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General/Other Flash 1.06 damage


Why excuses ? I won my last tournament.
Even if flash would be top 1, why couldn't we complain about the way they tried to balance him ?

The only one complaining like a crybaby here is you.
where did I complain? I recall telling Flash players to STFU.


God damn you Flash players and your constant complaining. At this point in time your character is EASILY Top 5 so who cares if you suffered some damage nerf, At least it didn't get reduced by 10-15% like Deathstrokes in the first patch.

Here you are complaining whereas we are saying THE TRAIT DAMAGE SHOULD BE NERF NOT THE 1 METER COMBOS.

You are jealous from our character and don't wanna leave the flash kommunity talk about him. Do you play the flash ? No. Do you know him ? No. So the one who should STFU and leave that forum is you.

Ty for your intervention.


Here you are complaining.

You are jealous from our character and don't wanna leave the flash kommunity talk about him. Do you play the flash ? No. Do you know him ? No. So the one who should STFU and leave that forum is you.

Ty for your intervention.
You must be no older than 18 years. How the hell do you know if I play the Flash huh? Yeah I play Flash I'm Kabal player why wouldn't I play the Flash. No, I don't know the Flash because he is fictional character, I have a friend named Barry Allen does that count? Last but not least I can be anywhere on this site as long as I'm not disrespecting anyone or using foul language. So yeah.


Chill it out in here, guys, especially you Breaker. Keep the topic civil, lest I be forced to whip out the powers of a god - uh, I mean...a Lead Mod.
What are you talking about? Chill out? I'm sorry but how can you tell if I'm having my morning Tea right now or that I'm agitated as most of you assume, through TEXT. Sorry AK GamerBlake but I'm very very chilled this beautiful morning. so maybe you wanna tag someone else perhaps.


LOL, the fact that you guys are still trying to have a reasonable argument with this guy who brushes off facts as "typing a lot" and "complaining."


Blue Blurs for Life!
What are you talking about? Chill out? I'm sorry but how can you tell if I'm having my morning Tea right now or that I'm agitated as most of you assume, through TEXT. Sorry AK GamerBlake but I'm very very chilled this beautiful morning. so maybe you wanna tag someone else perhaps.

I'm tagging you because as far as I've seen, you were the one who came in here with the flame-baiting. I suggest you change the tone of your messages.


I was talking about Flash 1.06 and how he is a FINE TOP TIER and all you guys derailed the thread and made it about ME. :) Good job.


LOL, the fact that you guys are still trying to have a reasonable argument with this guy who brushes off facts as "typing a lot" and "complaining."
IF you wanna refer to a particular post don't be scared mention it. I said such things as "typing a lot" and "complaining" because I knew everything he was trying to tell me and it didn't change any outcome for the Flash. So yeah If you're going to type a lot without any food for thought I will point it out. I'm a reasonable person get off your high horse.


IF you wanna refer to a particular post don't be scared mention it. I said such things as "typing a lot" and "complaining" because I knew everything he was trying to tell me and it didn't change any outcome for the Flash. So yeah If you're going to type a lot without any food for thought I will point it out. I'm a reasonable person get off your high horse.
Let's here what you got like 1 losing MU, gtfo here flash could even tie the spot with WW for #1 character in the game. And don't give me any reports unless you're a tournament viable Flash player.
Lol one losing mu....troll. and I really didn't complain. Just disagreed. I feel like I fucked up the patch number. Sorry all


God's only man, spared by the Butcher.
All I have to say is, I feel like this was an actual thread until that guy Breaker showed up.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I think Flash is going to survive this patch pretty well. I definitely agree that it's unfortunate the damage nerf wasn't reserved to trait, but he still has some solid tools at his disposal, so I guess that's what NRS was thinking about.


Aspiring Fighter
What are you talking about? Chill out? I'm sorry but how can you tell if I'm having my morning Tea right now or that I'm agitated as most of you assume, through TEXT. Sorry AK GamerBlake but I'm very very chilled this beautiful morning. so maybe you wanna tag someone else perhaps.

"Guys, you're all wrong, just shut up! You don't know anything about Flash!"
"Dude, chill out a bit."
"You can't tell if I'm ANGRY through TEXT!"


On-Topic: How was his damage nerfed? Don't have the patch yet and I'm curious.


And I'm the one being 18 lol.

Anyway... we don't have the patch in europ yet :( gotta wait for more details.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
"Guys, you're all wrong, just shut up! You don't know anything about Flash!"
"Dude, chill out a bit."
"You can't tell if I'm ANGRY through TEXT!"


On-Topic: How was his damage nerfed? Don't have the patch yet and I'm curious.
His damage was scaled across the board. OP gave some examples. Upwards of 5% in go-to combos. Probably should have been reserved to trait damage, but NRS saw fit to do otherwise.


Aspiring Fighter
His damage was scaled across the board. OP gave some examples. Upwards of 5% in go-to combos. Probably should have been reserved to trait damage, but NRS saw fit to do otherwise.

I saw those, but I wasn't sure if it was certain moves or everything he did. Thanks for the quick response.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I saw those, but I wasn't sure if it was certain moves or everything he did. Thanks for the quick response.
I should clarify- it's not like his special moves and such will do less damage in the neutral game, but his combo damage scales faster now, doing less damage with each subsequent hit that before the patch.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
from what i got from this patch, all the combos i use personally still do good enough damage, the 45% midscreen one bar combo now does 41% but its really execution heavy so only the most technical players can use it effectively. i think the FU still sucks and i don't see a difference hecterrific colt can you guys explain exactly what you did to flying uppercut? if they are above flash's body it still won't hit and if they jump from jump distance it will still whiff, not only that but the recovery is too long on hit and you can almost never, ever get even a d2 combo of it. atleast change it to were it has less recovery if hitting airborn opponent and scale the damage or something so it doesn't give him a meterless launcher, if thats what you are worried about. i still see FU being useless, his d2 has more whiff recovery now so anti airs will be even harder, i mean might as well give him an invisible hitbox over him so when they jump they get hit lol