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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Lawless Victory!
I've stopped using Deathstroke's Assault Rifle entirely. I did some testing, and his pistols do 3% chip (5%-6% with meter), while AR only does about 1% (2% with meter). The pistols are about twice as fast as the AR, both on start-up and recovery. Most people are learning to block the AR standing so that they also block the overhead grenade. As it stands, there is literally no reason to use the AR. Low Shot, Gun Shot, and Air Shot are all you need to zone effectively with Deathstroke.
You can use AR as a late anti air because of it's longer duration. I've found normal Gun shot on it's own doesn't last long enough (i.e. they can land after)

DS has got a sick knock down game too

Opponents action: Yours

Jump: Sword flip
back dash: (sword flip will miss) gun shot/AR
block: throw
throw: sword spin
Non-special: Sword flip
Reversal: Block punish

In terms of punishment: He's basically got 3 main punishers: a light, a mid and a high starter. I'll be going into the lab to work out some optimised punishers vs different characters.

Deleted member 5032

If you're using AR while your opponent is within jump range, you're doing it wrong. You might get lucky and catch a jump-in on occasion, but the risk just isn't worth the reward, especially when Sword Flip is already an incredible anti-air.

Deleted member 5032

Pistols build plenty of meter. I could be missing something, but the way I see it, pistols completely outclass AR in every respect.


Pistols build plenty of meter. I could be missing something, but the way I see it, pistols completely outclass AR in every respect.
I like AR after a full screen knockdown because it builds good meter and they have to respect it.

Afterwards I switch to my pistol game. air AR is a fucking joke. I think air pistols is risky as well, just punish jumps with flip


AR is best for meter burning. Actually if you're fixing to meter burn from far I don't see why you'd use the handguns.

And the makes it more safe but until NRS fixes the wonky ass frame data IDK for sure.
Pistols do not outclass the AR in every way. The AR does good damage. Ar does much more damage and when ends in a combo you can have your opponent be on the other side of the screen because of how far the AR pushes on hit. Ar is good in its own right and defiantly has its uses but so does the pistol. Neglecting one or the other will leave a gap in your game.


Hypnosis > Dreameater (its a reset)
Hey guys, so i figured id post my thoughts and strategies here in regards to Deathstroke.

so ive been using him almost exclusively in ranked, and its been going alarmingly well. I found his zoning to be top notch, with AR tearing through armors, even supers as well as the decent start up on pistols, with low pistols being an amazing coutner zoning too, and with a meter burn putting you at advantage (im assuming the -11 frame data is wrong, it has that same long low fire ball animation that ex liu kang low fire ball has) allowing you to continue to pepper them. Ar being mid is also great, if im full screen zoning i usually swap between the 2, occasionally meter burning either on block or hit cuz people dont respect the over head, and get antsy after 2 bullets and try to move, with the mb ones following up and then hitting.

mid screen my main combo is b1u2 323 12~guns (compliments to Tony T), tho its timing strict after the 323, for easier confirmed damage 3231~air guns works fantastic (24% sends them full screen)

now the corner is where i have my fun. with people eating the b1 low combo starter alot, or even blocking it when i do get them to the corner most are accustomed by this point to blocking low, which is where the fun starts. once cornered i start with the b2 mix ups. my go to combo in the corner is then b22ex sword spin 12~AR for 31%, and the alternative is the b1u2 32~ex sword spin 12 AR for i think 30%. its one hell of a guessing game, while also throwing them from time to time.

just wanted to share this and hopefully generate some discussion regarding this in an attempt to optimize it in both application as well as damage. that being said DS doesnt really want to be in the corner as zoning is his thing, but if you do get the opportunity this can be very rewarding.

Trini_Bwoi Lt. Box Vagrant karaokelove RYX


Loud and Klear~
DS is a very good zoner and has good some pretty good tools upclose. His damage is also really solid for a guy thats supposed to run away and slowly chip your life out.
I'd like to see framedata thats not faulty to judge how good his strings and specials are upclose coz i dont trust the shit in the game.

Right now he's an omega scrub killer coz the game is new and people dont know how to approach zoners yet. I'm guessing that even when people figure out how to approach him better he'll still be solid as hell coz he has some dope stuff upclose.
reminds me alot of KoFXIII's King which is a good sign coz King is helllla good.
I my self has dubed Deathstroke to be my main. And there are plenty of times when i am completely shutting down people. In the past 50+ matches have improved on when to use my weapons and keeping them pinned down. What combos are efficient *at the moment* And there are plenty of times where other people get fed up and pick Deathstroke as well. I assume to show how easy is to play. And 99% of the time i completely destroy them.

