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how confident are you that this will be a good game?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I'm holding back on calling this a legitimate success (even though I troll it's the fighting game of the ages). I'm hoping, though. The game certainly looks fun.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
100% confident due the facts :

NRS is making this game. :D

1) NRS has a very,very competent development team, they know what they are doing.....Ed Boon is a truly master regarding fighting games concept, he is the brain and a great leader regarding NRS developmentteam. Besides, they know a lot about fighting game mechanic, gameplay, technical terminology and competitive scene, in order to transfer/translate all of this together into a fighting game result.NRS made MK9, what despite its problems as game (ALL fighting games have some level of glitch,programming bug, cheap tricks,dirty tactics, unforeseen stuff etc), I think it is a superior game than SF4 and UMVC3, so they know how to build a fighting game system. They have the previous experience and all knowledge and resources, plus money, to do it. ;)

2) DC theme : I always have been a bigger fan of Marvel than DC, however, this game presents a great opportunity to me, personally,to understand better the DC universe and DC heroes history and drama,so, this alone, it's a very good reason to try this game, no matter what.I'm very respectful regarding and about DC Comics and like it, despite coming from a Marvel background better knowledge, so I'm a minor DC fan wanting to be a better fan of DC, and this game will provide reason to go deep into this, an opportuniny regarding trying to know DC universe better and learning better about them :cool:

3) Everything that was showed so far about this game : simple amazing and even being a hardcore MK9 fan, I think IGAU, in theory,looks way better and a much better and superior game, nuffsaid. IGAU seems to have some different aproach, focusing in some different gameplay mechanic and others cool and experimental components, that make the game more fast paced, more combo oriented, and overall, more interesting as competitive stuff than MK9 :)

4) A new blood and fresh fg franchise, that seems to come in the right way, trying to bring new elements to FG competitive scene; time will tell if gonna work or not, but, at least, they , NRS are trying .... and the engine mechanic used, as a superior verison of Unreal engine used in MK9, I believe, it's something good to be considered, so ..... let's see !! :rolleyes:

5) you cannot go wrong, when you have people who made MK9 !! C'mon, the reason all of you are right know discussing IGAU in TYM forum, is because MK9 bring all of us here, so, IGAU is just the "little brother" of MK9, that we are all urging to play !! So , that's it !! :p


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Actually, this is not the first DC Comics fighting game.
yeah, but this abomination called Justice League Task Force was so crap dumb stupid horrible, that brings nothing but shame for DC Comics .... what waste of time building a shithole like this !! :eek:

Just like this hilarious review here, lol !



Living in poverty cave
there's never really been a scene for any fighting game in my area and unless gamestop hosts a release day tournament i won't know how many people here actually give a crap about this game...
There is a fighting game scene in tx unless you live like 30 mins-1 hour away


i thought it was amazing after playing the gamescom demo. but i still expected it to be broken in the end . that has gotten a bit better since i know of all the testers. but still, i dont trust the game and think there will be something really bad in it.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Not only did many high level players test this game, as Spooky said, the right high level players tested this game. NRS is doing things right, and we all are aware that they're doing things right. The game itself will be fine, more than fine, it will be amazing. It's not baseless hype when there's evidence to back up the hype. This game, quality speaking, will live up to expectations, guaranteed.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I am certain it will live up to my hype. I can only hope it live it's up the critical and commercial success I am hoping for it.


Im sure the gaming is going to great and all, my only fear is that I won´t like that fightning game aspect of it because I´m so bad at fighting games.


Neutral Skipper
I'm going to need to borrow Captain Atoms containment suit to deal with this information.

Here is an image of me being one sexy mofo at a cemetery as a token of my gratitude for bringing this to light.

Ahem, now that everyone is all flustered I'll bring this back around.

How could you not be confident this game is going to be amazing when we have someone like Hector Strange on deck?


The ONE thing that's worrying me is the back to block. MK9 was the first fighting game I put a lot of time in and got ok at. Never played SF or KoF. I imagine trying to rush down a player will be a lot more risky but I dunno, I guess it's something I gotta get used if I want to get good at it.


too smart to play MKX
If some of you are that concerned about losing a block button, get KoF XIII.

It's pretty cheap, 2 punch attacks, 2 kick attacks, back to block. Just to give you a feel of what to expect.
No. BlazBlue. It has the exact same control scheme (weak, medium, heavy, gimmick), and the same anti-pressure tool. I forget what they call it here but BlazBlue calls it counter assault. My FG buddies and I have been using a lot of BlazBlue terminology for this game, for familiarity and accuracy. Though I don't personally endorse playing BlazBlue as a "fun" activity. A lot about what I've seen from this game just screams BlazBlue to me. Just with what I assume is probably a more accessible combo system--with the string system and all--rather than a three foot strand of command normals interspersed with specials.

BlazBlue probably just plays a lot faster.
Reactions: RYX


How could you not be confident this game is going to be amazing when we have someone like Hector Strange on deck?
i remember something before the release of mkdc or mk9 i think.

midway boards user in a question for mk podcast: "the testing and balancing in mk (x) was subpar. what are you gonna do about it?"

hector in following podcast: "that question hurt me a bit because it was ME responsible for that".

Or hec before mk 9 after all the complaints about online play in MK vs DC: "we have the best netcode for MK 9."


fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
either way im gettin injustice , at worst its gonna be fun to play . with new combos, deep storyline , challenge tower, legit practice mode .. we have tym and its posters for our information and help and shit ... maaan im gonna find it hard to leave practice mode !!

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I am very confident in this game. NRS has handled things so well in interacting with top players, and the community in general, surely all that extra effort will pay off.


It's funny you say this considering how relatively weak zoning in MK was/is.
Zoning in MK is NOT weak though. This whole thing about zoning being weak is a joke, like NW was top tier at the start. Kabal, Kenshi, Freddy and Cyrax are top tier....why? Because they possess SUPERIOR zoning that simply shuts down 90% of the casts options.

This thing about zoning being weak when it's clearly super strong in this game.


yeah, but this abomination called Justice League Task Force was so crap dumb stupid horrible, that brings nothing but shame for DC Comics .... what waste of time building a shithole like this !! :eek:

Just like this hilarious review here, lol !

that looks fucking garbage
yeah, but this abomination called Justice League Task Force was so crap dumb stupid horrible, that brings nothing but shame for DC Comics .... what waste of time building a shithole like this !! :eek:

Just like this hilarious review here, lol !

LOL I actually had fun with Task Force back in the day.