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Do you even lift bro? Workout thread....

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
The easiest way to describe it is that it's kinda like Crossfit, but we're not part of that silly cult. Any program you follow will benefit you and I'm not knocking them at all, just an example. They're actually good programs if you follow them.

Glad to see someone that understands the effectiveness of Crossfit style training but does not follow the ridiculous cult behavior

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
My friend swears by P90X + insanity. He has been doing it for a year and has gotten great results.

He tried P90X-2 after his insanity workout and he said it was a joke compared to the original and went back to doing the original and has continued to cut and gain muscles from it along with his strength plan.

It really is one of those TV things that works awesome.
Good to know about p90x-2 appreciate it

Yea man I got ridiculous results and before and after photos when I hard core did it in 2010-2011 then off and on 2012

I would post white and after pics but on TYM id never live it down lol and it'd be used as random memes

I swear by p90x as well but if u only do the work outs and not the meal plan you're sort of wasting your time and I think a lot of people go really wrong in area in general w working out and that's their diets

Cool thread

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I lost about 120lbs since last July. Weights are good but for me they slowed me down since I was going the endurance route. For cardio I go for about 10-12 miles on each run for about 4 days a week. I also try and finish with some sprints. Also doing sports on top of working really helps out as well.

I'm really into body weight training. Pull ups is probably the best upper body workout. It took me about 6 months before I can do one. I'm still trying to do one arm pull ups. I'm close but so hard.

Box jumps, clapping push ups, chins all great stuff.

Anyone have good weight lifting programs regarding sets/reps. I experimented with wendlers 5/3/1 and lifting heavy but it killed my stamina and hurt my speed.
That's awesome

Before p90x even in high school sports I was free to pull ups

After p90x I can max at about 25. You honesty man might wanna consider it because you've done tremendous work since July 2012 and this could really push u over that edge

I can send it to u if u want

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
To all you guys who have a hard time putting on muscle, I know that feel

While yes I have been training for years I always struggle with actually gaining weight/size

Cardio/strength always got better, but being an ectromorph ( tall skinny dude ) it felt impossible.

However As you can see I have been able make some solid progress

in just the past year after changing up my training from MMA/BJJ to focus on purely size/strength gains ( this is necessary if your looking to gain size )

This picture was taken while I was recovering from a difficult lower back injury, being nearly completely physically inactive for nearly two months I lost a ton of weight and strength.

So I dropped any MMA training and focused primarily on size/strength gains and Did this through a bulking phase which you can see below

EDIT- How the heck do I scale these pictures down lol

Awesome man

Do u mind posting your diet and work outs during that phase? Also supplements?


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I tend to work out off and on from time to time, but never consistently. I think my main problem is I never stick to the right diet for the results I'm looking for. =/


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Good to know about p90x-2 appreciate it

Yea man I got ridiculous results and before and after photos when I hard core did it in 2010-2011 then off and on 2012

I would post white and after pics but on TYM id never live it down lol and it'd be used as random memes

I swear by p90x as well but if u only do the work outs and not the meal plan you're sort of wasting your time and I think a lot of people go really wrong in area in general w working out and that's their diets

Cool thread
You should just post a picture of you before and then photoshop your face on someone like Jay Cutler


I like to play bad characters
Glad to see someone that understands the effectiveness of Crossfit style training but does not follow the ridiculous cult behavior
Oh absolutaly not. For one they throw up a WOD on thier website that has no real programing or goal. It's just this is a badass workout so you should all do it and send your pics in. Some of them are good workouts but still. It's great in the beginning when you're new to it, especially if you're really out of shape as you'll see improvment you'll never see in body building style workouts. I was lucky to fall in with the people I have in the last 5 years or so. Secondly they have people trying to do Olympic lifts and other advanced movements on the first week, sometimes the first day! Those movements take a serious long time to learn, there are multiple other lifts you need to have down very well to even begin. Again it's cool if it's new to you, but you can train explosive strength in other ways just as effectively as well as safer for new people. At the end of the day doing Snatch's is only gonna make you great at Snatch's too. If you wanna get pegged on your heart rate while moving heavy things there are again other ways to do it that will suck just as bad or worse. Not all Crossfit gyms are like that but most are. Another thing that is funny is that most of the "top level crossfitters" don't even do crossfit. They build thier own programs so they can own at the competitions. Most of the gyms just become affiliates so they can use the name and charge absurd fee's. My gym is in an old auto garage with no A/C or heat and cost $75 a month. The local affiliate is $250


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
So Doomsday is ripped, I wonder what supplements he is on? Oh thats right... PAIN!
I'm trying alternate day fasting and going with a basic 3x a week lifting schedule... I'll let you know how it works out, only been at it a few months, because I had surgery.

