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Decision Made.. Time to move foward

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Kaptain Klips

Kombat Konnoisseur
Hate to say it but if Scorp's banned I mightn't participate in any Injustice tournies.
He's the reason I was gonna learn the game and the kharacter I wanted to use because I love MK, always will and am still an avid MK9 player.
Of kourse ill support MK tournies and Injustice as a whole but me entering tournies with kharacters that I barely know or want to learn?.... seems like a waste of money and time to me. I vote to leave him as is or y'know BUFF EVERYBODY like NRS where planning to do instead of nerfs.

All the best,
Hate to say it but if Scorp's banned I mightn't participate in any Injustice tournies.
He's the reason I was gonna learn the game and the kharacter I wanted to use because I love MK, always will and am still an avid MK9 player.
Of kourse ill support MK tournies and Injustice as a whole but me entering tournies with kharacters that I barely know or want to learn?.... seems like a waste of money and time to me. I vote to leave him as is or y'know BUFF EVERYBODY like NRS where planning to do instead of nerfs.

All the best,

So your solution is to have EVERY character be as unbalanced as Scorpion? Dear lord...

Kaptain Klips

Kombat Konnoisseur
So your solution is to have EVERY character be as unbalanced as Scorpion? Dear lord...
Lol Id like everybody to be fucked up instead of making each kharacter shit when someone komplains.
It kould work y'no...... I mean... look at Marvel everybodies fucked in that game lol

If it happens it happens. Im just an MK fan wanting to keep the kharacter he wanted to use.
PS3s a brick at the minute so for him to be banned before I kan get more than 10mins gameplay with him seems... kruel lol

All the best,


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
You know...Batman's parry can stop even MB teleport. I wonder if other parries work the same? They should, in theory.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
3. Do the Usedforglue and just quit playing competitvely.

I honestly don't see the point in playing this game competitvely if I'm beatable by some dribbling spastic that can learn 1 special move and flip a coin. Not worth me saving money to go to an MLG event or EVO, just to get randomed out by Scorpion players.
I took the option 3 not so long ago.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So wait...Foxy says he never loses to a Scorpion.

So...why the hell is he the exception? I'm confused. If he never loses to Scorpion...then does that mean other people could reach that level?

Hmm. Seems odd.

Vulcan Hades

Injustice must have been rolling around in radioactive waste before Scorpion was added then, because it was filled to the brim with problems before him :joker:
Aside from Scorpion, these are the only characters I think could use a bit of tweaking: Killer Frost, Black Adam's dive kick/backdash OR his damage output, Aquaman, Wonder Woman's OTG being +6 on block, Zod :) . MAYBE Batman's trait but then you'd need to compensate with something else because he is nothing without trait.

Everyone else is 100% fine imo aside from Joker/Harley's trait that need to be made useful and Lobo (I don't know anything about that character but I trust REO's judgment).

But even those 5-6 characters I listed are still ok and manageable for most of the cast. And they certainly don't break the game's rules or ignore footsies or negate interactables like Scorpion does. They're just top tier characters.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Even though this post is nothing but sarcasm. I say read the last paragraph as if it wasn't. B/c that's what everyone needs to do. Good god.


Why do people lump bat girl in with the scorpion convo? She is good, but not game breaking. Her info.ite was a glitch that got fixed the next day, its not a game breaking mechanic like scorpion.


Online Punching Bag
In seriousness though he's not that great of a character BUT what character in this game has one move that.
-counters zoning
-escapes corner traps
-creates mindfucks of blocking wackiness
-makes interactables a non factor
-counters jumping

can anyone answer this for me?


My blades will find your heart
I did some anti-scorp tech and posted it in his forum. WITH PRACTICE it may be possible to deal with the j3 /teleport game.


"Strength isn't everything"
We wont win if we don't stop fighting for it.

It's not something that couldn't be boycotted. Considering that 65% + of us want him banned, why don't we take those 65% and enforce it ourselves. Its not like MR Wizard himself is going to be running the Injustice tournament, he's merely hosting it. We have the power, why is that so hard to understand?

You can deal with this 1 of 3 ways.

1. Be a bitch and accept ass raping from players that aren't as good as you and lose 2-0 in tournament because you cant guess 1/4 at all times anywhere on the screen.

2. Stand up and enforce Scorpion bans in all the tournamnets you go to, locals, majors, streams etc etc.

3. Do the Usedforglue and just quit playing competitvely.

I honestly don't see the point in playing this game competitvely if I'm beatable by some dribbling spastic that can learn 1 special move and flip a coin. Not worth me saving money to go to an MLG event or EVO, just to get randomed out by Scorpion players.
Option 3 is the the best choice. It will save your time, your sanity, and your money.


goodbye injustice after evo, all these other community players that joined the NRS community, will now go by by

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The sooner the community stops caring about what the rest of the world thinks, the better it becomes.

Quality of a community > quantity of a community.

Lol I actually don't think he had anything to do with Clayman despite the other troll accounts.
Aww, Clayman is my favourite person here :(
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