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I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Children shouldn't be playing the game anyway. That's that. Don't say "I have to play the switch version so my kid can be in the same room." Like, bye. There's a rating on these games for a reason.

Either stop playing the game in general or just deal. It is not NRS' job to censor themselves because parents don't want their kids subjected to gore or violence.

You wanna know a good way to avoid that? Don't buy the game. Don't play the game. Do something you feel safe doing with your kid.

Imagine stressing yourself out over a video game because you don't want your kid to see blood, like, maybe you shouldn't play MK my guy. Play Marvel vs Capcom or something. There are alternatives.

You're asking them to censor a game where their core feature is the bloody, violent, gruesome ends to matches. MK is just not the game for you then.


Dojo Trainee
Children shouldn't be playing this game period. It's not on NRS to babysit someone's kid.
Hmm... So, does that make me sacrosanct from culpability for SELLING NARCOTICS TO TWEENS?

...You know, 'cause the kids' deadbeat parents / guardians neglected to police what their kids were doing when, on their way home from school, in the dwindling light of a foreboding twilight, in my suspiciously loose trench coat, I solicited them by beckoning them into a dark alley, in order to 'ply' my dastardly 'trade'...?


Y'all forgetting that most of you were kids watching gore with the old MK releases.
1. MK 1992 "gore" was PLAYSCHOOL WHEN COMPARED TO to the veritable 'Human Centipede' tier grotesqueries of modern MK games.
2. Earlier MK games' finishing moves were HIDDEN BEHIND UNLISTED AND DIFFICULT-TO-FIND (...and "too hard" to execute--by today's un-limbo-ably low skill standards) 'secret' input combinations.
3. Older MK games were largely ARCADE GAMES -- such games were sequestered from the general population cabinets (in arcades with any sense of social responsibility).
4. There existed NO INTERNET in the the early days -- gore on tap was simply not a thing.
5. Without the "secret" input commands -- indeed, enabling Fatalities in training modes -- THE FUNDAMENTAL ESSENCE OF FATALITIES ARE UNDERMINED and, therefore, the 'gore porn' aspect of the moves, becomes the undeniable beeline focus (*the abilities in question engender zero interaction beyond the initial input command -- not button prompts, no QTE's, no button-mashing -- rendering an "EZ" version of a finisher, a literal one-click 'bestgore.com' visit for impressionable, mostly ill-educated and, as others have alluded to, under-parented children...)

>apples and oranges
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if someone wants to go through and spend 20 minutes to just look at them all in one swoop
Why bother with buying or even playing the game then? Just watch one of the 100's of fatality compilations that will no doubt show up on youtube.

It doesn't make them lesser than you.
It's not about being better/worse than anyone, it's about getting away from the instant gratification that society is so fond of these days. If you can pull off a combo or special move, then it's not much harder to do a fatality.

The point was to make the doing them a part of the fight, a way to finish the match & ridicule your opponent, rather than turning the game into Gore Simulator 2019.


d2 Spammer
It's not about being better/worse than anyone, it's about getting away from the instant gratification that society is so fond of these days. If you can pull off a combo or special move, then it's not much harder to do a fatality.

The point was to make the doing them a part of the fight, a way to finish the match & ridicule your opponent, rather than turning the game into Gore Simulator 2019.
That's what Brutalities are for now.
Assuming this isn't a troll post for a second:

1. The idea that easy fatalities is somehow harmful to children strikes me as absurd. If a kid is savvy enough to get a hold of MK 11, an unsupervised PS4, and get to the finish him screen, that kid will be savvy enough to Google the input, or just YouTube the fatality. My six year old could do that right now if he so desired. And to suggest that is somehow analogous to narcotics is also absurd.

2. I personally agree that the easy fatality option doesn't seem right to me. But I've been playing MK since 1992 and I've always had to do an input, so I'm biased. If they put in auto combos I'd actually stop playing the series, but fatalities don't affect gameplay so I don't lose sleep over it.

3. The suggestion that fatalities are the main selling point of MK (might not have been OP, I'm on my phone so it's hard to check) also strikes me as absurd. If the game didn't play well it wouldn't sell 5M copies a pop. The fatalities great and give MK style, but they're not the main draw.


If MK wants to demarcate its gore porn from kids too young to [legally] watch even soft porn, then NRS should be doing what they can to put such gore behind 'ramparts' that serve to preclude kids being exposed to it. Allowing finishing mini movies to be initiated by a simple button press, is a literal invitation for kids too young to hold a gamepad under their own strength, to see gratuitous violence--on tap.

Even when putting the "think of the children" meme aside, rendering Fatalities so insultingly facile to execute, not only undermines the core nature of the once "secret moves"; but, it also essentially makes any command input (for Fatalities) redundant -- why even bother with a pointless "RT+BLK" input, and not just make the finishers automatic (perhaps toggle-able ON/OFF, as an game option)...? Conversely, and incongruously, the arguably less violent (albeit, largely due to lesser cinematic effects) Brutalities do take some gaming knowledge, and even nous, to perform -- better ensuring that under-parented 10-years do not get 'Clockwork Oranged' by default.

tl;dr -- "EZ Fatalities" are like selling narcotics packaged in Skittles packets, to kids, and they also make a mockery of the entire Fatality mechanic, tradition and, thus, enjoyment thereof.

alright someone needs to revoke this guy's forum priviliges

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Americans and their protective ways lol (each child has a freaking weapon but cannot see any fatality)

I played MK 1, 2 and 3 as a child, I never murdered anyone, my hate for people came much later, after Cyrus and Bieber became famous and I saw how cancerous humans are to this planet. Nothing to do with games or monsters.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Hmm... So, does that make me sacrosanct from culpability for SELLING NARCOTICS TO TWEENS?

