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General/Other - Goro Goro Buff/Nerf Thread


Vertebral Subluxationist
This thread is for discussing the buffs and (ha...) nerfs we'd like to see for Goro in the future. Everything listed in the OP will only be things that the forums, as a whole, have come to a consensus on. If NRS sees this, we want it to be a list of things that can be taken seriously and maybe implemented.

So far, we have:

Make 2 a mid
Remove the gap OR add more hit consistency to b.12u.2
Faster run/walk speed
Better anti-air (AA grab or improvements to the speed and hitbox of d.2)

Let's get the discussion started.


not another thread ;_;

i mean i agree with these changes he kinda needs them but it's making me sad


Plus on block.
Shokan grab does 19% non ex, ex does 24.
First of all, Shokan grab does 14% non ex(just 2% more than a normal throw) and 16% in DF, bumped up to 19 and 20 respectively.

Second of all, these changes are really basic, we aren't asking for anything stupid like 0 frame pokes or +5 f3.

A reliable anti-air isn't a huge or greedy request.
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Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
First of all, Shokan grab does 14% non ex(just 2% more than a normal throw) and 16% in DF, bumped up to 19 and 20 respectively.

Second of all, these changes are really basic, we aren't asking for anything stupid like 8 frame pokes or +5 f3.

A reliable anti-air isn't a huge or greedy request.
That was my buff suggestion, I know it does 14%.

And I agree with goro getting AA, I think I said i did in the goro GD. But I'll say it now for the record yes he does.


First of all, Shokan grab does 14% non ex(just 2% more than a normal throw) and 16% in DF, bumped up to 19 and 20 respectively.

Second of all, these changes are really basic, we aren't asking for anything stupid like 8 frame pokes or +5 f3.

A reliable anti-air isn't a huge or greedy request.
even though we already have two six frame pokes, asking for them to be slower would be stupid i guess


Plus on block.
even though we already have two six frame pokes, asking for them to be slower would be stupid i guess
Fuck I thought I pressed 0.

RYX why you always gotta point out my failings?

Anyway, the point was he doesn't need anything crazy.


Falls down too much
What happened to letting this game breath? And really? Change the input so it's easier for you? I have no more words!


what do you guys think of making it so that canceling into lowfireball in TF wouldn't have a gap?


TBH I completely forgot that he has a low fireball. I don't use it that often but that would be a welcoming buff, although it's not on the top of my buff list. Maybe make the EX low fireball catch jumping opponents? Ridiculous I know but just a suggestion.


Goro Lives 
Kuatan Warrior: make EX Lunge have the same recovery as regular Lunge or faster recovery at least. Right now EX Lunge has a lot of recovery and can't oki, which is a waste of meter.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
buff the players

nerf the whining

that being said i'd want more meter gain on everything and if not, at least PW but i can see why that'll never happen. we give out so much meter for it that I kinda feel we could stand to get some.


buff the players

nerf the whining

that being said i'd want more meter gain on everything and if not, at least PW but i can see why that'll never happen. we give out so much meter for it that I kinda feel we could stand to get some.
bad meterbuild is a problem most characters without a lot of neutral/plus options or run cancels have

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
bad meterbuild is a problem most characters without a lot of neutral/plus options or run cancels have
Sounds more like a system wide change to me but still, I'm kinda happy where he is in the grand scheme of things.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Goro needs to not get jumped on so easily. That's the one change he desperately needs. Speed up his d2 or speed up and improve the priority/hitbox on u1/u2. Bigass grapplers shouldn't be free to jumps.

I also want spin to pop up without meter because as it stands right now, it's redundant when he already has Punchwalk and renders Dragon Fangs pretty useless.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Asking for corrections is one thing, asking for buffs to this character when forever king is the only one so far to show him on stream is ridiculous. We've had what? Two majors? The character may not be the best of the best, but that doesn't necessarily warrant buffs. Did we not learn anything from injustice? Let this character grow first


Asking for corrections is one thing, asking for buffs to this character when forever king is the only one so far to show him on stream is ridiculous. We've had what? Two majors? The character may not be the best of the best, but that doesn't necessarily warrant buffs. Did we not learn anything from injustice? Let this character grow first
idk what was i supposed to learn from injustice

50/50s are the newest trend in NRS design?