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Question Does this ever tick you off?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
im one of those online: let me explain...

im going through a character crisis, and lets be honest. we know all the characters by now.. and its boring playing with the same character. esp. if you are boding them.

also, i go to local tournaments biweekly, and i try to test my matchups every now and then against people i dont know.

I use Mileena right now with most matchups, but every so often i use Lao, Erron, Shinnok, Cassie for different matchups.

and youd probably go nuts playing me, cuz online is a joke to me, so i normally random select every match. just to keep it interesting. lol if reversals, pokes and every basic function is stripped away due to one sided tsunami that is my online MKX experience(wading through water is hard to overcome) i must use different characters just to keep it fresh;)
Oh God i already feel the rage lol

i think its a lot got to do with my impatience


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
lol i regret how i used the dude i raged on as my motivation for this thread

but ive always wanted to see people opinions on this and used Salt to push me to it :p


Protip: Nobody "owes" you anything.

Feel however you need to feel about it, but your opponent paid the same money you did for the game and is entitled to play it however they want. There's myriad reasons for switching characters...too many to list. If you're using lobby randoms to learn MU's.....