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I think I really need to say this...

This "hidden tech" thing is blown so far out of preportion its obscene.

What's the big deal about playing close to the chest? How does that hurt the community? That doesn't make any sense. Is anyone seriously worried that no one will ever learn/figure out this Smoke tech, which is nothing more than a slightly more consistent way to land the f4 reset?

Everyone is asking CD Jr (and every other top player because I guarantee they all have unique tech and set ups they personally use) to throw away a competitive edge. Why would they do that?

And why has CD Jr been singled out? Wheres the lynch mob for Perfect legend? Dude has been in hiding since evo scheming and developing tech and hasn't said a god damn word. And you know what, good for him.

So the community at large will be in the dark about CD Jr's tech until Winter Brawl or FR. How does that hurt the community or the long term life of the game? It doesn't.

And this idea about the game "looking bad" to the rest of the FGC because of huge combos makes no sense either. MvC has an entire cast with massive combos and NO BREAKER.

What looks bad is when the community gets down on its own game.
lol, lynch mob for PL? where have you been at the last couple of months, Pl has been the most hated player since evo, paper legend stuff, he only won because of KL, he cant compete anymore.

I actually support both players either hiding their tech or revealing it, for example slips revealed the great void to us scorpion players, which we are very grateful for. But people are competitive and play to win, if you came up with you own tech, its up to you what to do with it. people psushing others to reveal their tech is just saying they cant improve their own game unless other people come up with new shit, so that that they can copy it. IMO its much more hype to not know what might happen at tourneys actually seeing things for the first time at tourneys makes people feel that this game is still young.

people need to learn to develop their own style of playing, im not sayin you should go to the lab right now and come up with a new reset, but with some little creativity, anybody can come up with their own setups or strategies.
Teasing a community and then acting like you can't understand why people are resentful is disingenuous.

Saving that shit for nationals is all good, but you can't hype it up and then act surprised when the community is anxious.
I know it is annoying, im not against hiding techs, but hide it good if youre calling it a hidden tech.


no one hyped up anything, it was me who said smoke was top 2 to m2dave on a private message i sent and told him the reason and it came out that cd jr can do this reset 100% of the time, then testyourmight little kids, the same trolls as usual which i'm making a red list for all of them started blowing this shit out of proportion, i was gonna revealed it myself but since i see so much childhood curiosity here, i wont reveal that and the other resets waiting for cyrax to be patched, grow up fellows, cd jr is not bragging or anything he is just pissed at these forums little kids and their stupid curiosity. you always come with stupid comment that don't even come to the case, first do your research before starting making assumptions

Vulcan Hades

Let me get this straight.

So basically what these insecure Cyrax and Smoke players are saying is "everyone else needs to stfu, stop complaining and level the fuck up. You guys need to adapt to us and these glitches, we don't want to adapt to other characters and work harder like all those stupid players maining normal characters."

I guess that makes a lot of sense... :rolleyes:

Remember the good old days when this community was about top players like Tom Brady sharing knowledge and helping other players level up? I guess this community's philosophy is slowly morphing into "everyone for themselves" and "if you find a cool glitch, then by all means hide it and abuse it at the next major". Yyyyeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh that's gonna be good for MK I'm sure.


Alternative-Fact Checker
What's funny is the fabled Smoke reset is not like "Omg only CD jr. could ever pull this off". I went into training mode and found it and conferred with other players and sure enough there it is. It doesn't make Smoke's problems less apparent and frankly only means you get more damage per hit...which is his problem in the first place.

It's a combo of 2 things: people expecting their "tech" to be holier than thou (when it's really not much holier than shit) and players being either too awestruck or lazy to go and find out what it is.


because of people like you vulcan hades, you are a goddamn troll remember you cursed me, you will be added to the red list, stfu already, and stop sticking your nose on every single forum's thread, cd jr don't wanna post here anymore because of idiots like you, one of your friends was warned already stop making stupid opinions take it personal, nothing will be reveal to you, and yes we will help the community i'll reveal stuff to good people only in private


Gaming4Satan Founder
Teasing a community and then acting like you can't understand why people are resentful is disingenuous.

