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Cyrax Official Character Trailer!


yeah, you guys still think we text from wifis on a tree while hiding from random lions and crocodiles that show up out of nowhere unexplained, that's why africans are always designed they way they're designed
This is really unhinged. You should probably step away from the keyboard.


Nope, i'm fine where i am, if you feel annoyed by this, then mission acomplished, now you know how we african feel

I'm not annoyed at all. I am wondering if you've got the same energy for Elena in Street Fighter?

Reference material:

As I said, it's not that deep.


In Zoning We Trust
These are not the cyborgs from MK3. Consider these entirely new characters. Gender-swapped and wearing suits, really? The only thing they share are their names.

Hoping to see the real Cyrax and Sektor return in a future MK game, NOT made by WB/NRS.
Most of the time when I play characters in MK I use the traditional outfits or stick to the color scheme of the characters. For example, I would never be able to play as a green Scorpion or red Sub-Zero, etc. My brain just can't do it. Old school mindset.

However with Cyrax and Sektor, this will be an exception. I'll never put the yellow and red on them, as my head cannon is these are two new characters called "Cyria and Sekta" or something who migrated from the MCU. They'll be rocking purple and green or whatever in my game lol.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm not annoyed at all. I am wondering if you've got the same energy for Elena in Street Fighter?

Reference material:

As I said, it's not that deep.
We ALWAYS run into these, that was just to show you that these are legit question's we're asked about or portrayed as, even the Elena ending runs the same problem,
Sometimes we poke some fun into it, sometimes we roll with it and troll it, that's because we're tired of these.
Specially now that everyone thinks Wakanda is real, the amount of stuff we false confirm it's hilarious when stereotypes are being put on, soon we'll end with a yasuke situation


bye felicia
She looks pretty damned good, way too high execution for me though.

It is still damned crazy to have two Cyraxes in the game and have mfs complaining about representation tho. Is there not enough dumb other shit in this game?


We ALWAYS run into these, that was just to show you that these are legit question's we're asked about or portrayed as, even the Elena ending runs the same problem,
Sometimes we poke some fun into it, sometimes we roll with it and troll it, that's because we're tired of these.
Specially now that everyone thinks Wakanda is real, the amount of stuff we false confirm it's hilarious when stereotypes are being put on, soon we'll end with a yasuke situation
No one thinks Wakanda is real. As I said, Cyrax is about on par with anything else in fighting games.


Sadly, there are ppl that thinks it is, i've seen them, talked to, and to make the matters worse, there are random quiz vids where americans are asked to name 5 african countries, and Wakanda was mentioned quite a few times:(
That's....really depressing

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
The Sektor design talk has made me realize that I never cared about the specifics of Sektor's costume much. I love the character to death but that has more to do with his in-game animations and style than anything.

Give me some of the moves like MK9 B1, B21, F2, B3, U3->4 or the MK3 throw and I'll be happy.

If they end up being jetpack centric with no teleport uppercut or visceral moves my disappointment will be immeasurable.
That's the one thing I'm holding out for. I just hope they get Sektor's fighting personality right.

A lot of people don't know this but in MK9's early development, many characters shared a default throw animation while NRS worked on their final throws. Sektor is the only character who kept this default throw. But it fits him, incredibly well. It isn't flashy, it isn't pretty, he grabs you, slams you into the ground and screams while he does it. Sektor is a fucking psychopath and I loved how well MK9 captured that. When he did his EX teleport, spiked you into the ground and laughed? Perfection.

I just don't want this new Sektor to be a cocky, quippy, sassy Iron Man clone.
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I can confirm me and my friends are all green skinned and shoot electric arcs at annoying people around here.
As expected.
Sadly, there are ppl that thinks it is, i've seen them, talked to, and to make the matters worse, there are random quiz vids where americans are asked to name 5 african countries, and Wakanda was mentioned quite a few times:(
Good God...


yeah, you guys still think we text from wifis on a tree while hiding from random lions and crocodiles that show up out of nowhere unexplained, that's why africans are always designed they way they're designed
So you're telling me you don't control your computers with drums and commute back & forth to work on your proud war rhino as accurately displayed by the visionary, respectful Black Panther films? I call you liar, good sir!

