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Match-up Discussion DS Matchup Chart after a year into IGAU


I always thought it was just me having trouble with this MU cause I would never hear anyone say anything about. WW can just get the life lead and go into sword and shield stance and just sit back and force you to come in. When she's in normal stance, she moves a lot more freely than DS and her normals reach much farther, she wins the close up game as well. Sure you can back dash some of her pressure, but if she reads it, she can just catch you with a B2. She's gonna eventually get in with demigoddess.

In the corner, I get pretty much lost on what to do to get her off of you besides push block. I think you can do quick shots when she tries to do two B2s in the corner in a row, but I'm not 100% sure about that. Only way I can really see DS beating her is if he's on point with his zoning and keeps her out the entire time.
This. 100% this.


If either of you guys are on psn, hit up Loligagger for matchup experience. REALLY good Wonder Woman and I'm sure he would gladly help with the matchup. I think he's on here too but I don't know his handle


Ayy Lmao
If either of you guys are on psn, hit up Loligagger for matchup experience. REALLY good Wonder Woman and I'm sure he would gladly help with the matchup. I think he's on here too but I don't know his handle
I play Akromaniac, and his WW is really good too. Only time I can really beat him is if I zone him out extra hard, but as I said, I have to be 100% on point with that, or just hope the fuck. If I knock WW down, I have to read if they're gonna wake up or not. Idk, it probably is 5-5, but it seems too hard for me to do anything in that MU.


I don't know if this has been discussed yet but I'm really having trouble against WoWo. Her b2 out ranges any of Deathstrokes footsies her anti air is amazing so no jumping. Her pressure is better than DS and her sword stance prevents a large percentage of chip damage she gets while trying to get in. Any tips would be very much appreciated.
What i do is i almost never use meter on MB low guns and instead i use it for dash up MB F3 which blows up her d2, and MB high guns for punishes. I'll mix it up with dash in d1/b2. u can try to zone her but she'll eventually get in with demigoddess or dashing in. Unless demigoddess is done perfectly close to the ground, u can punish it with sword flip. Her jump 3 and air dashes are a pain to deal with, the most reliable anti-air I use is sword flip. If I read a jump in or air dash then I'll air to air with DS's j1. I think d2 can punish her air dashes too.

If she does b2 into lasso grab u can duck the lasso and punish with MB high guns. DS can get out of her cross-up setups cuz of his option select wake-ups (although most WWs I play typically go for OTG dive bombs). You can jump, backdash, poke out of her pressure if u guess right. I like to bait and punish her wake-ups so I'll end my combos with 12 sword flip then I'll dash up twice and block or jump over her. If she starts respecting that then I'll go for the 50/50. In the corner it sucks for DS, IMO her corner game is better because of her b2 and she doesn't have to worry about wake-ups. I think it's a tough match-up for DS, IMO she probably beats him 6-4.


Ayy Lmao
What i do is i almost never use meter on MB low guns and instead i use it for dash up MB F3 which blows up her d2, and MB high guns for punishes. I'll mix it up with dash in d1/b2. u can try to zone her but she'll eventually get in with demigoddess or dashing in. Unless demigoddess is done perfectly close to the ground, u can punish it with sword flip. Her jump 3 and air dashes are a pain to deal with, the most reliable anti-air I use is sword flip. If I read a jump in or air dash then I'll air to air with DS's j1. I think d2 can punish her air dashes too.

If she does b2 into lasso grab u can duck the lasso and punish with MB high guns. DS can get out of her cross-up setups cuz of his option select wake-ups (although most WWs I play typically go for OTG dive bombs). You can jump, backdash, poke out of her pressure if u guess right. I like to bait and punish her wake-ups so I'll end my combos with 12 sword flip then I'll dash up twice and block or jump over her. If she starts respecting that then I'll go for the 50/50. In the corner it sucks for DS, IMO her corner game is better because of her b2 and she doesn't have to worry about wake-ups. I think it's a tough match-up for DS, IMO she probably beats him 6-4.
Why you so good?


What i do is i almost never use meter on MB low guns and instead i use it for dash up MB F3 which blows up her d2, and MB high guns for punishes. I'll mix it up with dash in d1/b2. u can try to zone her but she'll eventually get in with demigoddess or dashing in. Unless demigoddess is done perfectly close to the ground, u can punish it with sword flip. Her jump 3 and air dashes are a pain to deal with, the most reliable anti-air I use is sword flip. If I read a jump in or air dash then I'll air to air with DS's j1. I think d2 can punish her air dashes too.

