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Tech Fighting against crouching chars with kung lao

Perfect Legend
He doesn't have a solid counter-poke outside of his generic low pokes, and he shouldn't have one. That's what stops him from being a complete bullshit character like Cyrax, Kabal, Sonya, etc. You have to take a risk with Spin to get around low pokes.
- B3 range is shit​
- F3 has literally NO priority​
- B1 should only be used as a safer alternative for whiff punishing pokes.​
On another note, d3 offers more + frames if your opponent is hit in crouch. It's like +10 that can definitely be advantageous.


Apart for 15 completely off topic posts in this thread, my opinion is that Lao just hasn't been fully explored yet. I think someone said that you can hit d+4 into teleport, so that would be useful despite the d+4 start-up time.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
If it just wasn't for those pesky robots, that keep catching Bird Lao's in their nets. Or that actor that collects Bird Lao's and cages them :D
IDK why people think KL struggles with Sektor, at all. Sektor has bigger holes in his best string that KL can take full advantage of.
Cyrax doesnt have anything in particular that stops KL from doing what he's doing, and Cage is gonna either lose alot of life or spent a lot of effort to catch bird Lao.


Administrator and Community Engineer
IDK why people think KL struggles with Sektor, at all. Sektor has bigger holes in his best string that KL can take full advantage of.
Cyrax doesnt have anything in particular that stops KL from doing what he's doing, and Cage is gonna either lose alot of life or spent a lot of effort to catch bird Lao.
I did mean Cyrax. Sektor is fine, but a lot of people think that Cyrax exposes and capitalizes a good deal of Lao's toolset. I'm not a Cyrax player, but most of the Cyrax mains don't seem to have much fear of Lao these days.

I actually went back at one point to tally up how Lao's have been doing vs. Cyraxes in tourney at a high level.. And the results are sobering.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
IDK why people think KL struggles with Sektor, at all. Sektor has bigger holes in his best string that KL can take full advantage of.
Cyrax doesnt have anything in particular that stops KL from doing what he's doing, and Cage is gonna either lose alot of life or spent a lot of effort to catch bird Lao.
we've gotta play!! O:

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
b33 is not hit confirmable. I bet you $100 you cannot hit confirm b33 into spin.
I don't understand, what makes b33 not hitconfirmable?

It looks very easily hit confirmable to me.

Is there some trick to it that makes it harder?

I mean it actually stands them up on hit so that's pretty freakin easy to see.


Oh look! Perfect Legend has graced us with his presence again!

I love how you pop in like once a month to bitch about something/someone, this time you decided to be an elitist prick and mock combo vid guys.

Get fucked. How about that? These guys are always a positive influence on this community. Unlike most "top" players not unlike yourself.

If you wanted to discuss crouching against Lao, awesome. But of course you got to wag your Mk big Dick around and belittle someone first.
Every time there is a semi-controversial thread, the actual reactions to it are far worse. I actually agree with you that finding solutions for Lao's problems is totally different to making combo videos, and there's nothing wrong with just making cool combos for the sake of swag.

But "get fucked", because of this? Really? Good grief...


Exactly lol and let's not forget about standing 3. its 8 frames and 0 w/ good pushback on block. Why Laos don't use this puzzles me.. Anyways we have 21212 and 3, counterpoke problem solved.
Standing 3 is 10 frames.

EDIT: Just saw this has been corrected earlier.


If it just wasn't for those pesky robots, that keep catching Bird Lao's in their nets. Or that actor that collects Bird Lao's and cages them :D
Actually Bird Lao works extremely well against Cage. In fact, if there's a match-up that's really affected by Bird Lao, it's the Cage match-up. In many ways, it's the best way to counter the problems Cage presents if you're Kung Lao.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Actually Bird Lao works extremely well against Cage. In fact, if there's a match-up that's really affected by Bird Lao, it's the Cage match-up. In many ways, it's the best way to counter the problems Cage presents if you're Kung Lao.
Ehh, it didn't work so well at SB:A or Dallas.. Patience will bring the bird to the ground.


and standing 3 cannot be comboed into anything.

b33 you cant hit the opponent with it then see they got hit then do a spin to combo on reaction
Plus honestly, most people are blocking low against Kung Lao anyway, so even if B33 were hit confirmable, it wouldn't be a game-changer.

However, I agree with Foxy about Bird Lao. I've been messing around with it and save for a few match-ups, it's really a great tool, particularly against Johnny Cage. Given the way your playing style, you'd probably be able to abuse it better than anyone.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
I don't really do Bird Lao vs anybody except Sonya, the cage MU is fine. If he d3's he loses pressure, if he does anything besides f3 he has to D3 or he can be checked with a 21 spin combo.

As for Cyrax, if he reads 21 and Neutral ducks once that can be came over. Lao can't really be in the air, and D4 is a terribly huge threat in this MU as well as the rest of Cyrax's pokes. This mu is definitely tough.


Ehh, it didn't work so well at SB:A or Dallas.. Patience will bring the bird to the ground.
SB:A was in September, before Bird Lao became the flavor of the month. For the record: Bird Lao = constantly JK/DK over your opponent (not to be confused with whiffing dive kicks to close the distance). I don't remember the matches against Dab in Dallas but against Dizzy, PL definitely wasn't using Bird Lao, or at least wasn't abusing it the way people should against Cage.

Don't be dismissive of a tactic we've yet to see at the highest level. It's too simplistic to say "patience will counter this." If you're patient, the Lao player actually uses the opponent's fear of JK/DK to start doing other things. It opens up so many other options (21, 24). In fact, that's the very point of Bird Lao, more so than catching your opponent in the air.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I don't really do Bird Lao vs anybody except Sonya, the cage MU is fine. If he d3's he loses pressure, if he does anything besides f3 he has to D3 or he can be checked with a 21 spin combo.

As for Cyrax, if he reads 21 and Neutral ducks once that can be came over. Lao can't really be in the air, and D4 is a terribly huge threat in this MU as well as the rest of Cyrax's pokes. This mu is definitely tough.
lao can be in the air vs cyrax, u just gotta avoid the nets. anti air throw is nothing compared to being caught in one of those.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"

lao can be in the air vs cyrax, u just gotta avoid the nets. anti air throw is nothing compared to being caught in one of those.
Oh dude you can instant air dive kick those nets on reaction, fuck those lol that's nothing to me generally. I just play a cautious Lao in general though especially against Sigh Racks.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Much better option than KKK
It makes me WANT them to be Top 3 just so we can have our top tier original recipe delicious.

I say it all the time, Lao is the only top 5 character that isn't busted. Just a very solid character.
I agree 100%. The nerf turned him into just as dominant a character, but on a relatively fair playing field.

I'm gonna go get drunk and go into the lab, but I swear to the gods, B33-Spin is hit confirmable.
I'm like 88% sure. But 88 is not 100.