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How many characters should MK10 have ?

How many characters should MK10 have ?

  • a maximum of 25

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • 30-35

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • 35-40

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • 40+ (entire MK cast)

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters
30-35 is fine. 28 initial characters and then 6 DLC characters would suffice.

Just so long as Havik, Fujin and The Cagemeister are in, I'm happy.
Learning more matchups is not the problem. That is actually what makes separates the good from the best imo, with the matchup knowledge and all.

Only problem with too many characters is there are too many useless characters that nobody will use because they are not good. Nobody is trying to play a game where 10-15 of the characters are Jade tier.
Too many matchups can be a problem imho.

For example if you try to pick up Tekken right now you'll be 5+ years behind in terms of MU knowledge alone. A game like that is a long term commitment and the fact that there are so many things you need to learn just to be competitive can discourage players from other scenes to pick it up as main or secondary game.

Less matchups to learn means more players can get to the same pool of knowledge quicker and easier. There's also less chance to get random'd out in a game like KI due to lack of MU exp.

I'm not saying it's difficult to learn matchups. But that it can be a chore if you have 40-50 characters. And that 25 is just about the right amount. LBSH 40-50 characters is an insane amount lol.


Death is my business
^ I agree w Vulcan.

Any number between 25 and 35 is ok to me but i know a lot of people that like 20-25 characters at max , when there are too many matchups to learn the game takes more to establish a good level of play since it takes more time to flesh out all matchups.

People like huge rosters because their favourite character has more chances to make it in but quality > quantity.
If they take MK9 characters and make them the same (with some minor changes for balancing purposes), then add 10-15 new characters, it will be very possible to have a 45+ characters roster balanced game.

Both Quality and Quantity. I voted 40+.


Just some guy searching for a main
I would prefer it to launch with a 24 man roster. And than add in 4-6 DLC. I think more than 24 characters at launch would water down the styles of characters. Plus I venture a guess it might be easier to keep the roster more balanced if they have fewer characters to focus on while developing the game.


Alone is where to find me.
If they take MK9 characters and make them the same (with some minor changes for balancing purposes), then add 10-15 new characters, it will be very possible to have a 45+ characters roster balanced game.

Both Quality and Quantity. I voted 40+.
Recycling stuff like that doesn't exactly fit my definition of quality. If this was 2 years after MK9 it was acceptable. After 4 years you can't just throw MK9 characters back the way they were.
24 fleshed out, well-balanced characters.

26 at the most

No more than 4 pay-to-win characters (DLC)

So it should top out at no more than 30 by the Ultimate Edition.

Let's not make this into Tekken (ugh)


Cage ban wagon?
Too many matchups can be a problem imho.

For example if you try to pick up Tekken right now you'll be 5+ years behind in terms of MU knowledge alone. A game like that is a long term commitment and the fact that there are so many things you need to learn just to be competitive can discourage players from other scenes to pick it up as main or secondary game.

Less matchups to learn means more players can get to the same pool of knowledge quicker and easier. There's also less chance to get random'd out in a game like KI due to lack of MU exp.

I'm not saying it's difficult to learn matchups. But that it can be a chore if you have 40-50 characters. And that 25 is just about the right amount. LBSH 40-50 characters is an insane amount lol.
I mean it could go either way for new players too. They can pick up a character that nobody uses, become super good and throw people off because he plays at such a high level compared to other players who use that character. Like reptile for example. Chris g was just good fundamentally. Imagine if someone at a high level like REO mained him. You would never have exp vs reptile unless you play him in tournament.

MK only had 31 characters too. If there were more characters then there would be more unlocked potentials like that. In the end everyone will have the knowledge. It doesn't take long to gain that but it's the experience. Because.either way experience is what makes or breaks you in the long run.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
The problem is with worrying about how much is too much is shoehorning NRS into replacing MK1-MKT characters with those who have a very mixed reception, even if they're slight adjustments away from being truly memorable characters like Fujin or BRC.

That said, I don't think anyone would lose sleep over the MK3 characters being cut too much. There weren't any of them in MK4, MKDC, and only one in MKDA (Cyrax)

In the grand scheme of things, leave it up to them.


Care to explain ?
Sure. To name a few: picking characters before anything's been announced, pulling random arbitary numbers out of the air for the roster as if 31 or 32 would make a difference, discussing game balance for a game nobody's seen, suggesting mechanics for a game probably well into development and on feature lock, etc.


Alone is where to find me.
Sure. To name a few: picking characters before anything's been announced, pulling random arbitary numbers out of the air for the roster as if 31 or 32 would make a difference, discussing game balance for a game nobody's seen, suggesting mechanics for a game probably well into development and on feature lock, etc.
Well if such a simple concept such as the trade off between quality and quantity is beyond you, I suppose a thread such as this would annoy you. Fair enough. Thanks for the response.


Well if such a simple concept such as the trade off between quality and quantity is beyond you, I suppose a thread such as this would annoy you. Fair enough. Thanks for the response.
My point is that it's impossible to quantify without context, and that context will only come from having the actual game in our hands to see whether the number of characters included provides a diverse enough roster. You could have 20 completely different characters or 20 that all play roughtly the same. Or 30. Or 40.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Quality over quantity.

People are bringing up TTT2 but that game recycled tons of previously designed characters.

Mk10 really does have to start from scratch even for returning characters because, lets face it, MK9 was pretty flawed (random frame data, random winner of hit trades, unbalanced character design choices).

25 would be more than enough for me. I have ALOT of faith in NRS for this game because of how much they improved from MK9 to Injustice.

I just want them to not rush any characters. Time IS an issue. And DLC later IS always an option.


The Netherrealm beckons
There's no reason to not have every character from MK9 plus some new blood.

I really, really hope Boon doesn't pull some MK3 shit where half of the series favorites are completely absent.


Alone is where to find me.
My point is that it's impossible to quantify without context, and that context will only come from having the actual game in our hands to see whether the number of characters included provides a diverse enough roster. You could have 20 completely different characters or 20 that all play roughtly the same. Or 30. Or 40.
Theoretically anything is possible. Low quality despite low quantity and high quality despite high quantity are both possible. But practically it doesn't work that way. Its just logical to expect that having a smallish cast would leave NRS with more time to develop each character. More development will result in more diversity since a baseline is always used.

There's no point in talking about what's theoretically possible. Theoretically, its still possible that another MK game will never come out. So there's no point pondering over that.


My ideal cast (48 characters):

Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Noob Saibot
Sub Zero
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Shao Khan
Smoke (inc. cyborg)
Quan Chi
Bo' Rai Cho