No one thinks Wakanda is real.
People were legit trying to book flights and hotels for Wakanda. Don't underestimate how stupid people are.


Also just noticed...Cyrax changed from Botswana to Niger? ...why?


If the armor is a stepping stone to cybernization, then I think the costumes look amazing. They look like how I'd expect, sleek and enhancing, but still weak enough that you could be convinced going full cyber is the answer. From that angle, the removable face plate is cool as it makes it clear that there's still a human under the armor, that humanity gets lost in the cybernization so it sets up for a nice contrast. MK1 is a game where Kung Lao doesn't even start with his hat so to me it makes sense that the Lin Kuei do not start with full cyborgs. This is all contingent on them following up with the cyborgs tho, Cyrax and the quest to regain their soul is good story worth retelling.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
If the armor is a stepping stone to cybernization, then I think the costumes look amazing. They look like how I'd expect, sleek and enhancing, but still weak enough that you could be convinced going full cyber is the answer. From that angle, the removable face plate is cool as it makes it clear that there's still a human under the armor, that humanity gets lost in the cybernization so it sets up for a nice contrast. MK1 is a game where Kung Lao doesn't even start with his hat so to me it makes sense that the Lin Kuei do not start with full cyborgs. This is all contingent on them following up with the cyborgs tho, Cyrax and the quest to regain their soul is good story worth retelling.
I'd be more okay with that if MK's future wasn't up in the air right now. I haven't seen Sektor on a roster since 2011, and now I can't see a robo Sektor for god knows how many more years.

MK1 is set to be their longest supported project yet, and then when it's finished we have zero clue how long it'll be till the next instalment, if Sektor will be on that roster and if they'll be a robot if they do make it. From 2011 to who knows when, it could be over 20 years before we see Robot Sektor again

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
She looks pretty damned good, way too high execution for me though.

It is still damned crazy to have two Cyraxes in the game and have mfs complaining about representation tho. Is there not enough dumb other shit in this game?
cyrax it's always going to be cyrax no matter the game he/she/them/theirs are in, have we not learned nothing from past interactions? Even his Male Kameo version brought tears on release

Cyrax has been cyraxing since MK3, just give a day on release


I'd be more okay with that if MK's future wasn't up in the air right now. I haven't seen Sektor on a roster since 2011, and now I can't see a robo Sektor for god knows how many more years.

MK1 is set to be their longest supported project yet, and then when it's finished we have zero clue how long it'll be till the next instalment, if Sektor will be on that roster and if they'll be a robot if they do make it. From 2011 to who knows when, it could be over 20 years before we see Robot Sektor again
We might get "order of darkness" sektor and cyrax as fully cyberized, who knows...


She looks amazing, seems to have some easy and fun to execute combo paths, definitely will play as her.

Also loving these new details in the costume evoking a bit of the Lin Kuei more traditional ninja aesthetic, implying they still have their humanity. Will be interesting to see how the whole cyber-initiative will play out in this timeline. Sektor seems to be showing some villain attitude in the trailer (thankfully), so she'll likely become obsessed and start the cyber-initiative in a future game. I do hope they take the opportunity they still have here and introduce some skins showcasing their human models a bit more, since it'll probably be impossible in future entries.

Wasn't exactly amazed by the cyborgs pack back when it was just a datamine, and the first trailer didn't show much as well, but very excited to see Sektor gameplay after this one.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I'm not a real fan because I think the live action models look old and dated and think that the new versions are an improvement?

Okay, cop. Sorry for breaking the fandom laws, officer.
I didn't say you weren't a fan. I assumed you were a newer fan because you prefer these awful redesigns over the OG cyborgs.