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Hello Jade Players, I'm Kenshi and I own you.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Kenshi dictates the matchup entirely. His wall of zoning and anti-zoning keep her out and stop her from throwing any ninja stars at him. Even her Ex. Glow doesn't help much since any hit on her during it does gargantuan damage. It's 7-3 at best and my best recommendation is not to play this matchup.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Things that might be of use (probably not):

On read, you can staff slam kenshi's shoulder.
Standing 4 makes shoulder whiff.

Seriously, though, this matchup is unwinnable and anyone who says otherwise wants to see you lose just so that they can see Jade on stream or for their own self-serving purposes. Jade just called me and told me that it's ok for you to counterpick against Kenshi. She suggested that her good friend Kung Lao might be of help to you.
The matchup is winnable, but, is it worth trying? If anything you stress yourself out trying to win and with the ability to choose a much more playable match I can't see a reason to try playing it.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Sigh... I can fight off Kenshi but it's just a tough match. As much as I can keep composure, it's just tough when you get pushed away. The fight to get close becomes hard after that. Sometimes I get through and succeed but clearly, I just want to be better against this matchup. Anybody got any hints. What to avoid, what I can punish with, whatever else I need to know? I would look in the punishment thread but I personally think, this deserves it's own thread.

Help a Jade brotha out.

The way I beat a few Kenshi's was constantly rushing him down and using as many frame traps as possible. I'm pretty sure this won't work on every kenshi, but, here is what I learned.

Normal Kombat

She gets killed from full screen and he has complete control. I sometimes throw upward boomerangs to trick him into reflecting then punish with shadow kicks. I can't do double shadow kicks of any kind because that just knocks him away where it starts all over again. If I have to use Ex. Kicks I only do one because it does decent damage and keeps Jade on top of him. When I do get in I pressure the hell out of him. (Ex. Glow, 1 2 pressure, 2 3 f2 into ex. up boomerang pressure, f2 1 2 pressure) anything to build meter and stop him from escaping. It also helps that her combos toss him into the corner.

- After a throw you can land a pole slam from near perfect safety.
- After double shadow kicks do Ex. Shadow Kick instead of boomerang. It keeps you in and may even trick him into reflecting if you train them to expect it.
- d3 or d1 into b3 2 into ex. boomerang

Ex. Glow

All of his special attacks do tremendous damage while she glows, but, I think it may be her best option against him. Even better than Ex. Shadow Kicks.

Shoulder - 14%
Ex. Shoulder - 20%
Karma - 8%
Ex. Karma - 14%
Slash - 15%
Ex. Slash - 22%
Tele-Flurry - 5%
Ex. Tele-Flurry - 11%

Blade stab - 17%
Low Starter - 5%

When I fight him I try my best to get in with Ex. Glow and then I abuse his giant hitbox and stay close as much as possible. When he gets away she doesn't have a prayer.

Here you go man I hope this helps. =0


Its frustrating because Jades tools are all designed to keep a player from mid to Long Range. But you have to keep him upclose.
Oh but guess what.. He has armor and her rushdown isn't even that good to lock any character down, So he gets away for free.. Jade really doesn't have any type of control in this MU at all. You pretty much have to make up strategies on the spot and roll with the punches depending on what situation you are in. By the time you are done with the match you will be mentally exhausted lol.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Its frustrating because Jades tools are all designed to keep a player from mid to Long Range. But you have to keep him upclose.
Oh but guess what.. He has armor and her rushdown isn't even that good to lock any character down, So he gets away for free.. Jade really doesn't have any type of control in this MU at all. You pretty much have to make up strategies on the spot and roll with the punches depending on what situation you are in. By the time you are done with the match you will be mentally exhausted lol.
Totally man, almost every matchup for her is difficult. We just gotta accept that she got shafted in this game. They could have done so much better but chose not to. But, its fine hopefully in MK10 she'll be better.


