MK was the first video game I loved as a kid, but the turn based RPG genre won me over. I've played a ton of ps1 and 16bit RPGs, many of them discovered through GAMEPRO issues. I'll share my retrofavorites first and then the modern ones.
Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8 and Tactics.
Breath of fire 3.
Legend of the dragoon of course. (Happy to see people appreciating it)
Suikoden 2 (Be aware that the creators of this series are kickstarting a spiritual successor)
Persona 5. I remembered persona 2 from ps1, and gave it a try despite not being an anime fan.
Dragon quest 11. Even if its too cutie for my taste, I played and enjoyed all of it.
Both games are top quality and easily the best turn based rpgs of the decade. they have everything an RPG player wants, turned up to eleven.
Nier Automata. I could write pages for this... Drop what you do and live this experience
I reeeeeeeeally wish they’d give LoD the FF7 treatment with a full update.
....Do you really?