Yes. To the point I am deciding to learn everyone instead of just one. I am best with scorpion Cassie sonya and frost though. Will probably main spawn if I end up liking his play style!In MK9 my issue was there were so many characters I liked I couldn't settle on one. MKX I pretty quickly found my two primaries and dabbled in two others on the side. In this game I feel like there's just not many that jump out to me (or rather, there are a handful I like the look of but when I get to playing them they aren't scratching that particular itch) but can't put my finger on why.
Not a knock on the game at all, just a preference thing -- has anyone else had this experience or no?
CETRIWIN*I'm struggling to find a main in this game.
Cetrion is the only character who has been interesting to me since they axed Reptile and Triborg. And Kitana just feels too dumbed down for my taste.
...And if customisation restrictions were loosened up for kasual / local.This issue doesn´t exist if kustom variations are allowed for tournament mode