Snagged that Collector's edition for PS5 faster than Shao Kahn could say "You suck!"
DarksydeDash You know me as RisingShieldBro online. May 23, 2023 #51 Snagged that Collector's edition for PS5 faster than Shao Kahn could say "You suck!"
superbn0va Apprentice May 24, 2023 #52 I need to have more info to pre-order something lol. Only exception for me to pre-order without screenshots/gameplay would be if A. I really liked the latest games B. NRS officially announced that John Tobias is working on MK1 (again)
I need to have more info to pre-order something lol. Only exception for me to pre-order without screenshots/gameplay would be if A. I really liked the latest games B. NRS officially announced that John Tobias is working on MK1 (again)
Pehdrinha Noob May 24, 2023 #53 I'll use June and July to save money and If everything goes well. I'll pre-order in the beginning of August, probably the standard edition, and after saving more money I'll try to buy the Kombat Pack later on.
I'll use June and July to save money and If everything goes well. I'll pre-order in the beginning of August, probably the standard edition, and after saving more money I'll try to buy the Kombat Pack later on.
Sparta Noob May 24, 2023 #54 I'm waiting to see some gameplay before I pre-order and see how kameo fighters will be handled, at the moment the only mechanic that puzzles me.
I'm waiting to see some gameplay before I pre-order and see how kameo fighters will be handled, at the moment the only mechanic that puzzles me.
Agilaz It has begun May 25, 2023 #55 Preorderd digital premium Early access plus i'm literally getting my MK11 main on day 1.
Anansi416 Tarkat Lead Cook May 26, 2023 #56 -PS5 secured last year. -Preorder Secured last Saturday. -Vacation day for the early access release date has been approved. Now all I need to see is Jax and Kitana gameplay and I am good to go!
-PS5 secured last year. -Preorder Secured last Saturday. -Vacation day for the early access release date has been approved. Now all I need to see is Jax and Kitana gameplay and I am good to go!
Trustful_Whale Warrior May 26, 2023 #57 No PS5 so I ain't doin shit until about a couple weeks before launch when them discounts start poppin up.
No PS5 so I ain't doin shit until about a couple weeks before launch when them discounts start poppin up.