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Who do you think are the 5 most "OP" fighters in MKXL?

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That's one move. There's worst shit out there. It doesn't even drain a lot of meter or give u that much of life. Stop bitching or just play mystic if u think it's so OP.
First off I'm not bitching, just stating something that's clear as day a powerful tool. Secondly you made a comment about how those that voted ermac based their opinion on salt but you're the only one truly making knee jerk salty remarks. Lastly, it's not just ex push that makes people notice he's very strong. He has good frames and a hitbox that allows him to low crush moves just bc he's floating. His d1, d3, and b1 are some of the best AA's in this game bc of their hitboxes hitting so far away vertically and horizontally and their easy conversion into a combo, his jump in punch is almost on par with mileena's jump 1 since it also crosses up. Ermac has some of the best meterless damage in the game, has good mobility, and safe wakeup options with meter. This is what makes him top 10 material my friend, so please calm down and stop spitting your rage at those that can see these things.


The only Real Master
But like i only know of one very extremely good sonya player.So she doesnt deserve the high percentage. And he doesnt win almost anything with her.What dyou call the flesh of an old wound again.....


The only Real Master
Seriously some complain of characters with safe 50/50s, kano op, alien this alien that( though alien seriously needs a nerf ASAP),tanya was nerfed right? But i saw dragon naginata whopping ass in Summer jam X.....All im trying to say is step your game up..im mean reeeel up, stop bitching when u lose to a character most people like and like to use etc etc. I dont even think the best mkxl player currently has ever gone to a tournament not once and he is sure to win any competition he goes to. Step your game up..step it up...put a three layer barrier on bitching...and step it up. STEP IT UP..


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Sonya and Kano are not OP?? If they were then I haven't seen anyone who play them to get me to relax this otherwise.
What sonic said on Twitter to the post:

Alien Tarkatan, Mileena Piercing, Ermac Mystic, Tekada, Sonya Demo

with the way Sonya is played there id have to go with it. but i think haters are haters, but this is what sonic said on Ed boons post. and im sure boon gonna go with him.


Official Sonya simp
What sonic said on Twitter to the post:

Alien Tarkatan, Mileena Piercing, Ermac Mystic, Tekada, Sonya Demo

with the way Sonya is played there id have to go with it. but i think haters are haters, but this is what sonic said on Ed boons post. and im sure boon gonna go with him.
He actually said:

1. Mileena
2. Alien
3. Sonya
4. Takeda
5. Ermac


AKA Ponkster
JC is top 7 for me or possibly top 6

But I don't know why people are getting defensive for having him in their top 5 it's not unreasonable and very well could be

He does need some adjustments so he doesn't take over top 3 spots for going untouched

That's my take
I respect you wanting to keep cage middle of the pack.

But somebody needs to be top 3.

Rather it be something that exists outside top 3 now but not a currently bad variation that is over buffed.
First off I'm not bitching, just stating something that's clear as day a powerful tool. Secondly you made a comment about how those that voted ermac based their opinion on salt but you're the only one truly making knee jerk salty remarks. Lastly, it's not just ex push that makes people notice he's very strong. He has good frames and a hitbox that allows him to low crush moves just bc he's floating. His d1, d3, and b1 are some of the best AA's in this game bc of their hitboxes hitting so far away vertically and horizontally and their easy conversion into a combo, his jump in punch is almost on par with mileena's jump 1 since it also crosses up. Ermac has some of the best meterless damage in the game, has good mobility, and safe wakeup options with meter. This is what makes him top 10 material my friend, so please calm down and stop spitting your rage at those that can see these things.
Well that cleared it up. I just find it weird how so many people kept claiming Ermac wasn't a tournament viable character despite his good tools.
What sonic said on Twitter to the post:

Alien Tarkatan, Mileena Piercing, Ermac Mystic, Tekada, Sonya Demo

with the way Sonya is played there id have to go with it. but i think haters are haters, but this is what sonic said on Ed boons post. and im sure boon gonna go with him.
And he didn't say Alien acidic?


The Longbow Hunter.
If you really think someone needs to make top 8 with a character for them to be done you obviously have no logic lol. That's like saying if a tree falls and nobody is around to hear it then it was silent.
What are you talking about buddy. I am looking for players to study. Also results do matter in tier placements. It is not because a character is strong on paper automatically means the character is OVERPOWERED. That was Boon's question wasn't it? NRS, Capcom and even mobas balance their characters according to tournament results so what I think doesn't really matter. I will give some examples so we can end this argument: SF the twins/Sagat/Akuma. Igau Superman/black Adam. MKX Tanya. Just to name a few.


The Longbow Hunter.
Character doesn't need Top 8 representation to be considered top tier. There were only like one MMH & Batgirl making Top 8's in Injustice. Didn't make them any less broken. There was also Green Arrow winning majors. Didn't make him top tier.
Lol. They were mad cheap. But they weren't broken. Broken means: breaks the game. Having a tool that works in a way that wasn't intended by the game developers that the whole cast of characters can't fight. Nice opinion. Still none of you can point me to top Kano players. Or Cage players.

I mean this is a competitive site. For competitive players. A whole bunch of you say that Cutthroat is OP. Why aren't you using him. Why isn't he in top eights. Where is the play to win mentality.

I am not defending them either. I play Grandmaster and Ninjitsu. I just posted the question so I can study matches. Because I can't find any except Killer Xinnok. (Hope I didn't Butcher his name) You guys are way to sensitive.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
If the character doesn't make top 8, it means it's not overpowered enough to win money.

If the character doesn't cause you to lose money by BODYING you out of a top8, then how in the FK does it need to get nerfed?

You mean everyone is just lucky everyone is blind and forgets the character is on the select screen, oh my i'm so lucky no A-list or F/T got picked, I'd rather take on this Acidic Alien or Ronin Takeda, much, much easier to fight against.

So basically you want those characters to get nerfed just for show, because somehow you think that they are better on paper, in theory, because in reality they don't cause any problems or make it impossible for people to qualify or win tournaments.

TL;DR: OBVIOUSLY IT FKN COUNTS if the character makes or not top 8 when you consider top tiers, DUH. People pick top tiers to WIN MONEY. If they can't win, they don't pick. Period.