"Look at the ridiculousness"
"White people don't have an inherent privilege, therefore I can no longer fully say I'm for the Left."
To expand upon this, I've never really understood the argument that someone "turned" to the other side because they were
annoyed by one side. Not really having a fundamental disagreement on things like healthcare, education, that rich assholes run the world for themselves, etc. but instead hyperfocus on one aspect that is often an uncomfortable truth, and instead of just kind of holding that, it now becomes this sticking point, this sign of "craziness" that means we can't get along anymore.
Saying that white people or those who can present as WASP-y is an inherent advantage in life shouldn't be a hard concept. When we talk about things like racism, there are multiple fronts. What white people often miss is that they aren't prey to the systemic racism that PoC have faced for generations in the West. Unable to get a loan for a house for no real reason, denied entry in an otherwise white neighborhood, disregarded for jobs, poorly funded schools, voter suppression, etc. are all examples of systemic racism that white people will probably not come across in their everyday life. This isn't to say that you have to spend every day of your life repenting, but it's more about believing people when they say that the worst parts are often invisible because you don't know the difference of being "other'd"
Does this also mean that you are inherently guilty of sin? No, it's more of just a tacit agreement that society has made it abundantly clear whom it favors, and from that understanding, we can look at who are the real oppressors in society.
But we could also ignore all that and just say they're nutso, so let's listen seriously to the guys peddling anti-immigrant rhetoric founded in racism and the idea that a rich Jewish man is ginning up massive conspiracies because he's rich and Jewish. Centrism!