That Welsh Guy
I've not done it lately as my Cage is out in the back yard and It's like super fucking hot over here atm, leaves you with no energy that and my huge Gland infection having me in bed and pain for the past week haha!
But I try to make sure I get 2 chest days, 2 Leg + shoulder days & 2 Back days in a week.
My brother first got into it quite a while back and he's made MAD gains and I recently got into it properly again for the past 6 weeks, have seen noticeable change from my small skinny ass body become a bit more normal looking.
However I haven't really been using my Protein shake, Don't know why tbh but in any case Most of my meals consist of chicken and various food such as Brown rice/Pasta's/Brocoli/ other vegetables to stay in good health, that or Pizza!
I'm proud of my brothers Change and now I want to be proud of the change I can do, I am small right now but I'm moving up.
I think for sure i push myself the most and lift most on leg days and back days, Chest day I know my limits and i'm rising above them but it's hard work.
All for the good stuff though people, Be proud of your body, and be healthy!
But I try to make sure I get 2 chest days, 2 Leg + shoulder days & 2 Back days in a week.
My brother first got into it quite a while back and he's made MAD gains and I recently got into it properly again for the past 6 weeks, have seen noticeable change from my small skinny ass body become a bit more normal looking.
However I haven't really been using my Protein shake, Don't know why tbh but in any case Most of my meals consist of chicken and various food such as Brown rice/Pasta's/Brocoli/ other vegetables to stay in good health, that or Pizza!

I'm proud of my brothers Change and now I want to be proud of the change I can do, I am small right now but I'm moving up.
I think for sure i push myself the most and lift most on leg days and back days, Chest day I know my limits and i'm rising above them but it's hard work.
All for the good stuff though people, Be proud of your body, and be healthy!