I use all the cheats and the worst thing I had happen was all the in-game sound effects shut off (except for the background music) when I took a call while playing.
All I can suggest to you is, try resetting your phone (press and hold the Power and the Home button until the Apple appears AFTER the "Slide to Power off" appears). If that doesn't work, connect your device to your pc and do a restore through iTunes. Also too, sometimes if you just leave it alone for a while, it'll magically fix itself.
Quick Update:
Grinded out some more Gold packs and got Bane 3x in a frikin row!

Then I got a Batman card and spent $20 to buy a R. Wonder Woman card. So now my main party is: 40 R. Wonder Woman (E1), 36 A. Harley, and a 28 Batman. I'm grinding out the bonus stage after Jailbird Supes for koins and exp. I was hoping to have the Hidden Reward by now but I'm getting really bad luck on my packs
I can't decide if I should keep buying Gold Packs or if I should just focus on suping up my Wonder Woman....