Yes, you get a free jump in on it since they can't roll only wake up attack but you have to remember, some characters have shitty or bad wake ups...Depends on the character you're facing, unless you're facing Raiden, Reptile, Smoke someone with a FAST ass wake up you get a free jump in. You get a free jump in anyway but the thing is you need to block/bait wake up attacks sometimes and punish them.@Lyuben: hold block to extend levitation time BUT then the Teleport/Airblast input has to be strict and fast (almost justframe lol), when extending ExLevitation you can be more sloppy with inputs.
@MKF30: why you're saying that after ExTKP we're having a free jumpin? Yes, opp cannot roll but still can nail us with Wakeup attack, so the jumpin ain't safe.
i've been trying this. it does work nice. the only problem is that you can not rely on this.
a good mileena will let you do this once or twice before they start aa you all day.
this is a good start. i would like to find out some more options instead of doing the same old punish that will get me in more trouble then it will help. getting her off you atleast one in a match is amazing, but ermac really needs to have a better way to keep her out.
has anyone been trying u4 against her?
ill try u4 and i also think maybe f2 might work.
Teeheeif mileena does a d4 and you counter by doing a crossover or a regular jik, she can counter fast enough on reaction with a dive kick and hit you in the air.
this is why i do not like this option.
i havent tried u4 enough, i recently thought of it after practising with my mileena friend
f2, its fast, goes forward nicely and can hit people crouching. this is why i like it
my friend who plays mileena dismantles ermac thanks to me. he never loses to them, including mkf30 afaik. not that im shit talking him, im just saying my friend knows ermac
Against Mileena, she's a bitch but I find Ermac kills her game...if played right and patiently.what can be done about mileenas pressure and her d4 ?
if she is on you, d4 will reach you from crazy lengths. it probably is the longest d4 in the game
in training, if you use the squares on the ground, her d4 travels just a little bit over one square.
you cant really poke back because you will just eat more d4 or d3
her d3 is pretty good too, ermacs d3 is too slow and gets beat out by her easily
ermacs d1 goes over mileena and you get hit still
if you do hit a d1 and dash back and even tkp, she can still d4 this and stuff you out
if she lands a d4, she can even link a dive kick that you have to block as well
if you just try to dash backwards and get out while fuzzy crouch blocking her, she can still keep hitting you with d4, the length is crazy. what am i doing wrong.
does u4 go over her at all and hit her? can this move be used to give you some space?
due to her body lowering you can not use d1 as well in this mu then others.
cant jump over her if she is poking you because you can't hit her.
when i do land a d1 and then attempt a 3,1 string after i get hit out. cant f4 either after a d1, get hit out of this as well
and you can not just sit there and attempt to block her all day, that does not work.
what can be done?
Most of the time JK's whiff and don't counter her, unless she's beginning to duck so it's not that counter-able lol. Not easily anyway...but as I and zaf mentioned, you can do a crossover air blast which pushes him back and will nail her. Believe it or not you can also do this to stuff KL's teleport if Ermac is in the air, do an air blast and it'll track him automatically despite which side he's attacking you from.Technically, since you can hit her with a jump kick makes her D4 counter-able
Oh and it pisses me off when I see people use NJK instead of a JK in combos, I mean wtf! if you're going to combo me do it right!
You can still mix it up on the ground, as well as go for 50/50 throws after F4I'm going to miss Jp. throw with Ermac lol
So I'd like to ask you guys why I never see Ermacs using his f4 to end combos on a reset? Given his difficulty at putting on pressure, the sacrifice of a little bit of damage for a standing reset seems ideal to me. As I've incorporated it into my game, I've found it to generally work quite well. Am I wrong?