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General Zod Official confirmation from Conan "leaked" (video from Tonight's show)

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I hear all these arguments about how they are giving the more popular characters skins because that is what will make the most money. Does NRS HONESTLY think a DLC skin pack with say.....a Sinestro, Ares, Raven and Killer Frost ALT skins WOULDN'T make them money? It doesn't make any sense to me. Why even put them in the game if you're not going to support them as characters like the rest of the cast?


Looks like a char they have slapped together at the last second, That Superman costume is embarrassing I wont be using that cross dressing outfit.

Would have been nice to see a Man Of Steel costume but noooooooooooooo.


Bunch of whiney fucking crybabies in here. That costume is hilarious and obviously a joke, the fact that they did this or Conan is pretty cool

Black Hand

The blackest night falls from the skies
Oh yeah gonna be dominating as Zod,but I hope season pass 2 comes out soon.

We better not get that flaming c as a compatability costume...that is the only thing thats annoying.


Don't like Zod's character design a bit too mad scientist and not quite enough general but his move set looks pretty and I have a lot of respect for the character so I might've found my alt. but if flaming c's a real skin I'm gonna rage quit every time some one picks him...... Sorry Conan you're funny as hell but this shit too real for dem joke skins.


Plus on block.

Costume-wise I mean, everything else about him is amazing, cant wait to try him out.

He looks so damn scrawny and un-indimidating, and not in a cool way like Dan Hibiki either.

Up until now Zod has been given a sleek Kryptonian military look, now he just has a bunch of shitty looking armor pieces that don't match thrown onto a frail little body with a bald head and useless goggles. The beard is kinda cool but I cant believe they picked that over the incredibly badass and evil looking widows peak and goatee combo.

Hell i'd have taken his new look over this shit.

They were given so much to work with, to draw inspiration from:

I really wish DLC characters got alts.