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Match-up Discussion Freddy's Difficult Match ups


Zoning Master
In order of easiest to hardest, I would say the following are currently Freddy's difficult match ups. Note that the numbers in parenthesis are arbitrary and do not represent actual match up numbers. For a full match up chart, visit this thread.

- Mileena (5.5)

- Kung Lao (6.5)

- Kabal (7)

- Smoke (8)

- Raiden (?)



- very small hitbox

- good mid range ground control with d+4

- strong anti-zoning with telekick (f,f+3) and roll (b,d+4)

- overhead (u+4) that is +9 on block


- limited damage output

- no armor aside from X-Ray

- mediocre normal attacks aside from d+4


- If you want to have any kind of chance of beating a high level Mileena player, you must learn to punish roll, telekick, and EX telekicks every time. Freddy has one of the most damaging roll punishing combos in the game with u+3, EX spike, JP,b+1,2,u+1, short dash u+3, f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike, which does 46% of damage. The same combo can be performed after blocking telekick standing, but the Mileena player can remain airborne for a second or two using an aerial Sai, which makes u+3 whiff. That is why I suggest doing 1, EX spike, JP,b+1,2,u+1, short dash u+3, f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike for 38% of damage. If the 1 happens to whiff, you still have more than enough time to try to juggle with 1 again or force the Mileena player to block your next string. You can also try a 50/50 mix up with b+2 and b+3 or you can just throw.

If you have no meter, I would punish roll with u+3, dash f+4,2,1 xx mid spike, far spike, far spike for 31% of damage. Telekick can be punished with 1 xx NMS 1, dash b+2, dash f+4,2,1 xx mid spike, far spike, far spike. 1 xx NMS is an option select. That is, Freddy does not enter NMS unless 1 connects when Mileena is airborne.

Also, if you need unbreakable damage, the first hit done after roll and telekick is unbreakable. For example, if you block roll and Mileena has only 25% of life left, you can do u+3 (=unbreakable), EX spike, dash close spike, mid spike, far spike, far spike for 30% of damage.

EX telekicks are a little bit more difficult to punish because Freddy's normal attacks are not particularly fast. You should block the second hit crouching and go for an uppercut, which usually connects. Even if your timing is off, the Mileena player has to block the uppercut. You can also try d+1 xx glove toss, but this is fairly difficult because you cannot cancel into move when you are crouching. You would need to double tap down + 1 xx glove toss.

- Never fight Mileena full screen away. Freddy's best projectile hits high, and the Mileena player can simply whiff the roll to close gap quickly. You should stand 3/4th of the screen away or closer. You now force the Mileena player to make the right read to approach you.

- Spike, spike, spike. Zone with spikes. While glove toss and Freddy fingers can be punished on reaction most of the time, spikes cannot be because they appear very fast out of the ground. Furthermore, a spike can interrupt telekick out of the ground and even crouch under it during the early frames of the move.

- Speaking of spikes, you can apply some fairly safe okizeme versus Mileena after a single far spike. If you time a meaty Freddy finger so it barely scratches Mileena's feet, you cannot be punished by telekick and you recover faster than Mileena if she rolls. Use meaty Freddy finger a lot and fool the Mileena player into thinking you can be punished with wake up telekick. Then block the telekick and punish.

- d+4 can be annoying. It is +12 on hit when standing but only 0 when you get hit crouching. It is also 0 on block. You can whiff punish d+4 with close, mid, and EX spike. NMS 3 can also whiff punish, but NMS 1 and 2 cannot. f+4,3 can interrupt d+4, and I always like to cancel into Freddy finger afterwards to push Mileena back a little bit. You should almost exclusively jump on her with deep jump kicks because jumping punches whiff 100% of the time when she is spamming d+4. Deep jump kicks juggle and can be followed up by f+4,2,1 or a mid spike.

- Mileena's offense is limited. Even though the overhead, u+4, is +9 on block and you cannot jump out of d+4 afterwards, you can EX teleport. You can also EX teleport out of u+4 after JP. Some Mileena players like to do b+3 xx EX roll. b+3 is a low attack, but EX roll is an overhead, so you have to block low and high. She actually has a low follow up after b+3 via b+3,4, but it only does 7% of damage, take the hit and teleport out of the way. Most Mileena players also like to spam 2,4, which is 0 on block. They can hit-confirm this string into telekick, but only when both hits connect. I like to take the second hit intentionally, which puts me full screen away.

