The best way to win that MU is to stay at midscreen and try to anticipate what she is going to do. You must make her respect the TKP but dont overuse it cause she can simply close the distance by block dashing. If you see here near sweep range jump in with kicks to avoid being AA'ed to air-blast to push her back. If you feel really risky you can just jump in and pressure her from there with 31. Try alot of throws against her cause when she is at sweep range her d1 is a bitch to deal with cause of the long range it has. From fullscreen you can always dash d3 to avoid being chipped by the fans and when you are into max range TKP you can check her from there. If she tries to close the distance with the ass move ( dont remember the real name of the move) you can throw her just about when she lands or down poke her. zaf told me that you can NJP her when she is in the air during that move. He can tell you more about that cause i didnt know that can happen. Generally the idea is to keep her at max range TKP where she cant do absolutely anything about it. If she gets throw once and tries to dash in from there you can mix it up from there with 31's, F4, U4 is very good also against her pokes. Its not a hard MU for Ermac its just lame.Well can you guys give me some tips on how to beat Kitana?
If i remember correctly you can do that with an U4 too i think, but i dont have anyone to try it. So could someone try it and let us know plz ?Im mainly talkin bout his ground pound. Did you know with a perfectly timed d4 the ground pound whiffs? Only the regular, not ex
Hmm.. The one thing that I worry about u4 is when jax cancels the gp into the dash punch. I think that the punch will connect with ermac. You can stay crouched during the pound and if he cancels to the punch it wont hit mac. I think this can help with the fight tremendously..If i remember correctly you can do that with an U4 too i think, but i dont have anyone to try it. So could someone try it and let us know plz ?
Your re not gonna do U4 when you are in dp's range. Although i think U4 lowers Ermac's hitbox so much that it might cause dp to whiff. Against one match i had against Hidan he crossed over me when i did an U4 and the cross over punch whiffed. But dont take that for granted though. It probably is situational. But from fullscreen against Jax's ground pound you can always do levitate cancels to build meter also and to bait dp's.Hmm.. The one thing that I worry about u4 is when jax cancels the gp into the dash punch. I think that the punch will connect with ermac. You can stay crouched during the pound and if he cancels to the punch it wont hit mac. I think this can help with the fight tremendously..
aa3 beats all jump in attempts, jp and jk and even kung lao dive kick when timed right. Unless you mean doing the air blast before you are in range to be hit by aa3? Does that even work?If you see here near sweep range jump in with kicks to avoid being AA'ed to air-blast to push her back. If you feel really risky you can just jump in and pressure her from there with 31.
If i remember correctly yeah you can cancel the air-blast even from a whiffed jk (havent played the game for almost 2 months now, waiting for the Greek team to assemble again). We needed a breakaa3 beats all jump in attempts, jp and jk and even kung lao dive kick when timed right. Unless you mean doing the air blast before you are in range to be hit by aa3? Does that even work?
Blocked TKP from just inside max distance means that I get to f21 and get in. Ermac is forced to block this or get hit for 45%.
I don't see this MU being anything but 5-5. Also, new Kitana throw tech works well in this matchup. See Mr. Mileena's thread in the Kitty forums.
Care to explain why plz ?I don't know about the noob matchup being in noobs favor. Seems more of an even mu to me.
