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Game Freezing Issues on XBL


This happened to a friend of mine on Xbox Live. He got it fixed by deleting the game install from his hard drive... I'm sure you can reinstall after that, but that seemed to do the trick for him.

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Get over here!
This happened to a friend of mine on Xbox Live. He got it fixed by deleting the game install from his hard drive... I'm sure you can reinstall after that, but that seemed to do the trick for him.

Sent from my SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 using Tapatalk
I think that is pretty much the best way to fix it. :cool:
Reactions: RYX
sounds like sectors of your xbox harddrive are going bad. Im not sure if there are harddrive testing utils in the system menu of retail units? Another option you atleast have now is sticking a pretty big usb stick in the back of your xbox and using that to save data.
Just spotted your reply, thanks.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't know where to begin with that, but the machine is only six months old and this is the only game that plays up like this.

I've tried deleting everything again, and it's no different. As said previously, I can iron things out at the beginning of every session so that the game is playable, but problems of one sort or another repeat every single time I load the game afresh.

Does anyone from NRS/WB represent on here? There's surely a problem with the software/netcode/whatever if all of these people are suffering? Has anyone raised it with them?


Had this problem for a few days - game crashed within 2 minutes of loading, regardless of what I was doing (idling in a menu, character select screen, online, whatever). Clearing cache fixed it, thanks for the suggestion.


Mayor of Quahog
OK on top of the ocassional freezing , this game has a real problem sensing/detecting it's own DLC and compatibility packs.
Half the time I boot up this game, I notice the character select screen would be incomplete ( Either the space for Lobo, Batgirl or Scorpion won't be there ) or my costume DLC does not appear.

If this happens I will be prompted to redownload one of the compatibility packs if I try to go into online multiplayer ( depending on which character is missing on the screen )

Usually if the game cannot detect one of these things , a freeze up will most likely occur at some point.

The funny thing is that I have redownloaded all 3 of these compatibility packs multiple times before within the last month.But the problem keeps on appearing.
I'm pretty always asked to redownload something whenever I boot up this game, despite all 3 compatiblity packs always existing on my hardrive before I even boot up the game in the first place.

Even clearing the cache or deleting and then redownloading the title update again, doesn't seem to produce a long term fix. This problem always comes back. ( and it started when Late April/Early May when the update/patch to prepare for first of DLC characters was to be released soon )

And I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my console ... this is the only game that seems dumb enough not to be able to sense/detect, it's own DLC/compatibility packs , half the time when you boot up the game. ( Which is probably the cause of most of the freezing ) No other game on my console is freexing for , only Injustice.

Something needs to be done to fix this, two months of this nonsense. This game was working completely fine with no freeze ups for me in the first few weeks , before the title update/patch for comptibility packs was introduced.


Good Game :)
Mines been freezing all the time today...can't go into practice because it freezes on the loading screen, can't go online because as soon as I find a match, the screen goes black...WTF??? Help?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I had the game freeze several times before the patch going into training and other modes. Sucked bad, but so far its doing better. Its got randomly different long loads though...


1 2 3 drink
Mines been freezing all the time today...can't go into practice because it freezes on the loading screen, can't go online because as soon as I find a match, the screen goes black...WTF??? Help?
Im having the same problem right now.

Ugh this is getting annoying after a while....

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
My game is going apeshit today too, cant get off main menu and when I finally do it crashes whenever I try to do something. Cleared my cache twice already.


Play Monster Hunter!
Yes, game seems to be completely shitting itself.

Maybe has to do with the servers updating with the star labs things? IDK, but the game keeps freezing, or just not working at all.


XBL: drumgeek77
It wouldn't let me play yesterday online or offline. Cleared system cache, deleted the patch, then reinstalled. Working better now, but this is easily the 3rd (at least) time I've had to do this after several different updates.


Ice Pirate
Can you guys get back to xbox home or does the system lock up completely? I already had to restart my xbox plenty of times and I'm done with this crap. We shouldn't have to clear our cache or redownload patches EVERY time when we try to play a game.
I have a new 360 and all other games work without having to do all this nonsense. I really don't like system freezes because you have to hard reset the system and hope everything (hard drive+content, hardware) stays intact in the process.

So far I've encountered:
*training mode freeze
*controller not working
*chat not working
*online not working (A+ isp connection)
*online rooms that disappear
*main menu freeze
*DLC disappear
*DLC not playable for some reason
*buggy character select

We bought the game for a video game system, all we should have to do is insert the disc to play. I wish there was some sort of law in the EU that made crap like this refundable.


'The Cage Mage'
I'm getting long loading times and black screens. It's been crashing a lot too. I tried clearing my cache. Didn't work. I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. Didn't work.
Must just be a problem with the servers or some shit, or maybe LIVE in general. Looks like I can't out-play tier whores today :c
We have so many threads about this.... Anyways, just uninstall the title update. You're then prompted to download the same update when the game starts and it works from there. *Except, you know, mine was still a little glitchy*