- Freddy can spike under an instant aerial Sai but not under a standard grounded Sai. A Sai does 6% of damage just like Freddy's spike. The trade is in your favor because she ends up on the ground. Mileena has no business trying to zone Freddy, but if she tries to, you should be very happy.


Even match up. Possible small advantage for Mileena.

Kung Lao


- best mobility in the game with dive kick (d+4 in air), teleport (d,u), and f+3

- best defensive tool in the game with spin (d,f+1)

- best X-Ray in the game

- several fast pokes that can easily be hit-confirmed into spin

- strong corner game


- best pokes can be neutral-crouched and/or low poked

- somewhat low damaging output without meter


- Kung Lao is a difficult fight for any zoning character because of his mobility. Similar to Mileena, you should rarely fight Kung Lao full screen away as he can easily close the gap and put himself at an advantage. A simple forward dash can be highly effective because you can make teleport 3 whiff and block the dive kick in the process. Most Freddy players wonder how to deal with teleport 3 specifically, which jails Freddy because of his high hitbox. The following are your best options in order of effectiveness.

1) Dash forward. Dashing forward is done on anticipation rather than on reaction. When you dash forward, teleport 3 whiffs and you can punish Kung Lao with b+2 (dash f+4,2,1 xx mid spike, far spike, far spike) or EX spike (JP,b+1,2,u+1, short dash u+3, f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike). You can of course also punish with uppercut.

2) Delayed NMS 3. NMS 3 lowers Freddy's hitbox. If you are in NMS and perform NMS 3 at the correct moment, Freddy will go right under teleport 3. This method also seems to work for delayed teleport 3. This method requires you to be in NMS, which leaves you vulnerable to low hats, f+3s, and dive kicks.

3) Keep holding down before Kung Lao teleports and tap 1. Freddy does not turn around when Kung Lao appears from behind. His crouching hitbox is therefore smaller and makes teleport 3 whiff. You can do d+1, f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike. However, this method loses to delayed teleport 3, though.

4) Sweet dreams. Sweet dreams is generally too slow to stop Kung Lao from teleporting, but you can do it on wake up teleport 3. Time sweet dreams correctly and the move stuns Kung Lao. Unfortunately, you cannot juggle as Freddy is unable to juggle after any AA sweet dreams, but you can teleport forward and attempt any string and mix up of your choice. Kung Lao is stuck in a long hit stun and cannot armor out.

5) EX sweet dreams and EX teleport. EX sweet dreams has armor while EX teleport is invincible on the first frame. You should usually never waste any meter to escape teleport 3 unless you are low on life and must escape at all costs.

If you did not react in time to do any of the above, teleport 3 leaves Kung Lao at 0 on block. The following are the most common follow ups.

1) Cross up jumping punch. You can beat this option with your uppercut or d+1 (f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike).

2) d+3. d+3 has a 7F start up. You can try to interrupt with d+1 or jump back.

3) 2,1. 2 has a 7F start up. 2 beats any move and stops any movement. The best option is to low poke with d+1 or d+3 or go for an uppercut.

4) Throw. If you crouch-block to bait Kung Lao, he can throw you, and you have to guess whether you have just been thrown forward (escape 1) or backwards (escape 2).

5) Spin. Spins beats any move and stops any movement. Block and punish. The ideal punish is 2,2 xx EX spike, JP,b+1,2,u+1, short dash u+3, dash f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike for 45% of damage.

6) X-Ray. X-Ray beats all of Freddy's options, including his own X-Ray, except EX teleport. Block.

- What separates Kung Lao's dive kick from Cyber Sub Zero's and Sonya's is the lack of recovery frames on whiff. In other words, Kung Lao recovers instantly as soon as his feet touch the ground. Because Freddy has no aerial projectiles, the dive kick presents a problem. Kung Lao can dive kick over the glove toss and close the gap very quickly. You should not try to zone Kung Lao full screen away for that reason, where he can easily dive kick on reaction over any projectile you throw. Stay 3/4th of the screen away or closer. Make mental notes when the Kung Lao player likes to dive kick, then dash forward and block. u+3, EX spike, ,b+1,2,u+1, short dash u+3, dash f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike is the ideal punishing combo for 46% of damage.