Saving that shit for nationals is all good, but you can't hype it up and then act surprised when the community is anxious.
Disingenuous? lol, I'm not surprised that there's buzz about it.

What's surprising is that the hype stage for a new tech has been overwhelmingly responded to with:


Everyone needs to take it down a notch. For real.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The main reason I'm not for keeping knowledge to yourself has nothing to do about the competitive edge. Fucking Christ, I basically outted my style of play to the community for everyone to see. God forbid that means I exposed everything in my hand and I lose for it. I do so because I want to see this game continue to grow, so I share my own personal tactics so that everyone can brainstorm along with me to learn what works and what doesn't. My mindset is community first, myself later.

That's why I find it stupid to even keep hidden tech. People find out eventually, anyway, ESPECIALLY today where the internet exists and your shit's recorded...and you can actually improve on it faster. Honestly, what reason is there to hide anything? Money? Few hundred bucks ain't shit...you wanna really benefit from saving tech, there's Starcraft.

m2dave, my point of this topic is that it needs to stop, and that more energy should be spent trying to get better at this point and explore stuff that, after almost a year, still hasn't been explored as far as it should be.

Vulcan Hades

because of idiots like you vulcan hades, you are a goddamn troll

stfu already, and stop sticking your nose on every single forum's thread

one of your friends was warned already stop making stupid opinions
So all of a sudden I'm an idiot and a troll and I'm added on some random nazi red list because I expressed an opinion you didn't like on a discussion forum? Oookkaayyyy

I'm sorry everyone. I didn't mean what I said. Maxter is right, hiding glitches, not sharing knowledge and not helping each other out is the right thing to do. PLEASE DON'T BAN ME.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
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NetherRealm Studios
Disingenuous? lol, I'm not surprised that there's buzz about it.

What's surprising is that the hype stage for a new tech has been overwhelmingly responded to with:


Everyone needs to take it down a notch. For real.

Don't see why you'd be surprised. The community is hella hungry for information and look up to you guys to provide that.
I hope this doesn't put me in the 'trouble makers list', but I usually try to stay out of this but I think this is silly.

From my perspective of viewing the threads, the justification of Detroit hiding his tech was to combat CD Kitana tech which was hyped up to hell. Than we saw Mr. Mileena, Detroit, Pig, everyone just start talking about techs. I might be wrong, so if I am apologies.

On another note, on the issue of 'top players' aiding the community. I've always seen it as degarding anyone that's not a top player. The only true helpful top players that are helping the community currently in business is Tom Brady. THTB helps but due to his travel issues, he can't compete. His contributions are great as well.

What I'm saying is, there aren't many top players helping the community, and from my understanding when we think of 'top', everyone just assumes VSM/NYC. KT has helped, but, in the minds of the general public top players are people who have been placing top in tournaments. I haven't seen a single guide, post, or what not from those top players aside REO.

A good majority of the time, the unknown random community members discover new tech for the rest of the people to find out, and they make a thread, and than I see top players come in and say 'I've known this for a while', umm, ok, thanks, could of let everyone know before. That doesn't help anyone.

It seems as, the only people that help, are just the tournament players themselves. They just help each other.


I'll probably get flamed but whatevs. If anything is misinterpreted here, I'll gladly edit.

Why the hell can't we all help. When we have people like UsedforGlue doing great things, imagine if everyone was.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Plenty of top players help. The Kitana forum is nice, you have a question there and a top placing Kitana will help out.


