can you regulate that? How can you expect to cover every possible method of attaining the reset, enforce it as a ban list and then just pray to your religious deity du jour that a new method isn't found?

I keep seeing you attack CD Jr, ostensibly for no reason at all. You have no right to attack him out of nowhere, and that clearly isn't stopping you. You accuse him of being arrogant for... What, withholding information that could potentially harm this game's reputation, now at this crucial point in its lifespan? I actually spoke to him about this yesterday, and he told me he tweeted Hector Sanchez about his guaranteed reset in the hopes that the reset will be hotfixed out, because no one should have consistent access to it. Not him, not you, not me, not a living soul. Consider that Smoke is widely regarded as a top ten character, and sometimes top five, WITHOUT the means of consistently achieving the reset: What is it going to do to the game's balance if he gets that? What will happen if the guaranteed reset becomes common knowledge?

Get the fuck out. Stop constantly attacking the guy for withholding potentially gamebreaking information, IN THE INTEREST OF THE COMMUNITY, as though that makes him selfish or arrogant. Nevermind that you clearly don't understand how tournament regulations work if you think that a T.O. can just snap his fingers and ban this reset. You obviously don't know your head from your ass, which explains why everything that comes out of your mouth is a load of shit.


For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
People asked for ice beam ARMOR? Thats as stupid as armor on tele-push for Ermac. Jesus people get serious.



Dojo Trainee
You should really write a book.
I should write one on how to be clever with insults, for your sake.

Oh, and here's some more constructive information for the rest of you: Skarlet's glitched red slide cancel was an example of an exploit that COULD be regulated. For those not in the know, she used to be able to exploit a glitch to link an upslash after a red slide (yes, she could special cancel a special). There was only one known way to access it: After a red slide, you could quickly input F2 upslash, and she'd, well, do an upslash. Altogether, the inputs were DF 3 4 F2 DF2, so it's no surprise that it wasn't commonly used. Difficult execution, in my Mortal Kombat? NO FUCKING WAY!

Anyhow, I'm posting this to contrast with the examples I listed above, so people can understand the fundamental difference between an exploit that can be regulated and one that can't be. In this case, the method to exploit this glitch is isolated: The issue is canceling a red slide into an upslash, which should not be allowed. Even if you found fifty other commands to trigger the glitch, a T.O. could just say "Hey, you aren't allowed to cancel red slides into upslashes because it's a glitch in the programming and should not be possible. It is banned from the tournament, and you will be disqualified for using it." Whereas exploits like the bomb trap, the rune trap or the many resets in the game fall into a grey area, this one is just black and white: Either you cancel a red slide into upslash, or you don't. Naturally, it's easy to just enforce a rule that says you aren't allowed to.

For those of you who AREN'T approaching this like Iniquity, I hope this helps you to understand how bans and restrictions are dictated in the FGC.


The problem isn't really what the tech is or that it might help scrubs win. It doesn't matter which character, which person or what tech is found. It's the principle of the situation. I remember hearing about something similar involving Justin Wong. Justin Wong was finding a bunch of shit out and was winning all these tournaments (can't remember which game, probably mvc2). And he was only sharing his tech with East Coast players. Which like CD jr said, he found it out so he can tell whoever he wants and train who he wants. But there comes a point when you have to make a decision on whether or not you just want to see your friends or you winning tournaments or doing well, of if you want the entire community to level up and for us to have bigger entries at tournaments.

I know you're thinking "wow, revealing this smoke tech isn't going to do all of this", and maybe not. But like I said it's not specifically about the smoke tech. It's about hiding knowledge regardless if you personally found it or not. Imagine if Justin Wong never told anyone anything he ever found. Not only would he have less competition and less people entering tournaments, it would create resentment against him and he would be viewed in a negative light. Regardless if you care about that or not, you should at least want the community as a whole to level up any way possible. And sharing knowledge, no matter how insignificant YOU think it is or how gamebreaking you think it is, we can only know this by rigorous testing and training. This gamebreaking tech may not be so bad and there may be ways around it, just like the Parry Glitch.

I'm not attacking you CD jr I'm just trying to help you understand some of the reasoning behind all of this. It does seem like a lot of people are "trolling" you but you have to understand the frustration these guys have. They would have been better off if you said nothing about it if you weren't going to reveal it. I mean you couldn't have expected any other response by stating you know some game changing Smoke tech and then saying you're not going to tell anyone about it.
Personally, I feel like I'm in a position where I have to basically help the community out first. But its not to say that if you do find something, keeping it a secret until the next tournament is a bad thing. The only thing I feel people don't like is getting teased and having them wait 2 months before its revealed... lol I personally don't mind though, I think its fun to see what players can do with what they have.

One of the things that made me respect REO even more was early in the game when he told me he would rather have people see his gameplay and download him to have better competition and level up more.

Even then, when you find something, you are essentially showing it to people when you reveal it. I think that the most impressive part of playing at a high level isn't exactly "What you find," but how you use it, and if you use it effectively.

the NY scene is very similar to the SoCal scene from what I experienced. We all hang out, we have our own local spot and tournament location to play, and we all take time to sit down and find new shit. Some people develop what they have and take it to tournaments, some decide to tease people and post on the forums... lol Its all part of the game. You cant force someone to spill his/her strategy.