- All of Kung Lao's jabs and strings jail Freddy. 1 hits high, has an 8 frame start up, and three follow ups: 1,1, 1,1,2, and 1,1,2,1. 2 hits high and has a 7 frame start up. The most common follow ups are 2,1 and 2,4, where the 4 is a low attack. There is also 2,4,1+2, which ends in an overhead and is safe versus Freddy, but Kung Lao has to block a mid spike afterwards. 2,1,2,1,2 is used to build meter and is also safe versus Freddy. These jabs and strings are fast and effective, but they all start up with a high attack, meaning you can low poke or uppercut. In addition, the Kung Lao player can end most of these strings in a low hat, which is -12 on block. You can punish with 2,2 xx close spike or EX spike + combo. The Kung Lao player can also delay the spin after each poke, which catches jumping opponents and those trying to low poke because of its 6 frame start up. The spin is highly punishable, though.

- The other two noteworthy Kung Lao's normal attacks are f+2, a safe overhead that picks up grounded opponents (i.e., OTG property), and f+3, a long-ranged rolling attack similar to Rufus's f+MK in Street Fighter IV. f+3 is -4 on block, but its whiff recovery is long. You can neutral-jump, do a neutral punch, and combo with u+3, dash f+4,2,1 xx far spike, far spike.

- Kung Lao struggles against low hitbox characters, which naturally makes NMS very good because the stance backdashes and lowers Freddy's hitbox. NMS 1 is somewhat slow but makes a solid AA nonetheless because of its large hitbox. NMS 1 can even beat dive kick sometimes. As already mentioned, NMS 3 can be used versus teleport 3. Being an overhead, NMS 2 is very good too. All of these attacks are safe on block and recovery fairly fast on whiff. Keep in mind that you cannot block in NMS. If you abuse the stance incorrectly, you leave yourself open to low hats, f+3s, and dive kicks.

- Stay away from corners, where zoning is out of the question. In the corner, Kung Lao can juggle after the dive kick with the spin for some solid damage. Even trying to AA can be dangerous because 1 and d+2 both lose to the dive kick. If you are stuck in the corner, look to EX teleport out.


Zoning Master


- one of the best zoning games in the game with instant aerial gas blasts (b,b+1 in air), buzzsaws (b,b+3) and full screen ground control with nomad dash cancels (b,f+4~block)

- one of the best rush down games in the game with numerous strings and nomad dash cancel options, including a fairly safe 50/50 mix up with overhead (d,b+2) and buzzsaw (b,b+3)

- all juggles end in f+4, which resets the opponent and leads into his rush down game

- 9F launcher (f+4) that punishes blocked low pokes

- multi-purpose armor attack that can be canceled


- he requires a respirator to breathe :REO


- This match is less complex than the Mileena and Kung Lao match but is very difficult nonetheless. You have to keep Kabal away at all costs, and Freddy has the tools to do so. Spikes crouch under grounded and aerial gas blasts, so Kabal is not able to zone Freddy. You can also spike buzzsaws and still block in time but not always. Neutral-jumping and teleporting forward are the two safer options. If you are close enough, you can teleport forward and punish Kabal as he recovers from the buzzsaw. However, any Kabal player who knows the Freddy match up will never try to zone. Good Kabal players know that Kabal cannot beat Freddy from a distance, so they will try to close gap by jumping, dash canceling, and EX dashing. These options are fairly generic, but the EX dash deserves a close look.

- The EX dash has armor on start up only and can therefore be used to absorb and punish Freddy's projectiles at mid range. The good news is that Freddy can throw off the Kabal player's timing by doing a glove toss, a Freddy finger, a mid spike, or whiffing a fast poke such as d+1. The glove toss is difficult to react to because of its fast traveling speed, but if you keep spamming it, the Kabal player will learn when to EX dash. That is why you need to perform occasional fingers, which can fool the Kabal player into EX dashing at the wrong time because of its slower start up. The mid spike launches and can never be punished on reaction. The downside is that it always leaves you at -13 on block. In other words, Kabal can move 13 frames earlier than you can. The key is to remain unpredictable and keep the Kabal player guessing by taking advantage of all Freddy's options at mid range.

- Some Kabal players like to jump forward and do aerial gas blasts full screen away to mess with your AA timing. You can punish them with a well-timed far spike, but doing so is not easy because an aerial gas blast has a very quick recovery. I suggest walking up and AAing with jab if they get too predictable. Some Kabal players also like to wake up with buzzsaws full screen away. If you time sweet dreams correctly, it can punish Kabal when the wake up invincibility frames wear off, and you can follow up with a far spike. Finally, all Kabal players like to wake up with EX dash, which is guaranteed if you toss a glove or finger, even full screen away because of the extended invincibility frames. You can time a finger early or late when Kabal is grounded and you should be 100% safe.

