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Energy Drinks and Mortal Kombat reaction increase?

Do Energy Drinks Help you in MK games?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Can't tell

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EFL Founder
I guarantee my reactions are better when I have caffeine. Not necessarily energy drinks but I do drink them, usually 2 a day. The major downside is the crash. I’m really feeling that right now. Lol


Its Game Over, Man
Depends on the time of day. I'll usually have either a coffee in the morning/afternoon or some green tea in the evening, and also a glass of water with XTend branched-chain amino acids mixed in for both times. After that, I'm ready to go.


That stuff is trash and gives you the shakes.
You're better off just drinking a cup of coffee or green tea.
Much healthier too. I wouldn't want to trade better reactions for diabetes.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
No, they just make me more anxious. I have to stay away from caffeine. Too much is bad for you anyway. I'd rather eat blueberry or some other foods that are healthier yet good for your brain. I forget atm but there are good brain foods, drinks that make you more alert, think better etc


I think it depends on the person taking them.

Energy drinks have a decent impact on my reactions, but I think the reason is bc I am very sensitive to the likes of caffeine and sugar. One sip and I won't feel the need to sleep for like 20 hours lol. The side effect tho is that at the same time that I feel they make me react faster they also hinder my focus.

I have been taking a Guarana Fruit, ginger and mate tea one lately to get through the end of this semester. Last time I tried to stay with coffee but my body really doesn't cope with that, so I'm experiencing new things.


Energy drinks don't help with shit. If anything making you more jittery breaks your ability to focus.
I totally agree with this dude. I think unless ur about to pass out, energy drinks coffee and the like are only going to fuck up your play. If you were playing something like sc2 or call of duty would be different but with fighting games I always prefer going the snoop dog route. Get in the zone and time all ur shit right is key, dont be jittery.


Energy drinks are trash, just drink normal coffee, you'll become better at life.