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I need some opinions from the Community

Has NRS Gone SJW

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 21.7%
  • No

    Votes: 90 78.3%

  • Total voters


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
You're sort of talking past me/Marlow, as well as Brie herself.

The point she's trying to make is about how this is something daily you have to think about and deal with as a woman. She did nothing but be polite and smile and gets that in a totally inappropriate place, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

I'm sure she did say "no, thank you." But that's not really the point?

I've gotten way derailed here though so this is probably my last post on the topic.
I'm a woman, I never have to 'deal' with this daily, it's not a problem. I always saw it as flattering. And sure, guys will crush on you if you're nice and you smile and you look good, but that's kinda what attraction is, and if they feel forced to give them their number IF they don't like them, they need a stronger backbone.

The point is she wanted those likes and retweets. She could have given CM good press, to really empower women, but she chose bad press. Now, people are being assholes to her and yes there are lots of overreacting which is annoying. I'm so tired of seeing YT videos and Tweets bashing her.

BUT, Every single time an actor chooses a political side, they get backlash and they knew that was going to happen. Why not be neutral? I will never get that.


Men are expected to take the initiative but we're vilified if we do and some chick happens to be a foul bitch under the decent look.
The issue is not with a guy asking a girl out, it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite, while she was simply trying to get through airport security.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
The issue is not with a guy asking a girl out, it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite, while she was simply trying to get through airport security.
How is that a problem? It's female-male attraction, it's completely normal and healthy. What's not healthy is her being annoyed that someone recognized her beauty and crushed on her, that's called narcissism.


Positive Poster!
The issue is not with a guy asking a girl out, it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite, while she was simply trying to get through airport security.
Poor social skills and a bit of desperation. I don't think that clumsy advances are a bad thing, I've had women I wasn't interested in try to flirt with me before, I was nice to them right back.

Flipping out over someone else's poor social skills is, you guessed right, poor social skills in itself!


Positive Poster!
I said I was done but you've got to be kidding here. Men don't have the right to ask women out whenever and wherever they want. If you're a TSA agent do your damn job and don't ask out people who are trying to get through security.

Hey, I just reported a crime to the police and the cop asked for my number! Female-male attraction, its normal. Catcalled by four construction workers as I walk down the street, normal female-male attraction, all good.
Poor social skills and a bit of desperation. I don't think that clumsy advances are a bad thing, I've had women I wasn't interested in try to flirt with me before, I was nice to them right back.

Flipping out over someone else's poor social skills is, you guessed right, poor social skills in itself!


Poor social skills and a bit of desperation. I don't think that clumsy advances are a bad thing, I've had women I wasn't interested in try to flirt with me before, I was nice to them right back.

Flipping out over someone else's poor social skills is, you guessed right, poor social skills in itself!
It's not about the advance being clumsy, it's about the advance being inappropriate given the setting. If this was at a bar, or some social setting, fine. This was at an airport while she was trying to get through security. Also, she wasn't flipping out over it, simply tweeted about it.


Positive Poster!
It's not about the advance being clumsy, it's about the advance being inappropriate given the setting. If this was at a bar, or some social setting, fine. This was at an airport while she was trying to get through security. Also, she wasn't flipping out over it, simply tweeted about it.
How is an inappropriate setting not a clumsy attempt?
Understanding the situations in which you can act in certain ways is what constitutes social skill. Not knowing when where and how to act is what being clumsy about your social skill is all about.


How is an inappropriate setting not a clumsy attempt?
Understanding the situations in which you can act in certain ways is what constitutes social skill. Not knowing when where and how to act is what being clumsy about your social skill is all about.
I'd love to continue this further, but this is a rabbit hole for a different day.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
The issue is not with a guy asking a girl out, it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite, while she was simply trying to get through airport security.
See this can be done with anything though. So when exactly is appropriate if anything and everything can be vilified?

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while picking apples up at the grocery store."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while walking her dog."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while getting a drink at the bar."

Maybe this TSA person thought she could be a cool person and this may be the only time he sees her in his life, wanted to put himself out there and take a chance, etc. No need to be freaked out by that. Politely say thanks, but I'm not interested and go about your way.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
See this can be done with anything though. So when exactly is appropriate if anything and everything can be vilified?

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while picking apples up at the grocery store."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while walking her dog."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while getting a drink at the bar."

