I think people who are skinny and complain they dont gain weight take it for granted. Only worrying about weight lifting and eating more is a lot better lol at least in my opinion.
This is the main reason why I stay away from weights.
I always shake my head at guys who think their strong by what they lift lol
Loosing weight can be extremely challenging, here is why, fat cells are literally a stored energy source.....
Meaning that you are pushing a rock up hill when trying to drop bodyfat percentages ( if you have a high one ).
However in reality it only appears this way, I have had clients who were fairly obese ( big people, 20%+ bodyfat ) tell me that they have tried loosing weight but just hate the cardio and dieting and it became to difficult to drop the weight. After 3 months of training with me EVERY single one of those clients ( the obese ones ) were so surprised that with the right mind set and metaphysical focus they were able to drop anywhere from 15-40 pounds in around 3 months. As with the dieting for weight loss was not as strict as they previously believed and that a COMBINATION of strength training/ cardio allowed them a great approach to drop the weight.
Again not saying it is easy, but it is totally doable given the right knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done ( a lot of people miss interrupt what they need to do)
However an ectomorph does not simply need to "worry" about weight lifting and eating, they have to COMPLETELY destroy a progress overload program, this means that not for a mere 3-6 months but rather a full year they have to increasingly progress with weight overload by atleast 5% and still keeping rest periods to a under 60 seconds for maximum time under tension ( this promotes the hypertrophy ) All while force feeding cleans food, just because you are naturally skinny and you want to put on muscle mass does not mean you can suddenly eat a ton of junk food, you have to eat the SAME clean food that an obese person would need to eat but rather eat that x6-8 times per day.
The progress overload ideal that they need to master, can alone cause serve injury as in order for the muscle to continue to experience hypertrophy the weight needs the week by week 5% increase where as the tendons are put under extreme stress.
I completely understand your point
Death as weight loss is no easy task especially if the person has been inactive for some time, but the skinny guy has a much longer road head. If i may make a comparison.......its sorta like the overweight person needs to push the stone UP hill for 20 feet at a 55 degree angle ( no easy task what so ever) While the skinny guy has to push the stone up a 100 feet at a 30 degree angle.
Both equally facing there own set of challenges.
and last thing I completely respect anyone who competes in sports that involve "how much can you lift"
Do not deny the effectiveness of iron.....Look at every professional athlete ( out side of distance pro's) They all have some form of weight lifting on the regular.
Think of Anderson silva, Jon jones, Lebron James, etc etc all these guys train in there respect sport as well as with weights on the regular.
Hell the Spartans trained with stone lifting on the regular to the keep the soldiers a physical match for any other nation
-----Sorry for wall of text lol