I'm trying alternate day fasting and going with a basic 3x a week lifting schedule... I'll let you know how it works out, only been at it a few months, because I had surgery.
Quick disclaimer: I've turned into an intermediate fasting / alternate day fasting junkie. There's still research going on, but alot of it looks very promising. It's not a magic bullet, but I like it alot because it allows you flexibility to not have to be as strict with your diet or count calories as much. Short version:
Intermediate fasting: fast 16 hrs, eat for 8. This means if u eat your last meal at 8pm, you can eat again at 12pm the next day. And you basically do that every day, lowering calories on non lifting days and upping them on lifting days
Alternate Day fasting: You fast for 24 hrs 2 non consecutive days a week. so if you eat your last meal at 8pm monday, you can eat again at 8pm tuesday. This is more flexible then intermediate in case you love breakfast or want to have breakfast with friends/significant other.
Anyway, I honestly am addicted to fasting lol. I just want everyone to understand that it is NOT starving yourself, and it is not harmful to your body. And no joke, on my 24 hour fast days I have alot more energy, and no I do not have hunger pangs for 12 hrs straight. Initially, yes you will have hunger pangs because your body is used to eating every 3-4 hrs, but they go away within I'd say 3-5 days.
Research being done has shown that fasting has improved health markers (lower cholesterol, etc) and contrary to popular belief, your metabolism actually increases slightly.
If you want more information you could check out
www.leangains.com, or google "eat stop eat"
If you want to try this, note:
1. Do not go beyond 24 hr fasts
2. Do not binge and eat 1000 calorie meals after breaking the fast, that defeats the purpose which is cutting weekly calories by 25% and creating a weekly defecit.
3. Your first meal after fasting should be a normal meal, roughly 500 calories
4. You are allowed all the water, coffee, tea, gum, and any zero calorie beverage you desire.