Oh shit it actually worked on the first try. Guess quick input really matters in this game, and then the delay around the third input. You really gotta monitor your timing for this combo, and it almost feels like I'm hit confirming the third input.
Yeah, whilst a lot (prob most) strings in nrs are fully dialable, some (often those with swanky grab-style animations or rapid hits) will require specific timing.
Tbh I didn’t even play Tanya. After a while you get a knack for labbing timings. At first I just tested how much was dialable by hammering it out (b12+4), then I chose a visual cue (I’ve also used audio cues in the past) to test the timing against relatively, in this case the stab attack landing. A few frames beforehand didn’t work, you know the rest!
That said, outside of combos, I’d also get used to slow hit/block-confirmed multi-hit strings anyways. Dialling full strings in neutral/on-block can be a great way to get (whiff) punished.
Sorry for the essay, just hopefully teaching a dude to fish