If she does b2 into lasso grab u can duck the lasso and punish with MB high guns. DS can get out of her cross-up setups cuz of his option select wake-ups (although most WWs I play typically go for OTG dive bombs). You can jump, backdash, poke out of her pressure if u guess right. I like to bait and punish her wake-ups so I'll end my combos with 12 sword flip then I'll dash up twice and block or jump over her. If she starts respecting that then I'll go for the 50/50. In the corner it sucks for DS, IMO her corner game is better because of her b2 and she doesn't have to worry about wake-ups. I think it's a tough match-up for DS, IMO she probably beats him 6-4.
Thanks I am for sure going to employ these tactics in to my game. It's definitely hard though the only thing that saves DS in this MU is like you said baiting her wakeup and making her respect you on knock down.


No problem and also, I'm looking for good Deathstroke experience for my Hawkgirl and Martian so if anybody (yourself included) is interested in running sets add me!
Yes definitely, I need more experience in both of those matchups. Let me know what your psn is, I'll definitely add you. Mine is the same as my TYM. :)


Yes definitely, I need more experience in both of those matchups. Let me know what your psn is, I'll definitely add you. Mine is the same as my TYM. :)

I may or may not be able to play till sometime next week since I'm heading to UFGT this week, but I can always play then.
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@Anbu, I will give you a screen position breakdown to help you out:
Fullscreen to midscreen: Definitely utilize zoning (all of the guns from assault rifle to the low gun shots) to see how the WoWo player will respond. Try to use ex guns sparingly since you might want meter to push block her away if she gets you hinged up in the corner or etc. Catch dashes with low/high shots to put her in her place and watch out for instant demigoddess which can be used to close the distance quickly.
Midscreen to sweep: Still use guns, but be ready for her approach. D2 and d1 and low guns can be used to beat dashes and if she gets in jump distance, be ready to d2 her. Now her d2 is very solid, but I believe if you do a j3 a certain way from a certain distance you will be able to beat it out ( I will test this more for sure).
Sweep to Close: B1, d1, and d2 will be your friends from these screen to screen positions. Her b2 is definitely an issue, so I recommend utilizing his mbf3/ mbb3 to contend with it or you could be a little risky and try to sword slip it on reaction (but I dnt recommend that haha). Once you are close enough tho, his d2 will be too fast for her b2 or her b1, so definitely dnt be afraid to utilize his d2 since it is very safe.
Close: Blow up her wakeups with neutral jump 3s, mb f3/b3, and etc. Her wakeup game isn't that great, so dnt be afraid to apply some pressure to her, especially if you knock her down in the corner. If you have to wakeup, use sword spin mostly unless they jump, then use sword flip. Now her divebomb setups can prove annoying, so be rdy to deal with those for sure. Her divebomb is like plus six if i'm correct, so she can only do certain normal after it that are fast enough to beat out DS's d1.
Overall, be very patient and pick your spots wisely and you should have success :)

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
The pre-patch Deathstroke mirror was a lot of worse.

What is Deathstroke versus Sinestro, by the way?

And why is my Deathstroke bad?
sincestro vs DS is 5-5. pretty much whoever gets the first hit wins. sinestro wins at full screen, DS wins at mid screen. up close i guess its slightly in DS's advantage but not really since they both have pretty good tools to get you off of them. once one gets the life lead its hard for the other to come back.

and i guess your DS is bad because you don't approach the character the way you're supposed to


@Anbu, I will give you a screen position breakdown to help you out:
Fullscreen to midscreen: Definitely utilize zoning (all of the guns from assault rifle to the low gun shots) to see how the WoWo player will respond. Try to use ex guns sparingly since you might want meter to push block her away if she gets you hinged up in the corner or etc. Catch dashes with low/high shots to put her in her place and watch out for instant demigoddess which can be used to close the distance quickly.
Midscreen to sweep: Still use guns, but be ready for her approach. D2 and d1 and low guns can be used to beat dashes and if she gets in jump distance, be ready to d2 her. Now her d2 is very solid, but I believe if you do a j3 a certain way from a certain distance you will be able to beat it out ( I will test this more for sure).
Sweep to Close: B1, d1, and d2 will be your friends from these screen to screen positions. Her b2 is definitely an issue, so I recommend utilizing his mbf3/ mbb3 to contend with it or you could be a little risky and try to sword slip it on reaction (but I dnt recommend that haha). Once you are close enough tho, his d2 will be too fast for her b2 or her b1, so definitely dnt be afraid to utilize his d2 since it is very safe.
Close: Blow up her wakeups with neutral jump 3s, mb f3/b3, and etc. Her wakeup game isn't that great, so dnt be afraid to apply some pressure to her, especially if you knock her down in the corner. If you have to wakeup, use sword spin mostly unless they jump, then use sword flip. Now her divebomb setups can prove annoying, so be rdy to deal with those for sure. Her divebomb is like plus six if i'm correct, so she can only do certain normal after it that are fast enough to beat out DS's d1.
Overall, be very patient and pick your spots wisely and you should have success :)
This was everything I was looking for and more thanks a ton MIT!