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Hello! New to the site and looking for friends!


No Reason To Live, But I Like It That Way.
Well, to gloss... A long time community member was brought under scrutiny and asked to prove herself the person she claimed to be.

Because the story goes that they were deliberately cultivating personal relationships with other members of the community for their own amusement.

Just set your own boundaries, don't be afraid to stand by them and make them clear with the people who become your friends and competitors and teachers. One nasty incident shouldn't haunt the forum.
Oh is that what the birdsong means?
I would never do anything like that. I am not here to mess with anyone. I just want to make some friends because I do not have that many irl and I am really passionate about MK and Injustice. I am sorry if anyone feels like I am doing this. If you would like I can delete my post. I really do not want to cause any trouble. :(


No Reason To Live, But I Like It That Way.
Cat's one of the people that hate me, lol. Neither of us is really a troll, he's just an insecure child in denial (you know the type, where if you tell them they're wrong then suddenly they go mean girls on you, *shrug*) and i call him out for it. anyone in the community who has met me will tell you that everything cat says about me is wrong. i'd tag them all, but that's somewhat of a nuisance, so i'll say just figure it out yourself if you want, maybe we'll meet at a tournament, maybe we wont, maybe it doesnt matter. either way welcome still.

Side note: I love your kenshi and kitana art. The white streaks in kitana's hair are tight and give her a good "sindel's daughter" feel (and i love that her hair is sorta messy... maybe messy's not the right word...). Kenshi just made me laugh for whatever reason. it's like that oh my god, it's so true, laughter, lol.
I see. May I ask that you please do not start anything on here. I am simply looking for friends and I do not want to upset anyone. Please can you guys no longer go back and forth? Thank you both. :)

Oh and thank you! I am glad that you like my art. I really need to do some more MK artwork. It's been too long!


No Reason To Live, But I Like It That Way.
You main...Jade..... :confused:

lol welcome to the site.
lol! Well I'm not really that good at the game. I really can only play with two characters-Jade and Noob. I can play Jade easily because she is a very light character and easy to handle. I wish I could use others!
btw do you play on the GGA streams? I swear I have heard your name before! :eek:


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Welcome! Tons of good info here and lots of generally good people. trolls exist everywhere but you know that.

If you ever want to main Skarlet there's tons of info in those forums and you can always PM me with questions.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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Wow that's a lot of personal info about yourself! I can respect opening up like that.

Welcome to the site. I haven't been on long myself but if your looking to waste some time and talk some shit, this place is as good as any other.