All his tools revolve around keeping your opponent away from you and pinning him down,and or mix ups to such as sword spin * can hit over head or low* along with other moves that can hit low or overhead

But is still essential to improve on your close up game and learn his good pokes. In those times where you need to get close.

Keep improving on both even though you may hardly use the close up game.

"Its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"


Truth and Ugly
This is probably known already but the second hit of sword spin resets to standing, and as far as I can tell is slight advantage (+1 or 2) on hit.

Deleted member 5032

Is anyone else having issues with DS's 323 autocorrecting the wrong way in the corner,not autocorrecting at all, or autocorrecting too slowly? Sometimes I'll jump in and do j3-323, but the j3 will bounce the opponent up and cause DS to go underneath them, but continue his 323 in the wrong direction, getting me blown up. Other times I'll cross them up in the corner in the same manner (j3), which will bounce them up, DS will autocorrect but stillgo under them slicing in the wrong direction. Similar issues seem to happen midscreen a lot as well, with 323 just going off in the wrong direction or whiffing for no good reason and getting me blown up. Not sure if it's just me, so wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this and if anyone had any advice on how to make it more consistent. Thanks.

[edit] The midscreen stuff doesn't seem to happen in practice mode, so it could just be lag related. However, the corner stuff still seems to happen on occasion.


Jump attacks are subjective to the distance and height at which they are performed. The only consistent string I can combo from jump 3 is 231. I have combo'd cross-up jump 3 into b1u2 but this depended on how low I was to the ground before the opponent was floated by the j3. For now, I'd suggest sticking to 23~Choice special after jump 3 rather than performing stand 3 after landing. I've have unwillingly crossed under opponent's using 323 after anti-airing opponents. We just need to get used to the nuances of the juggle engine. I still see MK players timing crossover jump punches too early and having them not autocorrect, or continuing strings in the corner not knowing the later hits will whiff.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Deathstroke's jump-ins suck. They really do.
To go from trying to get in with a JI2 and praying I connect, to my #2 (Raven) whose JI1 and JI2 his 90% of the time I try to get in?
It's unnerving as hell - as good as his zoning is, I hate having to rely on it, especially in MU's where I can easily get outzoned with the wrong timing - Aquaman slays me, Frost rapes me like sunday dinner, even Superman can get a rhythm going with the right combination...

This game is so zoning-friendly, it's absurd. At least until we meet a good Grundy player.

Bane is free.
I myself have no issues with Frost, She is a challenge but shes a character where you need to get in close more often than usual than your keep away, gun tactics. This is time when your 50/50 mixups will help you. And with Aquaman as well. Im not saying these guys are easy now. But these characters you really need to utilize all of your tools.

Helpful tip

With Enhanced Reflxes Deathstroke has one unblockable move guys Human Hunting,*Light, Hard,Medium*
And i believe this can followed up with a jumping attack into another move. Im pretty sure i seen that on a video.


PTH | Korpse
I myself have no issues with Frost, She is a challenge but shes a character where you need to get in close more often than usual than your keep away, gun tactics. This is time when your 50/50 mixups will help you. And with Aquaman as well. Im not saying these guys are easy now. But these characters you really need to utilize all of your tools.

Helpful tip

With Enhanced Reflxes Deathstroke has one unblockable move guys Human Hunting,*Light, Hard,Medium*
And i believe this can followed up with a jumping attack into another move. Im pretty sure i seen that on a video.
It was posted as his BnB in the combo thread by TONY-T


PTH | Korpse
Brady and TonyT said it themselves. I found that it's stance specific even.
just spoke to brady about it and we tested it, says it is 100% stance specific, will work on some characters more than others and is inconsistent more so some characters than others.


The Terminator
Not really finding myself comboing into meter burn sword spin online, I tend to end with meter burn guns and then back up to get some range.
Tonight I played all rushdown Deathstroke without using guns for zoning applications. Still got just as many rage messages about me being a "scrub who spams the same move over and over" even though I was consistently mixing it up with highs, lows, and tick throws rather than just sitting full screen. I'm just convinced that people hate the character.
Also what's the optimal Deathstroke combo? Right now I'm doing (forgive me I'm new to MK notations): 323 (pause) f23 and then meter burn pistols. Getting like 30% from it, getting around 40% if I start off of an overhead- which actually works quite often because i condition people to expect low guns or b1 on their wakeup.


The high guns and especially the MB high guns push Raven the hell back on block for some reason.

Just something match specific to keep in mind.