This is in no way directed at you, personally, but I wanted to take the time after reading this to point out that I really find this perspective (which is quite popular) a bit offensive. The online player base of this game is not full of second-class citizens and does not deserve to be treated as such. In fact, the online base is likely quite a bit larger than the offline player base, which means if something is causing problems for people online, it's actually hurting more people than if it were only an offline problem.
There are plenty of players out there, both those who are casual by choice and those who would like to be more serious but are forced to be casual by circumstance (location, age, employment, etc.), and they all deserve an equally good playing experience. I'll probably catch flak for this, but in my personal opinion, nobody--not anyone in this forum, not any casual or more serious player, not even Perfect Legend or Justin Wong or Chris G or Tom Brady himself--has the right to tell another player that his or her gaming experience isn't as important simply because he or she doesn't play the game every day or can't make it to a tournament scene or whatever. We all paid (roughly) the same price for the game, so why should one person get to say, "I have no problem with [whatever], so the thousands of online players who find it frustrating every day should just shut their mouths"?
I'm an old-school player who grew up in the arcades all through the 90's. I remember when we got the first X-Men: Children of the Atom cabinet back in... '94? And I even recall being confused about why the boss characters were suddenly playable one day on our SF2 cabinet. So in that context, I understand the importance of offline play. But things change and evolve. Online IS an important contingent of any game, and dismissing it is just showing that you're not progressing with the times. It's like older people who complain that everyone wants to send them things through email when we have a perfectly good postal system.
A little tip for people out there who think this way: if you ever find yourself thinking, "geez, I could swear everybody's crazy but me," that should be a warning to check your perception of things.
Sorry, Snips, totally not singling you out, you just reminded me of something I'd been wanting to say for a while. Cheers.