Quick disclaimer: I've turned into an intermediate fasting / alternate day fasting junkie. There's still research going on, but alot of it looks very promising. It's not a magic bullet, but I like it alot because it allows you flexibility to not have to be as strict with your diet or count calories as much. Short version:

Intermediate fasting: fast 16 hrs, eat for 8. This means if u eat your last meal at 8pm, you can eat again at 12pm the next day. And you basically do that every day, lowering calories on non lifting days and upping them on lifting days

Alternate Day fasting: You fast for 24 hrs 2 non consecutive days a week. so if you eat your last meal at 8pm monday, you can eat again at 8pm tuesday. This is more flexible then intermediate in case you love breakfast or want to have breakfast with friends/significant other.

Anyway, I honestly am addicted to fasting lol. I just want everyone to understand that it is NOT starving yourself, and it is not harmful to your body. And no joke, on my 24 hour fast days I have alot more energy, and no I do not have hunger pangs for 12 hrs straight. Initially, yes you will have hunger pangs because your body is used to eating every 3-4 hrs, but they go away within I'd say 3-5 days.

Research being done has shown that fasting has improved health markers (lower cholesterol, etc) and contrary to popular belief, your metabolism actually increases slightly.

If you want more information you could check out www.leangains.com, or google "eat stop eat"

If you want to try this, note:
1. Do not go beyond 24 hr fasts
2. Do not binge and eat 1000 calorie meals after breaking the fast, that defeats the purpose which is cutting weekly calories by 25% and creating a weekly defecit.
3. Your first meal after fasting should be a normal meal, roughly 500 calories
4. You are allowed all the water, coffee, tea, gum, and any zero calorie beverage you desire.


I like to play bad characters
I'm trying alternate day fasting and going with a basic 3x a week lifting schedule.
I have done a similar gig a few years ago. It was call "the warrior diet." the concept was similar. Basically you were to fast all day until the evening and have one massive meal. Of course with all your vegges and lean meats etc. The idea behind it was that people use to eat like that and they used the roman soldiers and other warriros and ancient/older cultures as an example. March all day or battle and feast at night. They also used the example of wild animals vs. domesticated ones. Wild animals are lean, usually gorge on a kill, until they get thier next one. Domesticated ones eat multiple times a day and are not lean. It also spoke of how you are able to fully digest all your food and use all the energy from it as opposed to constant fueling and wasting/adding fat. Of course there is more to it but I don't want to type a book. I did it for several months and really liked it. But it became very problematic if anything in your scedule was thrown off which happened too often and is ultimately why I dropped it. If you can keep it up keep it up.
I have done a similar gig a few years ago. It was call "the warrior diet." the concept was similar. Basically you were to fast all day until the evening and have one massive meal. Of course with all your vegges and lean meats etc. The idea behind it was that people use to eat like that and they used the roman soldiers and other warriros and ancient/older cultures as an example. March all day or battle and feast at night. They also used the example of wild animals vs. domesticated ones. Wild animals are lean, usually gorge on a kill, until they get thier next one. Domesticated ones eat multiple times a day and are not lean. It also spoke of how you are able to fully digest all your food and use all the energy from it as opposed to constant fueling and wasting/adding fat. Of course there is more to it but I don't want to type a book. I did it for several months and really liked it. But it became very problematic if anything in your scedule was thrown off which happened too often and is ultimately why I dropped it. If you can keep it up keep it up.

Yeah that's another one you can do... but it's not too feasable if you have friends and a social life lol... plus you could get stomach pains from eating 2000 calories in a day... but if you could keep up the warrior diet that's another one that works.


Noob Saibot
This is the workout I do when I take a break for a week or two and then jump back in. I usually do this for two weeks to build my muscle endurance back up. It is a great starter workout that my friend came up with a few years ago. It helps you build up your muscle endurance and if you are looking to lose weight and cut, you can stick with this workout plan for a while. What is nice about it, is it works one muscle group a day (sans back and leg day) and has a good mix of cardio.

With the cardio, you don't have to start out trying to kill yourself with the times listed. Start slow and build up.