Well you cant punish his shadows at all when they are done a little bit further than sweep range with TKP. Tried it many times and the opponent was able to block. They have push-back too. Insta air tp doesnt combo into anything after it hits. Its like Scorpion's tp. I just get a free jump in and guaranteed chip dmg, meter building and mixups from there. EX teleport though can combo into a lift and then either jk tp d1 TKP or after the lift into a F2 dash TKP. I waste a bar for 30% dmg i think or something like that, so its not worth it. Also from fullscreen you can outzone Ermac with Noob very easily. Plus Ermac cant tp on reaction against Noob's shadows. Insta tp works only as you said, but if the Noob player anticipates that=full combo punish and i get thrown full screen again. Attempted jump ins can be dealt with with up-knee and my projectiles can be punished by Noob's tp on reaction. Up close yeah i might have the advantage but its not easy to get in though with Ermac plus his mixups arent like Scorpion's 50/50 combo mixups. This is the only MU imo where Ermac's throw turns against him cause he throws Noob fullscreen. If i try to throw you into the corner, you can anticipate that and break the throw cause you dont want yourself in the corner against Ermac. He has insane zoning pressure when he has his opponent in the corner. Thats all i can think of. Perhaps Hitoshura might have anything else to add up for this MU. Hope i helped m8.Well, it's probably because Ermac can jump over any projectile, at any screen length, and instant air teleport into a combo for x amount of damage. His pressure is pretty nice also, plus if you try to cross him up, he can uppercut into a combo too.
Why do you think Noob has the advantage?
Agreed with the Noob vs Ermac explaination. Ermac's IAT is not like Scorpion's or Sektor's.Wemfs, Ermac can air teleport a tackle or slide but it cannot be an instant one as the tackle will hit him before he leaves the screen. And you have to time it right and early or Noob can block it.
In my experience with this matchup, it felt in Noob's favor, but I do not main either so my opinion is irrelevant on the subject.
metzos13, aa2 also beats all jumpins if timed properly. Kitana uses either 2 or 3 depending on the distance of her opponent. At a further jump distance, I would use aa2 or a jump back air fan as anti air. At jump distance or closer, I would use 3 or walk back 3 as anti air because it hits higher above her than 2 does.
I main both Noob and Ermac. Agreed with everything posted. For Ermac, it's really all about baiting. The only way I can win these match ups using Ermac is to hang around jump in distance, waiting for a bad shadow. You can try to bait shadows, and hope that you're jumping in at the right time (use airblast to keep yourself in the air if you're about to get hit from shadow run/tackle coming down). Noob players love their upknees, they will predominately upknee on reaction to any sort of jump in (more experienced players will probably try to go for the standing 1 aa). This creates an opportunity for Ermac to jump towards - teleport, hitting Noob on his whiffed aa upknee. Then it's up to playing your best pressure game while keeping close. It is risky, but what else can you do. If he starts anticipating the tele, just start jumping in freely. Also keep an eye on how Noob finishes his normals. If he's tossing upknees after a blocked string, that's an oppourtunity for a free lift. Never finish your combos with the 2,2 push; always go for the f4 into pressure. I used to 2,2, push - whiff teleport in and cross him up; but it's rare that his wake up upknee whiffs the jump over. It's sort of like playing Kenshii when you're trying to get in. Bait wake ups and aas, punish accordingly. Either way, it's a lot of hard work for Ermac with often very little pay off. The match up is in Noob's favour, no doubt in my mind.Well you cant punish his shadows at all when they are done a little bit further than sweep range with TKP. Tried it many times and the opponent was able to block. They have push-back too. Insta air tp doesnt combo into anything after it hits. Its like Scorpion's tp. I just get a free jump in and guaranteed chip dmg, meter building and mixups from there. EX teleport though can combo into a lift and then either jk tp d1 TKP or after the lift into a F2 dash TKP. I waste a bar for 30% dmg i think or something like that, so its not worth it. Also from fullscreen you can outzone Ermac with Noob very easy. Plus Ermac cant tp on reaction against Noob's shadows. Insta tp works only as you said, but if the Noob player anticipates that=full combo punish and i get thrown full screen again. Attempted jump ins can be dealt with with up-knee and my projectiles can be punished by Noob's tp on reaction. Up close yeah i might have the advantage but its not easy to get in though with Ermac plus his mixups arent like Scorpion's 50/50 combo mixups. This is the only MU imo where Ermac's throw turns against him cause he throws Noob fullscreen. If i try to throw you into the corner, you can anticipate that and break the throw cause you dont want yourself in the corner against Ermac. He has insane zoning pressure when he has his opponent in the corner. Thats all i can think of. Perhaps Hitoshura might have anything else to add up for this MU. Hope i helped m8.