Vulcan you directly disrespected me and even cursed me, stop that sarcasm mate, i'm hunting trolls and testyourmight is gonna have to decide which one stay or go, was gonna delete my account here but that will make me feel like a loser and i have many good friends who post here, i convinced cd jr not to delete his either but still he wont post anything for now.
i'm gonna hunt all of you, i'm collecting posts and information of how many threads, you guys have messed up with your stupid psychological comments, this community don't get along because of people like you, when we all meet at tourneys we can all see how good and humble the Mk community is, i mean the mk tourneys community, the forums community is rotten to the core, not all of you, there are a lot of nice people on these forums, but the plague must be purged or these forums may die


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Karried A number of really good players help out. Foxy, Glue and Mustard all come to mind as helpful players, as well as others, like Dave. KT I'd put up there as one of those good players...the list goes on, actually. A lot of good players are sharing info. It's just some cases where they don't, like the whole Smoke reset stuff, which is another reason why it actually pisses me off.

Maxter and Vulcan Hades please keep any issues between you two to PMs.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Vulcan you directly disrespected me and even cursed me, stop that sarcasm mate, i'm hunting trolls and testyourmight is gonna have to decide which one stay or go, was gonna delete my account here but that will make me feel like a loser and i have many good friends who post here, i convinced cd jr not to delete his either but still he wont post anything for now.
i'm gonna hunt all of you, i'm collecting posts and information of how many threads, you guys have messed up with your stupid psychological comments, this community don't get along because of people like you, when we all meet at tourneys we can all see how good and humble the Mk community is, i mean the mk tourneys community, the forums community is rotten to the core, not all of you, there are a lot of nice people on these forums, but the plague must be purged or these forums may die
Lol. This is all so melodramatic I can't help but laugh unashamedly.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So correct me if I'm wrong, but...

...All this means is that the F4 reset that most top-tier people who regularly fight Smoke are already prepared to fight/may very well already have a counter-strategy to to some extent, is more likely to connect if you get caught in it.

I mean, that's BAD, certainly going to make Smoke a tougher match, but...is it really that bad that it warrants this huge a deluge of fury and salt?

If it's LEGITIMATELY game-breaking, then by all means, someone important should know.
If not...at worst, it'll more or less equate fighting Smoke to fighting Cyrax.
Damage out the ass.
Karried A number of really good players help out. Foxy, Glue and Mustard all come to mind as helpful players, as well as others, like Dave. KT I'd put up there as one of those good players...the list goes on, actually. A lot of good players are sharing info. It's just some cases where they don't, like the whole Smoke reset stuff, which is another reason why it actually pisses me off.
I know that, :). Actually, I know who helps and who doesn't. I mean in the general population, everyone expects the best top players which are currently from 2 from VSM, to help. Like I said, from the the top of my head the only VSM players that helped are REO/KT, which is great. That Smoke sticky was nice. We have people that are top, but, not as 'popular' helping, while, everyone else snoozes.

You'd only know who Mustad/Used for Glue is if you visit the forums. If you just watch streams, which names would you think people would recognize first? Those are the people that should help. IMO.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I know that, :). Actually, I know who helps and who doesn't. I mean in the general population, everyone expects the best top players which are currently from 2 from VSM, to help. Like I said, from the the top of my head the only VSM players that helped are REO/KT, which is great. That Smoke sticky was nice. We have people that are top, but, not as 'popular' helping, while, everyone else snoozes.

You'd only know who Mustad/Used for Glue is if you visit the forums. If you just watch streams, which names would you think people would recognize first? Those are the people that should help. IMO.
Don't think that Foxy, Glue and the yellow and red robots aren't on that level because they are. People like THTB are also great players and take the time to help the community grow.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
No, you'd know Mustard and Glue from streams as well. They actually blew up in popularity from one of the earlier majors in Europe.
No, you'd know Mustard and Glue from streams as well. They actually blew up in popularity from one of the earlier majors in Europe.
SVB right? Was just watching the finals the other day. Haha, it was great. That's the only one I know of though.


"More stealthful than the night"
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if you dont want people talking and asking about something, dont mention it, just do it ingame and when people have seen it, THEN explain it.

the reason this is different is because the sheer amount of times ive seen maxter/cd jr mention it, on vsm and in posts here, people ARE going to be curious because its been hyped up to be so good maxter has put smoke into top 2 because of it.

come on guys, this isnt something to argue about, no one will ask if no one knows in the first place.