- Kabal's pressure up close is extremely strong because of Freddy's big crouch-blocking hitbox. To learn about Kabal's pressure system, check out this thread by my cousin, Master D. Freddy's major concern is Kabal's standing 2 xx NDC (nomad dash cancel), which hits a crouch-blocking Freddy, has a 9F start up, and is +9 on block. In fact, consecutive 2 xx NDCs produce a semi-block infinite combo, where Freddy's only option is let go off block and crouch. If you try to EX teleport in between two perfectly-timed 2 xx NDCs, you get the infamous meter drain glitch (that is, you lose meter for the EX teleport, but the move never comes out). Trying to perform several perfectly-timed 2 xx NDCs is feasible but impractical, so most Kabal players eventually cancel 2 xx NDC into b+1 or b+1,2, which hits neutral-crouching opponents and can be hit-confirmed into the dash. b+1 has a 13F start up, and if you have done the math, you know that there is a 4F gap between 2 xx NDC b+1, meaning you can EX teleport. The problem is that it is almost impossible to react to these cancels. When the Kabal player makes you block 2 xx NDC, you cannot visually tell the difference between 2 xx NDC 2 and 2 xx NDC b+1 because the cancel happens very quickly. Aside from blocking, I have no answer to Kabal's pressure at the moment. I am still trying to find the best method to deal with it, and when I know about it, so will you. In the mean time, expect to get frustrated if the Kabal player knows how to take full advantage of 2 xx NDC.

More to be added.



- the best anti-zoning in the game with a projectile parry (b,f+1), the fastest teleport in the game (d,b+4), and a full screen fireball launcher (d,b+2)

- very good footsies with the fastest overhead attack (b+2) in the game, a great low poke in d+4, and one of the best AA normal attacks in the game (2)

- a reset with EX smoke bomb that can quickly drain your life

- solid mobility with front and back teleport (b,f+3 and f,b+3)


- limited defense and escape options: no armor aside from X-Ray and EX teleport is not invulnerable on the first frame


To be added.


I know you haven't got to Raiden yet but I'd say that is a 7 based on the fact that he is as hard as Kabal but not as bad as Smoke. I'd think Smoke is his worst match-up no? But is Smoke a 4-6 or a 3-7?


Bone and Metal
I don't really use Freddy, but I always enjoy reading your posts about him Dave. You always seem really knowledgeable about your character, and unlike some people don't sound like you're trolling in every other post. <.<


Zoning Master
I know you haven't got to Raiden yet but I'd say that is a 7 based on the fact that he is as hard as Kabal but not as bad as Smoke. I'd think Smoke is his worst match-up no? But is Smoke a 4-6 or a 3-7?
I don't know anything about Raiden any more. I think every single player in Ohio has dropped the character.

I'm not sure about Smoke. I think Freddy definitely loses. I just don't know how bad. I would like to play KT Smith, xSmokex, and Wafflez again. There are some new things I want to try.
Wait, doesn't Freddy go even with Kabal? I was thinking about picking him up just to the Kabal MU, but do you think Reptile would be a better idea?


Dojo Trainee
I love the tips, this diff helps. I was scrolling down for more tips & you only had mileena :[ hope you have more in the future.


I don't know anything about Raiden any more. I think every single player in Ohio has dropped the character.

I'm not sure about Smoke. I think Freddy definitely loses. I just don't know how bad. I would like to play KT Smith, xSmokex, and Wafflez again. There are some new things I want to try.
Am I right in thinking NMS auto-corrects. That could be big in this match-up....I don't think this is worse than 6-4 tbh...but maybe even closer to 5-5. I don't believe in .5's...


Zoning Master
Wait, doesn't Freddy go even with Kabal? I was thinking about picking him up just to the Kabal MU, but do you think Reptile would be a better idea?
Compared to the rest of the cast, Freddy does very well versus Kabal. I think any Freddy player has a very good chance of beating any Kabal player. But just not REO and Master D., who have extensive Freddy experience from fighting me. I think Kabal has a small advantage at the highest level of play. iaGBs are not an issue for Freddy, but 2 xx NDC will make you salty.

I have picked up Reptile as a secondary character. I will use him on Master D. and I will let you know how it goes.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Pig still blows me up with mileena no matter what I try. However, all you said is solid tactics as I dont lose to other mileena players now, unless its someone like death or pig.

