That's the problem. You shouldn't have to be mindful of a rubber-band mechanic in a game supposedly based around skilled neutral play. It disrupts the flow of the match no matter who has it because of its momentum-altering effect. That is sorely based on the fact that the player wasn't doing a good job of defending. It serves no functional purpose except to hand-hold and Blue Shell the leading player. It's an illusion of progress.When it gets down to the wire I'm mindful of it and make sure I don't do dumb shit that will get me hit by it.
2 Questions:I lost a few games to d2's
d2's must be changed. make them 30f, lower damage to 5%, and ed boon personally comes and kicks you in the nuts everytime you do one
am i doing this right yet
also stop lying, you're not spending hours in the lab if you don't know how to deal with fatal blows. labbing also isn't the only aspect of what makes a good fighting game player. if geras has FB available and you seem him walking within range, you getting caught by it is 1000000% your own scrub ass fault
They're already very quick....but yeah I find the idea of a full screen combo or so forth to be eyerolling stuff heh. Is like oops, I'm on the other side of the screen and I wasn't holding block for a half second heh.I'm fine with them. When it gets down to the wire I'm mindful of it and make sure I don't do dumb shit that will get me hit by it. Certain ones probably shouldn't work from full screen. Maybe all of them should be kotals range but other than that I'm fine with em. Maybe make them quicker. I don't see what the big fuss is about? It's a strong one time use only mechanic. If it misses it comes back. If it lands it's gone. It's not like you get hit by it more than once.
I for one always try to hold onto my Fatal Blow so it's around in case of a close third round. I want that magic reserved for a closer heh.Honestly, I would prefer the cinematic be removed and an auto 25-30% combo be put in its place, if only to speed up the game. But as it stands, Fatal Blows are one and done if they land. As someone else said, what's your excuse for Round 2 and possibly Round 3? You can only be fatal'd once in a game, so if you're losing matches, the Fatal Blow isn't the issue.
They could also give characters unique attributes to their special attacks instead.FB is boring mechanic and it gives advantage to the player with a low health so it forces you to play around it in a dumb way e.g. dropping a combo before they go below 30%.
It's not the lack of counterplay that bothers me, but rather that just because something is more complicated it isn't necessary better.
The entire concept of dropping a combo to prevent the opponent from gaining advantage is just idiotic and anti-common-sense.
"meant to encourage combacks"
Doesn't matter what it's meant to do it's boring and dumb concept. I don't see it necessary to encourage a comeback with the press of a magic button.
FB is there to cater to 10 yo casuals who then run into the kitchen to tell their father excitedly that they smashed someone's skull and totally owned the opponent.
A better way to encourage comebacks btw would be something like Soul Charge from Soul Calibur maybe. A mode where you knock away the opponent and your strings get buffed but you still have to play the game normally.
Calling people salty cuz they see things differently than you is pathetic. Assuming everybody who doesnt like the mechanic is a victim makes you look stupid. This together with how you phrased everything else makes it seem that you just like the mechanic cuz it helps you personally win.Absolutely NOT! It's a mechanic that's meant to encourage comebacks! That's why it's not attached to meters but your health! It's only available in a certain condition(when things are looking bad i.e you being under 30%) so you still have a chance of winning or making things even again! As for the cinematic time, I see it as thinking time, planning your next move and predicting your opponent's next move. Nerfing the damage is also pointless, they're meant to be high damaging (its a super move, its a trump card ffs). NRS clearly wanted to give everyone a chance of winning and I think this was a good direction.
You're just being salty! LOL
Seems like you're a victim of these comebacks I earlier spoke of.
It’s not that great thoughAnyone saying they should go away even if they don't hit are forgetting about Johnny Cages fatal blow cancel mechanic.
It's one of those little things that gives him some more interesting options and extra comeback potential. It's actually pretty useful. I do wish he had at least one useful crushing blow too though.It’s not that great though
I’d take one good KB over it any day
Ironic lolThis is not to encourage a debate.