...You know, 'cause the kids' deadbeat parents / guardians neglected to police what their kids were doing when, on their way home from school, in the dwindling light of a foreboding twilight, in my suspiciously loose trench coat, I solicited them by beckoning them into a dark alley, in order to 'ply' my dastardly 'trade'...?


1. MK 1992 "gore" was PLAYSCHOOL WHEN COMPARED TO to the veritable 'Human Centipede' tier grotesqueries of modern MK games.
2. Earlier MK games' finishing moves were HIDDEN BEHIND UNLISTED AND DIFFICULT-TO-FIND (...and "too hard" to execute--by today's un-limbo-ably low skill standards) 'secret' input combinations.
3. Older MK games were largely ARCADE GAMES -- such games were sequestered from the general population cabinets (in arcades with any sense of social responsibility).
4. There existed NO INTERNET in the the early days -- gore on tap was simply not a thing.
5. Without the "secret" input commands -- indeed, enabling Fatalities in training modes -- THE FUNDAMENTAL ESSENCE OF FATALITIES ARE UNDERMINED and, therefore, the 'gore porn' aspect of the moves, becomes the undeniable beeline focus (*the abilities in question engender zero interaction beyond the initial input command -- not button prompts, no QTE's, no button-mashing -- rendering an "EZ" version of a finisher, a literal one-click 'bestgore.com' visit for impressionable, mostly ill-educated and, as others have alluded to, under-parented children...)

>apples and oranges
I made it about 7 words in before I stopped reading. You need a hobby.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
"For sake of the children"... Children should be nowhere near this game so I don't see how easy fatalities would pose a problem for children.
True, but you'd be surprised how stupid some parents are. Have had a few jobs with selling electronics, games, etc and parents are like "omg my kid will love this game *goes to buy MK, GTA etc* I'll ask, oh how old just curious? They'll be like "oh he's 8" Like seriously? Now I don't believe violent games create killers bs that the media and politicians try to sell, but you let your 8 year old play MK or GTA, there's something wrong with you lol.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
So like, who gives af?

If people wanna use a bunch of ez fatalities, let em. You can still do them the legit way. lol

I'm sure af not gonna spend money to get ez fatalities. I just call them idiots for doing so and move on.


Dojo Trainee
1. The idea that easy fatalities is somehow harmful to children strikes me as absurd.
Would an automatic Fatality be "more harmful to children" -- in the terms the action being more likely to be exposed to children who happen to play the game? A. Obviously, yes. So, what's the difference between an automatic finisher and a finisher that is so facile to execute that it may as well be automatic...?

2. I personally agree that the easy fatality option doesn't seem right to me. But I've been playing MK since 1992 and I've always had to do an input, so I'm biased.
It's not really a bias -- it's just what fighting games intrinsically are [meant to be].

If someone wanted chess to do away with all its pieces' move restrictions, people would raise a 'WTF eyebrow'. The analogy holds for the dumbing-down of fighting games--or any task that does not demand a lowering of a particular skill prerequisite or flattening of its learning curve. Another analogy would the restriction of the physicality parameters of a particular sport -- so that physically weaker / smaller people could participate on equal footing with those who have honed their bodies to whatever degree previously necessary. >baby out with bathwater

3. The suggestion that fatalities are the main selling point of MK (might not have been OP, I'm on my phone so it's hard to check) also strikes me as absurd.
I didn't say that... Irrespective, Fatalities are undeniably the promotional fodder of the MK series. That is, were they to be removed outright, MK would not be MK--any more than a Hadou-ken-less Street Fighter would not longer be Street Fighter.

you'd be surprised how stupid some parents are
Yeah... nah. I feel I'm pretty much 'debriefed' on the propensity of today's parents for stupidity...

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Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Idk, I had my mom call to find out the blood code for me at the ripe age of 6 when MK came out on Genesis and I turned out just fine.


Oh fuck it’s all starting to make sense... :eek:


Dojo Trainee
You know, I remember when i was like 5 o 6 years old my parents bought a PlayStation for us. We went to a supermarket, and let me choose a game and my sister another one. She picked Bust a Move (hella fun game, btw) and I picked Mortal Kombat (trilogy), because the dragon logo seemed too cool to ignore to my infant self.
When I saw my first fatality (after an IA kicked my butt pretty hard) i thought "wow that's cool". Strangely, I didn't feel the urge to kill or hurt no one in real life or to assassinate my family with a katana. I am a pretty pacific guy, and i always LOVED the gore of mortal kombat.
To be honest, I think people overthink things when it comes to kids education, and they end up messing it up anyway. Let kids be kids, nothing will happen except if they are psycopaths, and if they are, you'll need way more work around that than just avoiding video games.