As for smoke, I do believe it to be in smokes favor but I dont feel its freddy's worst match-up. perhaps it is due to my rushdown style, But I dont get whomped on him as badly as KL or Mileena does.


Zoning Master
As for smoke, I do believe it to be in smokes favor but I dont feel its freddy's worst match-up. perhaps it is due to my rushdown style, But I dont get whomped on him as badly as KL or Mileena does.
Have you fought KT Smith, xSmokex, or Wafflez? No offense to any other Smoke player, but these three are the best.

How do you approach the match up? I am thinking playing footsies and standing outside of b+2 is the best option.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
How good are Freddy's ground spikes in the Smoke MU? Can't he keep up with Smoke from full screen?
Partially. If Smoke runs away full screen and starts spamming Smoke Bombs, Freddy can block and counter with ground claws. That can only help you so much though. Freddy is very limited in this MU. Like....VERY limited. Can't use his frametraps as he pleases, can't use Nightmare Stance (at least not predictably), and even his teleport becomes risky.


Revenant Jade
Smoke wins the trade with Smoke Bombs when Freddy throws out projectiles and his Ground Spike. I didn't realize it's really that bad until I went into a King of the Hill room last night and saw some randoms playing the MU. I even believe that a rushdown Freddy will struggle approaching Smoke too. Raiden is a big problem too, whiff punishes everything Freddy does.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Have you fought KT Smith, xSmokex, or Wafflez? No offense to any other Smoke player, but these three are the best.

How do you approach the match up? I am thinking playing footsies and standing outside of b+2 is the best option.
I played Wafflez at FR. I also get to play RM_Smoke often online, who ever that may be. I just play up close and personal. I dont throw any projectiles except ground claws. My main goal is baiting smoke-ports through with feinting normals strings on their wake-up. like f.2,1, b.3. I abuse that string on smoke players.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I was grinding the Sindel match-up this weekend and she is worse then mileena by far. She controls full screen and you can't NMS her ever, unless canceling a block string.

FYI Raiden - Freddy is 5-5


Zoning Master
I was grinding the Sindel match-up this weekend and she is worse then mileena by far. She controls full screen and you can't NMS her ever, unless canceling a block string.

FYI Raiden - Freddy is 5-5
I have played Mr. Mileena and DanCock, and Sindel is most dangerous when she takes the life lead and zones. If the Sindel player tries to zone from the beginning of the round to the end, Freddy has a minor advantage. Freddy has full screen frame traps, a teleport, superior damage, come back potential, and defense. He is a better character by design, but Sindel is worthy challenger. I say 5:5.

Can you post your opinions on the Raiden match up?


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I have played Mr. Mileena and DanCock, and Sindel is most dangerous when she takes the life lead and zones. If the Sindel player tries to zone from the beginning of the round to the end, Freddy has a minor advantage. Freddy has full screen frame traps, a teleport, superior damage, come back potential, and defense. He is a better character by design, but Sindel is worthy challenger. I say 5:5.

Can you post your opinions on the Raiden match up?
Raiden is much like Mileena, you cannot zone other than claws on occasion. Freddy's normals are around the same speed so he goes even up close and Raiden cannot zone freddy due to ground spikes going under his projectile. Teleport is barely an issue in this MU considering you aren't going to be zoning, you're going to be counter zoning with spikes. Using NMS into ex tele is a good bait tactic in this MU too. Freddy and Raiden are about even when it comes to normals and footsies, Basically all raiden has in this MU is footsies that you can go about even with and Freddy has Footsies + True mix ups. If anything it may even be Freddy's favor.

The Sindel MU I don't understand yet I guess, because you will rarely get a chance to frame trap sindel it seems and even if you do, she can just block the spike and react to projectiles coming her way. She stays above all Freddy's zoning and dream drop is too slow to catch her, and even if you are lucky enough dream drop glitches as an AA. Her normals also seem to be just as fast as Freddy's and she can keep you from doing NMS with jump back fireballs and low fireballs. I honestly don't see how this MU is even, you don't have any recorded footage of that MU do you?


KL played properly where there not teleporting 3 constantly is probably Freddys worst MU. Could be a 7-3. This MU is bad. KL has an answer for everything Freddy does. Tele 3 hits his big hit box so thats a plus and even an extra bonus when the KL player is playing smart and not just throwing it out where Freddy punishes it. KL standing 2 also hits Freddy crouching and is a devastating tool vs him. KL also has a lot more shit to really blow Freddy up. If Freddy players win this MU then they are just beating the player and making reads on the predictable KL players. KL has no reason to not win this MU.