Positive Poster!
If I had money on the line for this game I'd just put in the hours to learn Kabal.
Unfortunately I do not have an offline scene and online just doesn't cut it anymore.
I agree with HonkyKong here though. As hard as it is for me to accept defeat, Jade is simply poorly developed in this game.
And it's not just Jade either. My heart breaks when I see Sub-Zero players, Stryker players, Shang players etc. struggle uphill against Cyrax or get blown up by Kenshi.
It pisses me off to no end when defeatist cunts keep going on about how it's fine that over two thirds of the cast are poorly outfitted with tools.
It is not. Make a game with six characters if there is no better way to make every character balanced.
There is no point having characters on the roster that are utter shit.
A 6-4 matchup is fine. 7-3 is not. 8-2 and we're talking poor design choice. 9-1 is I don't know what.
SMH @ NRS ... 20 years of developing, I'd have expected better.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
If I had money on the line for this game I'd just put in the hours to learn Kabal.
Unfortunately I do not have an offline scene and online just doesn't cut it anymore.
I agree with HonkyKong here though. As hard as it is for me to accept defeat, Jade is simply poorly developed in this game.
And it's not just Jade either. My heart breaks when I see Sub-Zero players, Stryker players, Shang players etc. struggle uphill against Cyrax or get blown up by Kenshi.
It pisses me off to no end when defeatist cunts keep going on about how it's fine that over two thirds of the cast are poorly outfitted with tools.
It is not. Make a game with six characters if there is no better way to make every character balanced.
There is no point having characters on the roster that are utter shit.
A 6-4 matchup is fine. 7-3 is not. 8-2 and we're talking poor design choice. 9-1 is I don't know what.
SMH @ NRS ... 20 years of developing, I'd have expected better.
Its not ur fault bro we just do the best we can with what we have.


Does every thread have to turn into a pity party? My goodness. The strangest part about this is that the people who travel offline with Jade are the least emo about her. I have never once regretted taking Jade or Stryker to a tournament, I always come back leveled up and with fresh ideas/optimism.

Could NRS have made a more balanced game? Absolutely, there are serious areas to work on for future titles, but the insistence on dwelling on these issues is counterproductive and doesn't serve any realistically beneficial purpose to the Jade community leveling up at all and has been the same song and dance since before I got here.

I don't usually post tech or many ideas anymore because it's usually met with people complaining about stuff that isn't going to change and asking for the same buffs for the 12th time.

Most of Jade's match ups aren't difficult, but she does struggle against the top tier like Kenshi for example. She's an okay character, an honest character and that's why I enjoy using her even more because she has no bull, she's all footsies and I like characters like that.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Does every thread have to turn into a pity party? My goodness. The strangest part about this is that the people who travel offline with Jade are the least emo about her. I have never once regretted taking Jade or Stryker to a tournament, I always come back leveled up and with fresh ideas/optimism.

Could NRS have made a more balanced game? Absolutely, there are serious areas to work on for future titles, but the insistence on dwelling on these issues is counterproductive and doesn't serve any realistically beneficial purpose to the Jade community leveling up at all and has been the same song and dance since before I got here.

I don't usually post tech or many ideas anymore because it's usually met with people complaining about stuff that isn't going to change.

Most of Jade's match ups aren't difficult, but she does struggle against the top tier like Kenshi for example. She's an okay character, an honest character and that's why I enjoy using her even more because she has no bull, she's all footsies and I like characters like that.
I don't pity her I love how diverse she is. And her wide variety of tools and their uses keep me constantly intrigued, always looking for new ways to use them. I somewhat enjoy that she is outmatched by a bunch of characters. When you win with her it shows everyone your incredible skill and dedication to her. Hopefully we can help inspire some optimism in her play style.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
I personally believe Jade can seem really broken in some matchups. When I fight characters I have to stay away from I play her like Kenshi, constantly knocking them fullscreen and then throwing a boomerang to keep them there. When I fight characters who have bad armor I turn purple and just pressure them to death. Especially Ermac, I love fighting Ermac.

Does anyone know if her pole slam is unbreakable or not?


