VS smoke
- at the start of the match forward jump airblast to establish dominance
- Control of the board is more important than damage. your goal is to work him back into the corner and establish corner zoning
Sometimes unbreakerable damage is your go to. you should also utilize your forward throw to work him to the corner
- don't rely on projectiles too much, he can parry these and you lose your control. You gotta sneak these in there if you catch my drift.
- maintain the life lead
- wiffing normals such as standing 1 to feign a force push and d1 to feign forceball. DON'T OVERUSE THIS, smoke will be throwing smokeballs. one and you're done...
- Deep jump kick combos
you can punish smoke ball from far if you time it right.
Corner Zoning
what you wanna do is stand at max force push range, he cant back up anymore because of the corner . He is always in range of tkp. Your goal is to land as many tkps as possible. if he jumps at you standing 1 tks tkp to keep him in the corner. you can punish his wiffed air tele with this also. remember to keep him in the corner. block all wake up teles and punish it with f2 lift push. if he is being a turtle you can advance carefully and f2 into iafb. wiffing normals to bait movement is favorable to catch him with a tkp. if he ex smoke towards you have made him spend meter to escape and should try to throw him back into the corner. plus if he escapes and you have the life lead you should be patient and let him come to you to put him back there. abuse the clock if you can as he cant do chip with projectiles. tkp all smoke toward attempts. f2 throw is also a good tool once he is committed to block.
Iafb is a good way to start a match against a lot of characters. This is something that is more general then smoke specific.
Control of the mu is important, but putting him in the corner is not the goal Imo. What I believe you want to be doing in this MU is literally nothing. Camp smoke hard. Time him out. He will not be doing chip damage to you, you can just keep him out. You however can do chip damage with well placed tkp that cant be punished. By sitting there and forcing him to come to you, yoh can force him to make mistakes. AA all jump ins and full combo punish to make him break. You can tkp and tks his smoke away and smoke towards. He gets grabbed during the animations.
If he gains the life lead, you just need to be patient to get it back. He running away and smoking away. Take this time to properly land a tkp or a teleport to get him.
Feigning normals is something that also is general strategy and works well against te cast, so its not smoke specific.
As for the rest and the corner pressure, its also general ermac play that isnt specific to smoke per say.
Ex smoke away i believe is the only option he can use that avoids tkp. So look out for those and dont become too predictable as this could land him a hit.
I would say to go for the highest damaging combos to make him break and leave him with no meter. A smoke with meter is scary because of his resets. If you are doing unbreakerable damage you are always leaving him with the meter to win. So hit him hard every combo. Ermac has 40% combos with no meter off anything except an AA air to air punch.
All in all:
Camp him, he does no chip damage
Make him break, and use highest possible combos.
Gain the life lead
This might be a bit old but i have some footage against a smoke ( who switches to kabal) you can see my stategy well in this mu.
Only thing i did different back then was use unbreakable combos.