Kitana vs Ermac 5/5 no way in life ermac has an adventage, distance ermac has better options close kitana has better options its an even match considering the buddy I play every week used to main ermac before kabal it was even all the time and he was one of the best ermacs iv seen till the date on the time he mained him from close or in the corner ermac is close to screwed since he has no armor at all and hes wakeups can get crossed up whit ease.To be honest with you i havent met any Kitana player who gave me problems with Ermac thats why i put it in Ermac's favor. Plus she cant punish TKP outside of sweep range at all. In terms of zoning i can punish her fans with TP and air fans with teleport to combo. Plus her square boost is a good way to get in sure, if you mean that as a way of getting in. With a throw i send you fullscreen again and you have to work your way in once more. After the next boost i can mix it up there. So in my opinion i really dont think its the safest way to approach Ermac.
*ponders* nah pretty much hit the nail on the head. Although its not so bad for ermac b/c when noob touches ermac its usually 20% damage unless in corner. If ermac were to get in he does like 38-41%. Ermac can catch up on this MU with no problem. its just getting to noob thtats the problem.Well you cant punish his shadows at all when they are done a little bit further than sweep range with TKP. Tried it many times and the opponent was able to block. They have push-back too. Insta air tp doesnt combo into anything after it hits. Its like Scorpion's tp. I just get a free jump in and guaranteed chip dmg, meter building and mixups from there. EX teleport though can combo into a lift and then either jk tp d1 TKP or after the lift into a F2 dash TKP. I waste a bar for 30% dmg i think or something like that, so its not worth it. Also from fullscreen you can outzone Ermac with Noob very easy. Plus Ermac cant tp on reaction against Noob's shadows. Insta tp works only as you said, but if the Noob player anticipates that=full combo punish and i get thrown full screen again. Attempted jump ins can be dealt with with up-knee and my projectiles can be punished by Noob's tp on reaction. Up close yeah i might have the advantage but its not easy to get in though with Ermac plus his mixups arent like Scorpion's 50/50 combo mixups. This is the only MU imo where Ermac's throw turns against him cause he throws Noob fullscreen. If i try to throw you into the corner, you can anticipate that and break the throw cause you dont want yourself in the corner against Ermac. He has insane zoning pressure when he has his opponent in the corner. Thats all i can think of. Perhaps Hitoshura might have anything else to add up for this MU. Hope i helped m8.
First of all Ermac does not have the advantage from afar, its pretty much even. Ermac has the advantage when he is at max range TKP. Up close both have the same mixups. Ermac's zoning is not the typical zoning as many ppl to believe. You are forced to hold the block button almost all the times cause of fear of the TKP. This is what ppl must understand about that. Its not easy for Kitana to get in on Ermac. And no wake-ups from Ermac cannot get crossed up with ease simply cause Ermac can do a reverse wake-up attack.Kitana vs Ermac 5/5 no way in life ermac has an adventage, distance ermac has better options close kitana has better options its an even match considering the buddy I play every week used to main ermac before kabal it was even all the time and he was one of the best ermacs iv seen till the date on the time he mained him from close or in the corner ermac is close to screwed since he has no armor at all and hes wakeups can get crossed up whit ease.
ermacs lift even reversed misses the cross jump like 8 of every 10 times even the push atack misses around half the time IF ermac is in the corner and jumped and if ermac is cornered he stands no chance on kitanas presure he might as well put the controller down same as when Cage corners him that my friend is a fact. I know hes not easy to get in but most ermacs normal hits are slower than kitanas so the match cant be 6/4 I will still say its a solid 5/5 considering both character options.First of all Ermac does not have the advantage from afar, its pretty much even. Ermac has the advantage when he is at max range TKP. Up close both have the same mixups. Ermac's zoning is not the typical zoning as many ppl to believe. You are forced to hold the block button almost all the times cause of fear of the TKP. This is what ppl must understand about that. Its not easy for Kitana to get in on Ermac. And no wake-ups from Ermac cannot get crossed up with ease simply cause Ermac can do a reverse wake-up attack.
