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Full Patch Notes 8-31-15 & 9/1 Hotfix Notes


The Sonya b14 nerf sucks. It means you will have to use it last grenade to reload safely.
Risk reward meta dictates that covert ops is now better.
Trust me their are a lot more fucked things then Sonya reloads.

What quan got is obsurd. What's his weakness?

I dunno if I can be bothered learning this game anymore. Everythings changes so drastically on whim
So the bafoons at NRS gave Kenshi 6 more buffs on top of the 20 buffs they already gave him FailFish

Stupid nrs. Quit wasting everyone's time and just give @Pig Of The Hut MK9 kenshi already. We all know if this buff doesn't give him 9-1 7-3 10-0 advantage over the 98 percent of cast, AND or he still struggles. He will cry and complain till he gets more buffs. And you noops will wipe his tears.

Pig you know it's true man
Your joking right?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Didn't Kenshi get buffs ?
I shouldn't have to spell this out

Kenjutsu 111 removal of gap is a fix

Kenjutsu bf3 and balanced bf3 going from -53 and -51 on whiff to -43 and -46 is like a fat kid who weighs 330 lb and is 5'2 losing 15 pounds and then thinking he's in shape

D3 now a low - cool now I get a poke that 90% of the cast has had since day 1.......sweet

And worthless b2 Kenjutsu, quite possibly the most frustrating buff yet. Because this move is fucking garbage. It's 27 frame OH that's minus a million on block and all they did to it is give it slightly tiny tad more push back on block and crushes an idiot opponent who tried to d1 it.

Yea man these "BUFFS" sent him straight from mid tier hell to the top

Based on all the games changes, other character changes , nerfs and buffs here and there Kenshi fell today further from where he should be . No one is gonna travel w this worthless shit character when the top tier get buffed and a hqt predator gets his one bar dmg changed from 50% to 48%

Haou Shoukou Ken

I am for wine & the company of questionable women
So the bafoons at NRS gave Kenshi 6 more buffs on top of the 20 buffs they already gave him FailFish

Stupid nrs. Quit wasting everyone's time and just give @Pig Of The Hut MK9 kenshi already. We all know if this buff doesn't give him 9-1 7-3 10-0 advantage over the 98 percent of cast, AND or he still struggles. He will cry and complain till he gets more buffs. And you noops will wipe his tears.

Pig you know it's true man
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^ Pig knows he stands no chance of winning anything without an S tier character. I would be willing to bet that an actual good player like DJT or fox could win a tournament with Kenshi

Haou Shoukou Ken

I am for wine & the company of questionable women
Lol. Fuck outta here. A bit of whining over feeling handicapped with something that he spends real money on (traveling, fees, etc.) is nothing on the toxicity scale when on the other side, there is The Armory, Red Hot Sundays, and extensive video guides, among other things.
All for personal gain, wether to feed his ego, and or economical. How else could a player not making any noise in the tournament scene stay relevant? In order to avoid a flame baiting infraction I wont go in to detail on Pig's past but it is quite disturbing, do some research on this man before sheepishly praising him.


So every character that relies on fireball cancels is unplayable now? Why aren't more people upset about this?

I have been in training for an hour, trying to do combos that I have mastered. Combos that I can hit 100 out of 100 times even online. Now I'm lucky to land my easiest fireball cancel combo 50% of the time. And the more difficult ones? Haven't landed it even ONCE.

My character is completely ruined. I'm supposed to play in a local tournament this Saturday that I had a very good shot at winning, and now there's no point even entering.
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My character is completely ruined. I'm supposed to play in a local tournament this Saturday that I had a very good shot at winning, and now there's no point even entering.
your local tournament should be playing on the patch before this one, not on this new patch!!

EDIT: let them know to not update, they might forget!
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Flash God Lord
I found that D'Vorah has issues canceling her moves into any '1' move such as s1, b1, f1 and d1. For some reason these moves all take additional frames to cancel into but other moves like d4, s2, d3 etc work as they did before. This was not listed as an intentional nerf to D'Vorah and that leads me to believe that this is a bug and was not intended to happen.

@colt Please let me know if you're aware of this and if anything will be done about it. I'll probably make a video showcasing exactly what I mean when the patch is available on PSN.