Monday: Chest
4 sets of dumb bell incline press -12-12-10-10
4 sets of barbell bench press -15-12-12-10
3 sets of cable flys 15-15-12-12
4 sets decline dumb bell press 12-12-10-10
elliptical for 30 minutes
( all should be relateively light weight but not to light that it is too easy for you)

Tuesday: Back & Legs ( suggest doing two different times of day)
4 sets of seated wide grip lat pulls 15-12-12-10
4 sets of bent rows (dumbbells) 12-12-10-10
4 sets of seated low rows close grip 12-10-12-10
5 sets of as many pull ups you can get
5 sets of leg press -15-15-12-12-10
4 sets of lightweight squats with dumbbells 12-10-10-12
4 sets leg extentions -12-12-12-12
3 sets of lunges (barbell) 10-10-10-10
( if you have any questions on exercise look them up on how to do them)

Wednesday: Shoulders
4 seated dumbbell military press 12-12-10-10
3 sets of behind the back standing barbell press 12-10-10-12
4 sets of upright rows barbell 15-12-12-10
3 super sets of dumbell shoulder raises side to side and front 12-12-10
eliptical 35 minutes

Thursday: REST

Friday- Biceps
4 sets of standard dumbbell curs 12-10-10-12
3 sets of preacher curls 15-12-12
4 sets of close grip barbell curs 12-12-12-10
4 sets of cable curls 15-15-10-10
1 set of band curls until failure

Saturday - Tricep
4 sets skull crushers 12-12-10-10
4 sets cable tricep extention 15-15-12-12
3 sets close grip bench 10-10-10
eliptical for 40 minutes

Sunday: Cardio, Cardio, Cardio.

I am going to make a separate post below this for caloric burning that I did a few years ago for school.


Noob Saibot
Caloric Burning per workout.

Jump Rope, Fast 20 minutes: 442 calories

Jump Rope, Moderate 20 minutes: 328 calories

P90X, 60 minutes: 678 calories

Walking, Moderate pace 20 minutes: 136 calories

Jogging, 6 minute mile pace 20 minutes: 548 calories

Weight lifting, one hour with elevated heart rate: 400 calories.

Just some examples of your basic cardio/strength exercises.

I will more that while jogging is a better calorie burner, I found better results with jumping rope. Not only do you burn a great amount of calories, but your legs and calves get really cut from doing it.

Also, weight lifting is ok for burning calories, but there are so many independent variables that would make it super hard to calculate for each individual person such as rest periods, heart rate, etc.


Noob Saibot
ColdBoreMK23 Why group back and legs together and not bis and tris? or even chest/tris and back/bis?
I always thought the same thing until I tried this plan and got better results.

Basically, you want to just focus on one area if the body a day. While we do use a lot of different muscle groups to do an exercise like benching (chest, triceps, shoulders, and even back), you want to allow your body to focus on repairing only the muscle group you are working mainly such as chest.

Plus, on paper this looks like an easy workout, but it is rough for the first week if you haven't lifted for awhile and your endurance is a little iffy.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Yeah that's another one you can do... but it's not too feasable if you have friends and a social life lol... plus you could get stomach pains from eating 2000 calories in a day... but if you could keep up the warrior diet that's another one that works.
Important note about nutrition: everyone metabolizes differently. For some people, a fasting diet could work, though there are negative implications for blood sugar/glucose levels by doing this along with a host of adherence issues for what I would guess is a majority of people.

It also all very much depends on your personal goals and how you want to reach them. As a NASM CPT, I wouldn't encourage a fasting diet under any circumstance.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Also, weight lifting is ok for burning calories, but there are so many independent variables that would make it super hard to calculate for each individual person such as rest periods, heart rate, etc.
I disagree. With the proper routine, weight lifting is considered a higher calorie burning method.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Noob Saibot
I disagree. With the proper routine, weight lifting is considered a higher calorie burning method.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

It is good, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't replace a good cardio workout. I've seen countless patients in the hospital that have been considered "fitness junkies", only to find out they just lifted and didn't do anything else.

These patients where status post CABG, CHF, MI (the big ole heart attack), transplant, etc.

They had the look of fitness but the heart and arteries of an obese person.

Proper nutrition like you said above this from a separate post is key to anything.


Last year I lost 15 pounds when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out and my training went to shits. Over the course of this summer my goal is to rebuild up to my old PR's (210 bench, 255 squat, 355 deadlift) running a simple full body program focusing on the core compounds. Once I reach my old maxes them I will transition to Bill Starr's 5x5 for intermediate lifters and run it a few cycles.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
It is good, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't replace a good cardio workout. I've seen countless patients in the hospital that have been considered "fitness junkies", only to find out they just lifted and didn't do anything else.

These patients where status post CABG, CHF, MI (the big ole heart attack), transplant, etc.

They had the look of fitness but the heart and arteries of an obese person.

Proper nutrition like you said above this from a separate post is key to anything.

Agreed - any good workout routine will involve cardio endurance and cardio strength along with muscular endurance/strength/power.

