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Discussion Do you Perform Fatalities on Strangers Online?



Hmm...it all depends. If the player deserves it, they're getting a bear hug from Kotal or they're getting the 3-chop special from Jason's machete.

Brutalities happen a lot, especially with Kotal 'cause of Sun God's command grab. I also like to do The Kove's stage fatality and brutality. So, that happens a lot, regardless of who you are or what you did. If I get that stage and win, one of the two is going to happen.

I've also gotten into the habit of doing Jason's throw brutality to mix things up from his EX df1 brutality in Slasher. I especially love doing the shoulder/clothesline brutality. The clothesline one looks the best 'cause Jason knocks their head clear the fuck off and it happens so fast and out of nowhere.

So, er, yeah, I like to do things like this a lot, even if it's unprovoked. >_>