Mileena is probably an even MU if both characters are played at the highest possible level. Freddy can zone Mileena but he has to be smart in doing so. He cant just brain dead projectiles all day because Mileena can roll/telekick on reaction so Freddy has to be smart. Mileena cant really telekick on reaction to Freddy stuff because of how smart hes being throwing it. Freddy builds meter pretty quickly and using a bar of meter to punish Mileena isnt a loss at all. He punishes her for really big damage so its worth it because Mileena cant really do much when shes down on life so getting a big life lead helps. Mileena ground sai is useless because the trade is in Freddys favor and Freddy ground claws lowers his hit box so her iAS will never hit him. Mileena has to address this MU and rush Freddy down and use her mobility tools really smart. Freddy still has an unreliable punish for EX telekick too. Freddy also has to keep an eye out for U+4 42 trap as well. I can see this MU being in mileenas favor for right now but I think as the game evolves and Freddy players level up in general and learn to fight Mileena it could be even.


Zoning Master
Raiden is much like Mileena, you cannot zone other than claws on occasion. Freddy's normals are around the same speed so he goes even up close and Raiden cannot zone freddy due to ground spikes going under his projectile. Teleport is barely an issue in this MU considering you aren't going to be zoning, you're going to be counter zoning with spikes. Using NMS into ex tele is a good bait tactic in this MU too. Freddy and Raiden are about even when it comes to normals and footsies, Basically all raiden has in this MU is footsies that you can go about even with and Freddy has Footsies + True mix ups. If anything it may even be Freddy's favor.

The Sindel MU I don't understand yet I guess, because you will rarely get a chance to frame trap sindel it seems and even if you do, she can just block the spike and react to projectiles coming her way. She stays above all Freddy's zoning and dream drop is too slow to catch her, and even if you are lucky enough dream drop glitches as an AA. Her normals also seem to be just as fast as Freddy's and she can keep you from doing NMS with jump back fireballs and low fireballs. I honestly don't see how this MU is even, you don't have any recorded footage of that MU do you?
Freddy's spikes do not go under Raiden's projectiles. You have to spike fairly early in order not to trade. I see your point about footsies, though.

AA sweet dream glitches but gives you mix ups. You have enough time to teleport forward, jump in, and do whatever you like. In order not to trade with glove toss, Sindel has to fireball high in the air, which leaves her vulnerable to sweet dreams and EX sweet dreams. You can also teleport forward and force a 50/50 mix up as she is dropping down. She is a very underrated zoning character, but Freddy's full screen zoning is still better.

DanCock and I are going to record some matches soon.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Freddy's spikes do not go under Raiden's projectiles. You have to spike fairly early in order not to trade. I see your point about footsies, though.

AA sweet dream glitches but gives you mix ups. You have enough time to teleport forward, jump in, and do whatever you like. In order not to trade with glove toss, Sindel has to fireball high in the air, which leaves her vulnerable to sweet dreams and EX sweet dreams. You can also teleport forward and force a 50/50 mix up as she is dropping down. She is a very underrated zoning character, but Freddy's full screen zoning is still better.

DanCock and I are going to record some matches soon.
I could have sworn I was going under bolts, I'll look into that, maybe it's specific timing. Good to hear, I'm still only a week into Freddy but I have been going hard in some MUs, Sindel being one of them and I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


Zoning Master
KL played properly where there not teleporting 3 constantly is probably Freddys worst MU. Could be a 7-3. This MU is bad. KL has an answer for everything Freddy does. Tele 3 hits his big hit box so thats a plus and even an extra bonus when the KL player is playing smart and not just throwing it out where Freddy punishes it. KL standing 2 also hits Freddy crouching and is a devastating tool vs him. KL also has a lot more shit to really blow Freddy up. If Freddy players win this MU then they are just beating the player and making reads on the predictable KL players. KL has no reason to not win this MU.
I disagree. I think Kenshi loses badly to Kung Lao. Freddy can hold his own because he does more damage. He can build meter full screen away and shrink his hitbox. Yes, high level Kung Lao players teleport less, but eventually they all do. That is when I get my 40%+ of damage. Kung Lao's offense is strong, yet relieving after you fight Cage and Sonya. For me, Kung Lao is like the Mileena match up. The more fight him the better I get.