Online Punching Bag
I'm leveling up! I'm trying to stick to one character, no matter the match up and find ways around things that I have difficulty with. I used to complain about stuff when the game first came out, but I realized I just wasn't that good at it, I'm still not awesome, but I've gotten alot better by just trying to figure out counters for alot of things I thought were just really bad matchups or really bad moves to overcome. No match is every going to be always in your favor but you can usually find ways around most things.


This entire thread is exactly why the community and MK is going to shit. This entire thread is exactly why I have the utmost respect for the UK players.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If joe schmoe said something like this... its nothing. I honestly don't think some of the high level players realize how much everyone does look up to them, and relies on them for information.

Taking your ball and going home is fine.
Taking your ball, turning around and saying "nah na nah na boo boo" flipping us off and then going home... gets your ass beaten.
Just saying


Dojo Trainee
im not sure what you mean but, thanks haha
I'm pretty sure he's just addressing the fact that the UK scene has more solidarity.

On one hand, he's absolutely right, but on the other hand, the UK scene is also smaller. If you were to compare it to, say, the Arizona scene, most AZ players are similarly close-knit. You could say the same of Socal, or New York. I don't think it's really fair to judge the entirety of America, which is an amalgamation of several smaller scenes, as though it's all one scene like the UK.

That said, the UK scene does set a great example for all others. I've never seen you or Ketchup get upset at anyone apart from Tom Brady, and well, that doesn't count. Tom Brady could piss off the Dalai fucking Lama.


Dojo Trainee
If joe schmoe said something like this... its nothing. I honestly don't think some of the high level players realize how much everyone does look up to them, and relies on them for information.

Taking your ball and going home is fine.
Taking your ball, turning around and saying "nah na nah na boo boo" flipping us off and then going home... gets your ass beaten.
Just saying
Look, I'll concede that CD Jr probably didn't handle this as well as he could've and he did come across as somewhat spiteful, but can you blame him? He basically just said that he doesn't want busted reset tech to fall into the wrong hands, and he got crucified for it like it's selfish of him to keep it under wraps. You do have a point, but let's not forget what instigated this whole mess.

Oh, and:





Sorry for the "novel of buttmad", I was just trying to catch up to you. Unfortunately, you've written so many butthurt love letters to CD Jr that I'd have an easier time catching up to Stephen King's collective bibliography.


"Strength isn't everything"
Has anyone found any new tech in the time it took them to participate in this thread?

Someone close this before it completely shits it self, please.


Dojo Trainee
Has anyone found any new tech in the time it took them to participate in this thread?

Someone close this before it completely shits it self, please.
Should they be?

Why do people necessarily need to be "finding new tech" when improving fundamentals and developing matchup experience is much more effective, both to improve as players and to develop the metagame?


@My advice to those who rely on high level players for information is; don't depend on this please, be creative, find your own stuff, develop your own gameplay' be yourself. most tournament players from many fgc hide techs and techniques to approach other players, for example, lets say i'm working on techniques to fight against reo's kabal, since my chars have a bad match up against that char, and also reo is godlike, i can say on stream or forums i got a tech to beat reo with sub zero next time we meet at a tourney, people are gonna get curious i know and they would like me to reveal that tech, if i do now reo will be prepared to counter attack it, i shouldnt have even talked about that tech on the first place and just keep it to myself, it was wrong from cd jr to say that on stream about triggering the smoke reset 100% of the time and then let people wondering how the heck he does this, he didn't know this would blow up out of proportion, as i said before we are not curious kids, i agree that we should help each other but some people were being disrespectful and most of them not even smoke users, CD jr didnt have intetions of frustrating anyone he just wanted to use this tech at final round, people got on his nerves on a hateful manner, and even disrespected him many times, thats why the tech wasnt released.
if i say i'm not releasing something that belongs to me, no one has the right to force me to do it, everyone has the right and choice to share or not something that they own,
Sub_Crash4 cd jr wasnt acting like this and just flipping off, thats the way these forums made him look like, people picture things on their mind that they make them real and that was the image they had on their head, and that example you gave fits on a little kid, if someone do that to me i would say i dont give a crap and just ignore, we are not kids here
Now we lost CD jr from these forums, it was the people's choice, now he will remain silent and no tech will be known by him unless you see it at a tourney, he is not even using his best chars on streams anymore so he doesnt attract the curiosity of anyone.



"Strength isn't everything"
Should they be?

Why do people necessarily need to be "finding new tech" when improving fundamentals and developing matchup experience is much more effective, both to improve as players and to develop the metagame?


Dojo Trainee
I wasn't picking a fight, I was just making a point.

The MK community is younger than the SF community or the Tekken community, and so fewer players have solid fundamentals. A lot of "tech" that's considered to be viable right now might not be against a player with solid fundamentals. Consider that at one point, MK9 was regarded as a game where footsies weren't very strong: How much does the game change, just with the simple addition of footsies? Without it, Raiden wouldn't be a threat, Reptile couldn't zone and Ermac might be the worst character in the game, and those are just a few examples. Developing new tech just isn't as important as developing the fundamental level of play, because the tech that works at a lower level of play may not always hold up at the highest level.

Fundamentals >>>>> Tech. That's all I was saying, and someone had to say it.