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his projectiles work well enough in my opinion, and "at the cost of oki" only works until you get corner. Then it's 7f, fair damage, and opponent gets fucked.
his projectiles are pretty abysmal. I don't even bother using them in Dragon Fangs, and I only use them in Kuatan to check people trying to jump a Quake.

Tigrar's alright I guess, EX fireballs should hit mid though.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
his EX fireball in non-tigrar is actually legit because it hits mid. the hitbox on it is fairly decent too and so's the damage. I can understand not using them in DF because if you're not in that ass for that variant you're not doing it right.

but like cookie monster said, fireballs are a sometimes food.


Long live b13 minigun
So, I'm usually all for letting things flesh out and not calling things too early but I'm 100% certain that Tanya is a bad match up and is only going to get worse. Anyone not believe this?

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
So, I'm usually all for letting things flesh out and not calling things too early but I'm 100% certain that Tanya is a bad match up and is only going to get worse. Anyone not believe this?
No it sounds downplayish so I'll just accept it as true
Reactions: RYX


You will BOW to me!
Solid AA option for happy jumpers.

Slightly better walk speed.

And boom, Goro will be super duper solid.
Reactions: RYX


For anti-airs I actually have quite a bit of success with early uppercut? I often at least score a trade if I do it early enough.

There are times when I can't do an uppercut, or go air-to-air, etc, but then I have EX moves. I know I won't always have meter, but I would dare say that Goro may actually be advantaged in this area compared to a lot of characters? Having EX versions of punchwalk, telestomp, and shokan grab feels like I can have an answer for anything. For example, if I can see them try to bait one EX move I can hit with them with the other.

As for his walk, yes it's complete ass, but maybe we can get around this by (as silly as this sounds) not walking? His initial forward/back step, before he goes into his slow walk, actually strikes me as amazing compared to other characters. By practicing not-walking - purposefully putting the stick in crouch/neutral or lightly tapping block to reset the initial step animation - I know that I definitely feel a lot more mobile! I'm finding the back step in particular really fun to play with because it's so huge.

Which brings me back to anti-airs. Quickly back stepping to avoid the air attack and then doing a tripguard anti-air (or combo!) is probably my favorite thing to do right now. Especially when people get jumpy because of the ground pounds.

Overall I know that Goro doesn't have easy answers in every situation like some other characters, but I don't think it's nearly as dire as some make it out to be. I actually think Goro is fairly decent, and while I may be wrong on this assessment (I will freely admit that I am an MK noob), I'd rather talk about exploring how to use the tools he already has instead of lamenting on how he should have better ones. :)
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Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Overall I know that Goro doesn't have easy answers in every situation like some other characters, but I don't think it's nearly as dire as some make it out to be. I actually think Goro is fairly decent, and while I may be wrong on this assessment (I will freely admit that I am an MK noob), I'd rather talk about exploring how to use the tools he already had instead of lamenting on how he should have better ones. :)
fuck outta here with this reasonable assessment of the character and trying to find solutions to legitimate struggles!




Vertebral Subluxationist
So, I'm usually all for letting things flesh out and not calling things too early but I'm 100% certain that Tanya is a bad match up and is only going to get worse. Anyone not believe this?
I fought a few online and it seems really hard. I won't call it until I play someone competent offline though. We have a couple of very good players in my scene that have been putting work in with Tanya, so I should have some info from meaningful sets sometime this week. Will report back once I feel I have a good assessment of the matchup.


Long live b13 minigun
I fought a few online and it seems really hard. I won't call it until I play someone competent offline though. We have a couple of very good players in my scene that have been putting work in with Tanya, so I should have some info from meaningful sets sometime this week. Will report back once I feel I have a good assessment of the matchup.
Good to hear, if you happen to find out a way to deal with her constant movement and pyromancer zoning let us know! She just seems to have the advantage everywhere on the screen.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I fought a few online and it seems really hard. I won't call it until I play someone competent offline though. We have a couple of very good players in my scene that have been putting work in with Tanya, so I should have some info from meaningful sets sometime this week. Will report back once I feel I have a good assessment of the matchup.
I'll save you the time... the match-up sucks :p. Granted, if they play dumb and run towards Goro, then you might have a shot.


Plus on block.
For anti-airs I actually have quite a bit of success with early uppercut? I often at least score a trade if I do it early enough.

There are times when I can't do an uppercut, or go air-to-air, etc, but then I have EX moves. I know I won't always have meter, but I would dare say that Goro may actually be advantaged in this area compared to a lot of characters? Having EX versions of punchwalk, telestomp, and shokan grab feels like I can have an answer for anything. For example, if I can see them try to bait one EX move I can hit with them with the other.

As for his walk, yes it's complete ass, but maybe we can get around this by (as silly as this sounds) not walking? His initial forward/back step, before he goes into his slow walk, actually strikes me as amazing compared to other characters. By practicing not-walking - purposefully putting the stick in crouch/neutral or lightly tapping block to reset the initial step animation - I know that I definitely feel a lot more mobile! I'm finding the back step in particular really fun to play with because it's so huge.

Which brings me back to anti-airs. Quickly back stepping to avoid the air attack and then doing a tripguard anti-air (or combo!) is probably my favorite thing to do right now. Especially when people get jumpy because of the ground pounds.

Overall I know that Goro doesn't have easy answers in every situation like some other characters, but I don't think it's nearly as dire as some make it out to be. I actually think Goro is fairly decent, and while I may be wrong on this assessment (I will freely admit that I am an MK noob), I'd rather talk about exploring how to use the tools he already has instead of lamenting on how he should have better ones. :)


fuck scorpion

even vs bad players it's a massive hassle trying to fucking hit him, and i got one-and-done'd and i'm salty about it

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Thing with Scorps is that he has the only wakeup in the game that can fuck up EX Punchwalk. You CAN blow it up (EX Tele-Stomp) but it's definitely on a read. Plus all of his other bullshit and you get a tough fight ahead of you.

That being said, we should probably dedicate some time to that fight. Just saying "we have it hard" and not trying anything doesn't sit well with me.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Don't believe so, but the range on that is deceptive - it extends a bit further out than where Goro tosses out his arms.
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