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First DLC to be announced during Superman vs. Batman live stream!


Scary Bat
Or they could just like her? Or you could be right and it's because she's pretty don't matter why hate on folks for wanting a character they like?
I was just asking if that was the only reason, I mean to have her in as a character just because of boobs is a bit annoying, I mean if it's really that important just play DOA. If they like her character/think she would fit well within the game as well as how she looks, great!

Personally I'm not that into her character + think her powerset isn't interesting enough, I know she can play different from Superman (I mean they managed it with Sinestro/Black Adam) but I'd rather see a different power set in the game, like plants stuff via Poison Ivy/Swamp Thing etc.


too smart to play MKX
There are only 5 suitable candidates to fill this. Black Canary, Zatanna, Martian Manhunter, Lobo or Black Manta to fill a villain spot.

Oh and BTW, if its Powertits, Supershit or Starslut i will end up murdering someone.
This dude hit dat nail. We'll probably get all of them in this first DLC set except Zatanna.

Though I disagree with the Starfire comment. I think she'd actually be pretty cool... I could have a pocket full of fucks and I won't give so much as one about her personality. All I'm thinking about: lasers. Lasers fucking everywhere.

Like, if you went inside Katy Perry's brain and replaced all the dicks with lasers, that's what Starfire's playstyle would be like. She just screams zoner to me. And I love me some zoners.

Her powers are actually cool, whereas Powergirl and Supergirl are both Superman with boobs.
I was just asking if that was the only reason, I mean to have her in as a character just because of boobs is a bit annoying, I mean if it's really that important just play DOA. If they like her character/think she would fit well within the game as well as how she looks, great!

Personally I'm not that into her character + think her powerset isn't interesting enough, I know she can play different from Superman (I mean they managed it with Sinestro/Black Adam) but I'd rather see a different power set in the game, like plants stuff via Poison Ivy/Swamp Thing etc.
I could go for some Poison Ivy or Swamp Thing myself. First probably won't happen cause we are saturated by Bat family and foes already. The latter better mean we get to have Constantine as a nice relation/counterpart/ally/...thing..
Starfire isnt that bad, i just think Zatanna and Black Canary should come before her. Theres a rumour that shes dead in Injustice because when Wonder Woman practically said some leaguers died in battle and then it zoomed in on Nightwing and Raven and they both looked really sad so that could mean Beast Boy and/or Starfire but thats a rumour. Even if she was dead that wouldnt stop her from getting in :) . As for the first DLC Pack, my guess is Martian Manhunter, Lobo, Black Canary and Black Manta. If there is a second DLC Pack (Which i think everyone wants) my guess is Zatanna, Mirror Master (Or another Flash Villain), Red Hood and either Blue Beetle, Animal Man, Swamp Thing or Booster Gold
You know all this talk about DLC kinda makes me wish Rain, Kenshi, and Skarlet had come with bonus side chapter to story mode. We know they were there and it would have been cool to see what they were up to when everyone else was trying to figure out what "He must win" meant.
You know all this talk about DLC kinda makes me wish Rain, Kenshi, and Skarlet had come with bonus side chapter to story mode. We know they were there and it would have been cool to see what they were up to when everyone else was trying to figure out what "He must win" meant.
I'm curious to see if the DLC for Injustice will alter the story in any fashion. I would assume not. I'll be honest though, if each character doesn't come with 10 STAR Labs missions, I'm going to be a little upset. They should get what every other character gets, especially if we're paying extra for them.


Plus on block.
Because when women do it it's gross.

It's an opinion most people share

And Starfire is a slut now because of how they write and draw her, not just because she has sex with everything with legs.

See if they did it like Marvel does with She-hulk it would be okay, she's respectable, is portrayed as an intelligent woman, and she fucks a lot.


XBL: zydrate101
Because when women do it it's gross.

It's an opinion most people share

And Starfire is a slut now because of how they write and draw her, not just because she has sex with everything with legs.

See if they did it like Marvel does with She-hulk it would be okay, she's respectable, is portrayed as an intelligent woman, and she fucks a lot.
It's your opinion and that is about it. Women being strong and having sex cause they want to.. theirs nothing wrong with it... DOWN WITH THE HATE!
exciting, i wonder if it'll be MMH or weather they will save him for later due to his popularity. Maybe lobo? I can still hold hope for atrocitus or blue beetle though I know the chances arent great.


Electrical Engineering bitch!
Do you think NRS gets annoyed that, at every step of development, they have to read stupid peoples moronic complaints?

RE: mod edit - It wasnt a joke. . . Jokes are a series of phrases and words with a humorous intent. . . This was not that. It was more of a hyperbolic statement. I dont believe that anyone was offended, and I reject your censorship. Peace!
Mod Edit: Dont make AIDS jokes. Sorry, but that offended some people and there were complaints.


Average at Best
Do you think NRS gets annoyed that, at every step of development, they have to read stupid peoples moronic complaints? I'd be willing to guess that if they announced that 30Hrs of gameplay with Injustice would result in curing AIDS, this community would complain that it isnt 15Hrs. . .
The way of the world man, its a shame but most people will always look for something to complain about!
Because when women do it it's gross.

It's an opinion most people share

And Starfire is a slut now because of how they write and draw her, not just because she has sex with everything with legs.

See if they did it like Marvel does with She-hulk it would be okay, she's respectable, is portrayed as an intelligent woman, and she fucks a lot.
It's not any more gross on a woman than it is a man. Men just don't care about men being slutty, and women are only judgmental towards other women. It's still not appealing, either way. Trust me, most people would agree with that. And yes, it's not even necessarily an overabundance of casual sex, it's that that seems to be her defining character trait. Dumb, regardless of the gender of the character.


Here... I am a god!
I really don't think the
MMH is not the first in the line-up, hopefully the placement is also the reveal order.

I really don't think those silhouettes have anything to do with looks or order of the characters. Because.. then everyone would be bold. :confused:
I only think Starfire is a slut because of the way the write her these days (Like how another user said). Every time i think about her now, i think of that part in a comic where shes talking about Nightwing and she says something along the lines of "I love dick! I need dick!". This is just my opinion