I personally believe Jade can seem really broken in some matchups. When I fight characters I have to stay away from I play her like Kenshi, constantly knocking them fullscreen and then throwing a boomerang to keep them there. When I fight characters who have bad armor I turn purple and just pressure them to death. Especially Ermac, I love fighting Ermac.

Does anyone know if her pole slam is unbreakable or not?
Yeah, you can break all of her staff specials.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Yeah, you can break all of her staff specials.
Hey Espio if u don't mind me asking. Any advice on how to join the competitive MK community? Should I just go to any tournament around me and carry on from there?


Hey Espio if u don't mind me asking. Any advice on how to join the competitive MK community? Should I just go to any tournament around me and carry on from there?

Check out here and find your area for the possibility of an offline scene: http://www.testyourmight.com/forums/regional-matchmaking.228/

Check out the tournament forum for upcoming events in your area.

My suggestion is just to go out and get acquainted with people in your area who play if there are any and of course whenever you get comfortable/ready you can travel to tournies.

Not much going on in my area, but I usually go to tournies in Ohio and Illinois.


Keyword being offline play. It still won't make you win the Kenshi match-up once out of ten.
I've done it before, by winning more than 1 game in a ten game series, but that's neither here nor there (online mind you).

It's also not relevant to the points I made. I have not argued the game was balanced well and that there are not ridiculous match ups.

I just don't have the energy or desire to be mad about things I cannot change.

My offline tournament traveling is most likely over and honestly, I'd just rather play the game.

I'm over it and on the few times a week I play MK if that anymore, I spend my time trying to have fun with my good friends and not dwelling on what could have been.


Princess of the Sisterhood
Everyone should have a pocket Lao. Just sayin'
Pocket Laos DO NOT beat Kenshi players. They beat pocket Kenshis. If you want a pocket character go use against a true Kenshi player then I suggest Smoke, Noob, or Scorpion.


Positive Poster!
I spend my time trying to have fun
Me too.
The word "forum" comes from the ancient times and it means a place where you are allowed to speak your mind.
While you criticising my critique of the game is also a matter of freedom of speech, I'll still say it without any hostility (you know I heart you)
Sticking our heads in the sand will only achieve sand in the face.


Positive Poster!
Pocket Laos DO NOT beat Kenshi players. They beat pocket Kenshis. If you want a pocket character go use against a true Kenshi player then I suggest Smoke, Noob, or Scorpion.
What are your thoughts on the Rayden matchup? I believe he does start with a fair chance against Kenshi. That teleport should be great to punish Kenshi ... on paper at least?


TYM White Knight
Just chiming in here because I am hella interested in what Russel is going to unveil.

Also, up close Jade has no frame traps. That's why she gets raped by Kenshi hard. Everything she has on block is 0 or -. She has to rely on her d3 and d4 to get advantage. B3 and 3 on hit grant + frames respectively, not so on block.

As someone pointed out above, that is precisely where she struggled against kenshi. At some point, she is going to get pushed full screen again. The only way she can reliably build meter in the match is by getting her face bashed in. I love Jade, and I think she is hella fun to play as, but this is just one of her many struggling (her worst) matchups.


What's up with Killer Instinct?
Me too.
The word "forum" comes from the ancient times and it means a place where you are allowed to speak your mind.
While you criticising my critique of the game is also a matter of freedom of speech, I'll still say it without any hostility (you know I heart you)
Sticking our heads in the sand will only achieve sand in the face.


Ok, this isn't going to happen. There is a nasty cycle on the Jade forum,

Someone posts something about Jade. Insert chorus of Jade sucks. Insert posters defending Jade. Insert Jade still sucks. Repeat until personal insults are thrown around and shots get taken and things get locked.

So stop now before I start deleting stuff. I'm not going to have posters scared away from the character or the sub forum with pessimism and hostility. I want to see my character grow and that isn't going to happen if we keep at this "jade sucks!" "No you suck!!" tripe.

We should welcome all constructive questions and contributions from all posters. The key word is constructive. If it doesn't add anything of value it doesn't belong here.