I was only saying that weight lifting workout in general will burn more calories as a cardio workout. I don't believe it's significant (personal opinion) but I do believe it's true in a general sense.

Fitness is a multifaceted subject and in general you can't make blanket statements, which is why I'm trying to be careful to preface things with "in general" and "typically" because the fact of the matter is, what works for one person may not work for another for a plethora of reasons. Adherence, properly built routine, properly built schedule, goals, nutrition, sleeping habits, history of personal fitness, past injuries, mentality, etc., etc...there are a lot of factors which all need to be accounted for.

But anyways... :)


Noob Saibot
Agreed - any good workout routine will involve cardio endurance and cardio strength along with muscular endurance/strength/power.

I was only saying that weight lifting workout in general will burn more calories as a cardio workout. I don't believe it's significant (personal opinion) but I do believe it's true in a general sense.

Fitness is a multifaceted subject and in general you can't make blanket statements, which is why I'm trying to be careful to preface things with "in general" and "typically" because the fact of the matter is, what works for one person may not work for another for a plethora of reasons. Adherence, properly built routine, properly built schedule, goals, nutrition, sleeping habits, history of personal fitness, past injuries, mentality, etc., etc...there are a lot of factors which all need to be accounted for.

But anyways... :)

I agree. I think a lot of people that dive into the fitness routine don't understand that is like a puzzle with many different pieces that need to fit together.

If you are overweight and want to lose weight AND gain muscle, you need to supplement your decreased nutritional intake. Eating just a salad isn't going to cut it in the big picture if you want to gain muscle. Naturally from lifting you will burn fat but you will also not be able to repair properly if you deprive your body of nutrition.

I find this amazing in that there are so many ways to go about everything. And there are literally hundreds of different workout plans that can work for certain people and not work for others.

It's like the 10th wonder of the world.


I lift weights as well.

4 times per week. I think the best way to do it as a natural "bodybuilder" is to do a 2 day split routine 2x per week, but I simply don't like it, even though it's superior to what I'm doing instead - a 4 day split routine (Chest / Biceps, Legs, Shoulders / Triceps, Back) ... I rarely train my ABS, because I do a lot of compound movements, which hit my ABS more than enough.
I also do the intermittent fasting, which means that I have a 6 hour eating window, where I try to get all of my calories in. Then I stop eating and only drink water. That helps me burn fat much easier and stay lean. Eating every three hours small meals is the most retarded BS you can do.
I don't do cardio, even though I should do it, simply to increase my stamina and the recovery speed during sets.

The only supplement I use are protein powders, in order to achieve my 150-180 grams of protein per day. I eat more carbohydrates on training days and less fats, while eating barely any carbohydrates and more fats on rest days, since fats help you recover faster.



Your routine is horrible and it's causing me eyecancer. It doesn't matter if you think it's good and that it works for you, it's simply horrible and you should drop it as soon as possible and look for a better routine.

weight lifting is ok for burning calories
Also ... nothing is superior to burning calories / fat than lifting weights. Nothing. Well, okay a liposuction would be superior -_-


Stay Free
I don't lift too much, I do mostly body weight exercises for muscle.

Cardio is a different story. I'm a cardio freak, and being so dedicated has currently landed me a spot on a USL soccer team.
Here's a typical cardio workout for me, 3x a week:
--On a Track--
Warm up: Moderate pace mile (about 6:40 for me)
Rest for 2 minutes.
Part 1: Start at the Mile start line. Jog the curve of the track, sprint all out once it becomes a straight lane. Jog when it becomes curved again. Repeat for 4 laps.
Rest for 5 min or until fully recovered. Whichever happens first.
Part 2: Put on a weighted vest of 25 lbs or more. Put on ankle weights (I usually do 2.5 lbs). Do 12, all out, 100m sprints (jog back to the start line).
No rest, just take of the weights.
Part 3: Run a mile at fast pace/as fast as you can still manage (My fastest after all this is 5:23).

I've done that for 2 months now in order to get ready for this team and it works wonders. Hard as hell but your endurance increases like crazy and you get pretty cut from all the sprints.


I'm 6'0 and I've been around 160lbs for 10 years now. Trust me, I eat, I just can't force myself to eat over 3,000 calories a day because it's gross and will typically make you want to vomit. Losing weight just requires eating less/better and a form of cardio. That's really it unless you have a thyroid problem.

Edit: Actually, I'm 167 now, from gaining a whopping 7lbs of muscle over the course of me attempting to gain muscle! lol.
Have you tried weight gainer protein shakes? Also how often do you eat?