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Breakthrough FLASH SUPER SPEED GLITCH!(or is it?)

After you hit flashes super, Hit trait Asap. He uses one "lightning bolt" of his trait.. which leads me to believe some confusions. Im not sure if this is a glitch, or if this is actually meant to happen. but this is funny as hell. I did this on accident and ranked. He was pretty high on sodium lmao. go in practice and try this.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
After you hit flashes super, Hit trait Asap. He uses one "lightning bolt" of his trait.. which leads me to believe some confusions. Im not sure if this is a glitch, or if this is actually meant to happen. but this is funny as hell. I did this on accident and ranked. He was pretty high on sodium lmao. go in practice in try this.
holy shit nice find, THIS.CHANGES.EVERYTHING :)


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
why, YES IT DOES!!! I did this on ranked, and I swear to god, i was laughing for about 3 hours. The guy got so mad, and I won lol. He called me a hacker! :(
LOL i tested it a little, if you end the behind them fast enough they become invulnerable from every attack O.O


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
another thing if in training mode, and you do super while in this state you lose all you trait, but if you dont super you only use up one bar of trait, i wonder if this is a glitch or intended? *goes back to lab*


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
btw MuhammedCFL did you know you can combo off a lighting charge in the corner? with d1 LK MB then into trait LK however many times you can do it, i just did it will testing this tech out lol


Grundy think you handsome!
Damn thats some crazy shit, I do think it is probably a bug, but hot damn the possibilities...


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
wait wait wait....what exactly is goin on in that vid? do you get extended trait time? or do u only use up 1 bolt for the trait and get to use it again after?
wait wait wait....what exactly is goin on in that vid? do you get extended trait time? or do u only use up 1 bolt for the trait and get to use it again after?
no, watch again closely after the super. When you use trait usually he will slow down time and still run/punch at his normal speed, and all of his trait bolts go down with no point of return, meaning you can't cancel it unless the opponent punishes you
If you hit trait after super, not only does he only use 1 bar of trait for flash, but he enters this dumb super speed mode
Watch again, look how fast he is punching/running while you are slowed down.