Well than the question is do people consider Panda garbage because he is low tier?
Kung Lao is considered garbage because he is low tier or bottom 5. However he is making these top 8s.
How do people see Panda? Players can say Panda lacks tools and is low tier but they won't necessarily say Panda is garbage.
It seems to be the consensus that if you are low tier in MK11 then you suck, so when I see characters that are suppose to suck getting consistent placements then I question the tier positioning only because of the consistency.
This doesn't mean that I put them in top tier. It does make me think of the language people use when speaking of tiers.
A garbage character shouldn't in my opinion be making top 3 or getting Grand Finals of high level tournaments.
Kotal is considered a trash character. D'Vorah isn't considered good either and in a tournament setting because of their problems than it solidifies the statement that they aren't that good.
If Kotal all of a sudden starts getting Top 3 then automatically we will restudy his tools the same as we are now.
When Furious Pillow beat Hayatei at CEO we saw what happened the next day against Beyond Toxin which means people can lab the weaknesses. So if they can do it for Kotal they can do it for Lao too.
So if Lao keeps getting top 3 then at the very least he has the tools to at least not be garbage.
I am talking too much lol!
TL: DR: Is Panda and Kung Lao seen in the same light meaning is Panda garbage in Tekken 7 and that's why he is considered low tier? If Kung Lao is low tier are we still consider him a garbage character based off of his tools?
Panda ON PAPER is garbage.
But was still able to beat Devil jin who is top teir and was in the hands if Qudans who is the number dvj palyer in the world.
Remember any character can win in the right hands if the game is well balanced.
But even in a well balanced game there will bad match ups.
Yoshimitsu on paper isn't high on the teir list but if you dont know the match up he will tear you apart.
Again alot of what he does are gimicks which wont count for anything in a tier list because on paper they can be delt with.
I cant really speak on mk11 as i dont play much but the game is quite young so there could be a chance poeple haven't learnt the match up or just dont know what the character is capable of yet.
This is why in reality tournament results can not go into creating a teir list. To many factors outsude the characters ability to win said match up.
Human error , lack of match up knowlage or the opponents playstyle can contribute to a loss but this doesnt mean the character who lost is bad.
On paper gimicks should never work but in reality and in a tournament setting sometimes they will.