Death is my business
Truth has 3 rockets , check it out yourself , they just didn't update the # in the descriptionTruth still has 2 rockets, not sure how Bungie bungled that one
Suros is top, let's be real
Mythoclast got nerfed in PVP so not sure what you are talking about
Hawkmoon didn't really get better, it retained the lesser of 2 range buffs and added a speed reload buff which would force you to sacrifice its range... which is the one awesome thing about the gun
Super Good Advice to everyone would still be to use your exotic slot on another gun
Thorn should be fun to use now, but still sucks compared to Hawkmoon and Last Word
No talk of Bad JuJu? Potentially the best pulse rifle in the game now in many situations. Probably the most buffed weapon in the game so far. This gun is SO fun to use now! String of curses is a great perk.
Range on hawkmoon isn't a problem at all unless you want to snipe fools in First Light , faster reload = more damage output
SGA is still an average PVP machinegun but it's fun to use at least
Thorn is great now lol , it still 2 hit kills in PVP and in PVE the DoT went from 22 to 86.
Bad Juju is now good for PVE no doubts , still have to try it in crucible , but i still don't like the low dmg output

Also Pocket Infinity is now broke -at least in PVE- ( didn't try out in PVP ) basically after you fire the first mag all the next ones will have NO CHARGE TIME, ITS BROKE MAN
And yes i think Suros Base damage should be 27/35 , right now it's kinda dumb