Maybe this TSA person thought she could be a cool person and this may be the only time he sees her in his life, wanted to put himself out there and take a chance, etc. No need to be freaked out by that. Politely say thanks, but I'm not interested and go about your way.
Great point man. There really is not set rule to where, when and how someone asks/flirts with someone or asks them out. I know people who swear "work is the worst place to meet someone" yet I know plenty of couples who met at their jobs, my folks met at theirs way back so that's complete bs. Some have even met at Church(believe it or not) may not be the most appropriate to flirt granted, but I would think God wouldn't have an issue with two people sharing the same faith in him loving one another. I actually feel places like bars, clubs etc are worse places to meet someone as 9/10 they're drunk, on drugs or just not themselves within a forced "social" environment. Speaking from experience here lol. I had two drunk chicks come up to me once, both staggering and one saying "hey hey you are really, really cute can we talk be friends? I I dont wanna throw up" yeah that's a great situation to meet someone lol. they kept following me so needless to say I said "excuse me ladies, nature calls" stayed in the bathroom for a half hour, when I left they were gone lol. I was only in there that long because I went with two other friends, one disappeared and the other was talking to this chick at the bar for literally 4 hours....lol and he never called her or her him. lol.


See this can be done with anything though. So when exactly is appropriate if anything and everything can be vilified?

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while picking apples up at the grocery store."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while walking her dog."

"it's with a guy asking her out simply because she was trying to be nice and smiled to be polite while getting a drink at the bar."

Maybe this TSA person thought she could be a cool person and this may be the only time he sees her in his life, wanted to put himself out there and take a chance, etc. No need to be freaked out by that. Politely say thanks, but I'm not interested and go about your way.

Yes, some of those could be situations in which it's not appropriate to ask someone out. Maybe some women don't mind the attention, but maybe some women just want to be able to get through their normal day without being hounded and pursued, and then get put in an awkward position of having to reject someone. Just use some common sense. If the TSA person would have taken a couple extra seconds to think about it, maybe he would have realized that Brie Larson probably doesn't go through airports hoping to meet a TSA agent to go on a date with. If you think about it, it's a really bizarre thing for him to do.

Also, she wasn't freaked out by it, just annoyed by it, and by the frequency of how often that kind of thing happens.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
maybe he would have realized that Brie Larson probably doesn't go through airports hoping to meet a TSA agent to go on a date with. If you think about it, it's a really bizarre thing for him to do.
Maybe not, but I'd argue some of the best relationships start with the weirdest of stories/circumstances. *Shrug

I'm just saying, the whole thing is kind of ridiculous. It's kind of odd to shame people for taking the chance to try to be someone's friend (or something more obviously later down the line). I mean, how do you meet new people, find new friends etc without ever approaching anyone (or if it's only acceptable at a bar, etc)? Perhaps he was being really creepy or something, who knows.

Anyway, I just wanted to chime in, was at work and couldn't really join the conversation as it was going.

Bring on MK11


UPR Methademic
This is the dumbest shit....

First no, they didn't, the game has merely matured past bare tits and thankfully so has *most* if its audience.

There was a second point but it'd be a waste of time so to hell with it.

And for the record I assure you I love big tiddies more than most, still don't feel the need to be offended when they aren't in my video games. Women aren't objects and they don't need to appeal to you sexually. :) Christ this site's user base has really gone to shit.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
OK this thread is derailed I request to please leave the Capt. Marvel nonsense out of it and focus on the subject at hand, which is the MK Art direction being SJW or not.

Now the main perp of this narrative has been this One Angry Gamer loon and well today he went bat shit insane on twitter with me.

The main thing I am trying to point out is that his voice and ilk are the minority here, BC for some reason they seriously think they are the majority.

Also @Vslayer you said u made a vid about him could you link it to me please?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think sometimes too depending on how people present themselves can factor in how much attention they draw to themselves. ;)

But yeah @TheSpore I agree dude, unfortunately with most internet sites I've noticed if you're not on board with the whole SJW train, you'll be deemed a troll, hater or just crazy. What I have deduced. Not just here but elsewhere it's even worse. But anyway yeah that dude seems just like another prime example of proving that he's merely intolerante to anyone who disagrees with him. What I take from that response. He probably thinks women are deemed as sex objects because of how a vid game portrays them in his mind, like one thing I've noticed looking back at MK 9 designs. They cry over say Mileena's outfit but forget that it matches her personality, she's purple yet with similar wardrobe to that of Kitana for obvious, story reasons and the one big thing that is consistent throughout MK lore is Kitana, Mileena, Jade and yes Skarlet as well ALL have ninja masks. But notice that element is completely ignored and straight to the revealing bits. Surprise Surprise.


Shirai Ryu
Just wanna drop my 2 cents on this whole thing.
Mortal Kombat and by extension the whole fighting game genre are inherently not feminist/SJW games. The fact you can perform various acts of brutal violence against women (against anyone, actually, even animals) makes it so.
Now, I'm aware that what people are complaining about in MK11 are the female character designs, but that's explained by the simple fact that NRS just wanted to change them up. That's it, there is no political reason behind it. The female characters weren't changed to "appeal to SJWs" because SJWs wouldn't touch a game like MK11 (or any other FG) with a 10-foot pole, ever.