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ECC12 UMK3 Tourny at 8 on the Break October 6th Results


Hanzo, I PMed you because there was no reason for the discussion to happen here. I said that. Yet you brought it here anyway.

You copying and pasting the contents of the thread and then writing ALL CAPS about it doesn't change anything. I can fucking read. I read the thread before I pmed you. I wouldn't have PMed you without reading it. I don't think you even understand what YOU said. Trying to make it sound like RZP's comment started th whole thing is childish and stupid. No more arguments. Just grow up and start posting like a normal person instead of walking around with a southern-hemispherical-sized chip on your shoulder.

EDIT: Anatomy of a ruined post.

What it all came down to was, Hanzo thought rsigley's little dig on all the people saying how bad the tourny players were and how they'd place all tops was a direct insult on his motherland. So, he responded in kind with flames against the US. It's sad really that a fun thread got totally hosed like this. I think it might be worth splitting it right before Hanzo's post since up until that point there was nothing more than standard shittalk after a tournament. Turning it into a US vs Venezuela pissing contest is just retarded. Please don't do it again Hanzo.


In a final dramatic act of revolution, Hanzo has asked to be removed from the site. And it has been done. May there now be a period of piece between countries.