I agree with the reverse wake-ups in the corner. Ermac's pokes can allow him to break off pressure against Kitana. Dont forget her d1 is highly punishable on block. If i block one i can easily do a d3 which has exceptional range and its +5 on hit vs crouching opponents. Same applies with Cage. All of his strings are at 0f on block and Ermac has a 6f d1 and a 7f d3 which has more range than Cage's down pokes. It can even cause Cage's f3 to whiff when done in max range cause it lowers Ermac's hitbox very much and Cage will still be hit by the d3. Thats how good his d3 is. Also Ermac's d4 is very good also. Trust me he has what it takes to win those MU's.ermacs lift even reversed misses the cross jump like 8 of every 10 times even the push atack misses around half the time IF ermac is in the corner and jumped and if ermac is cornered he stands no chance on kitanas presure he might as well put the controller down same as when Cage corners him that my friend is a fact. I know hes not easy to get in but most ermacs normal hits are slower than kitanas so the match cant be 6/4 I will still say its a solid 5/5 considering both character options.
Kitanas down 1 is longger than any of Ermacs and it can be punished on luck its really hard to do the lift and if the lift is blocked full combo punish so its something mostly teorical, getting it done is luck and if its d1 cutter it will get him if he tryed block react. I will stick whit the 5/5 I dont see any of them being superior to another. For example I do agre on Kabal bein 6/4 and Kenshi 6.5/3.5 agains Kitana because theyr just hard matches I dont see such an adventage from Ermac over Kitana where I can say its a hard match, Ermac can zone out Kitana better, he CANT rush down Kitana due to slow normals under any means, Kitana can rushdown Ermac. So its still a 50%50% battle.I agree with the reverse wake-ups in the corner. Ermac's pokes can allow him to break off pressure against Kitana. Dont forget her d1 is highly punishable on block. If i block one i can easily do a d3 which has exceptional range and its +5 on hit vs crouching opponents. Same applies with Cage. All of his strings are at 0f on block and Ermac has a 6f d1 and a 7f d3 which has more range than Cage's down pokes. It can even cause Cage's f3 to whiff when done in max range cause it lowers Ermac's hitbox very much and Cage will still be hit by the d3. Thats how good his d3 is. Also Ermac's d4 is very good also. Trust me he has what it takes to win those MU's.
woah wait WHATI agree with the reverse wake-ups in the corner. Ermac's pokes can allow him to break off pressure against Kitana. Dont forget her d1 is highly punishable on block.
Who said anything about punishing it with lift ? I ll just dash and d3 it. Ermac's normals are not that slow m8. 31 is fine and it can jail his opponent if you block it while standing, same with 12. U4 is also very good against down pokes at sweep range cause its a low crush move, which means low hits whiff against it. The only thing i respect from Kitana atm is the new tech Mr.Mileena found recently, nothing else.Kitanas down 1 is longger than any of Ermacs and it can be punished on luck its really hard to do the lift and if the lift is blocked full combo punish so its something mostly teorical, getting it done is luck and if its d1 cutter it will get him if he tryed block react. I will stick whit the 5/5 I dont see any of them being superior to another. For example I do agre on Kabal bein 6/4 and Kenshi 6.5/3.5 agains Kitana because theyr just hard matches I dont see such an adventage from Ermac over Kitana where I can say its a hard match, Ermac can zone out Kitana better, he CANT rush down Kitana due to slow normals under any means, Kitana can rushdown Ermac. So its still a 50%50% battle.
If you want to post your MU chart for Kitana then do so on the Kitana forum. This is not the place for that. Post deleted.Here comes my MatchUp chart for Kitana.