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Cyrax Official Character Trailer!

I seriously wanna know where all these reactionary chuds are coming from. Does TYM keep them under the floor boards or something?

It either boils down to basically these core arguments:

A) It's not like it was before, ergo it is objectively bad

B) I don't personally like it, therefore it is objectively bad.

And basically everytime you prove that reality doesn't line up with the, "decline" they envision in their heads, they go on hyper emotional little rants where they call you everything short of slurs.

It's okay if the series isn't for you anymore. Hell, it's okay if you don't personally like it, but just say that and stop making it a part of a larger culture war that only exists inside your heads.

You outgrew the silly fighting game with magic ninjas. That's okay. The west has not fallen. We are not in some kind of cultural decline because you're big mad that MK moved on from Midi files and live action models.

Grow up, nerds.

I like how earlier you called me a fake fan and then you proceed to insult the franchise along with the fans lol. Especially around the era that made a name for itself.

"Silly fighting game with magic ninjas" "Midi files and live action models"

You're too obsessed with an era and their fashion choices.
All I was talking about was the direction and tone of the franchise, but you're response is always LULz CHEEZY BmX PAdz CheEzy 90s LOOKs LULZ!!.

Here's a 90's reference I'm sure y'all can appreciate:

YagamiFire, PrinceGoro, Subby Z, etc are basically the right-wing, dumbfuck, shit posting Wolfpac of TYM.
Is it really right-wing or did you finally realized TYM isn't the only place where the fanbase exists?


I like how earlier you called me a fake fan and then you proceed to insult the franchise along with the fans lol. Especially around the era that made a name for itself.

"Silly fighting game with magic ninjas" "Midi files and live action models"

You're too obsessed with an era and their fashion choices.
All I was talking about was the direction and tone of the franchise, but you're response is always LULz CHEEZY BmX PAdz CheEzy 90s LOOKs LULZ!!.

Is it really right-wing or did you finally realized TYM isn't the only place where the fanbase exists?

You sound big mad, and yet I don't really see any arguments here, Scott Hall.

The franchise IS silly. Always has been. Example:

Here's another:

And another:

And let's not forget this classic:

And you know what? It's all great. There's nothing wrong with enjoying silly shit. People have this weird Mandela Effect when it comes to Mortal Kombat where they think it was always this super-dark, grim and gritty franchise and only NOW with NRS games has it become silly as fuck.

It's ALWAYS been silly as fuck. And that's okay.
You sound big mad, and yet I don't really see any arguments here, Scott Hall.

The franchise IS silly. Always has been. Example:

Here's another:

And another:

And let's not forget this classic:

And you know what? It's all great. There's nothing wrong with enjoying silly shit. People have this weird Mandela Effect when it comes to Mortal Kombat where they think it was always this super-dark, grim and gritty franchise and only NOW with NRS games has it become silly as fuck.

It's ALWAYS been silly as fuck. And that's okay.
4 videos of a couple of average games and a few silly bonus material.

Yeah...great job Vince McMahon. You literally showed the best parts about the franchise.


You sound big mad, and yet I don't really see any arguments here, Scott Hall.

The franchise IS silly. Always has been. Example:

Here's another:

And another:

And let's not forget this classic:

And you know what? It's all great. There's nothing wrong with enjoying silly shit. People have this weird Mandela Effect when it comes to Mortal Kombat where they think it was always this super-dark, grim and gritty franchise and only NOW with NRS games has it become silly as fuck.

It's ALWAYS been silly as fuck. And that's okay.
Adding to that, this thing of "MK being Dark AND Silly" also extends to the 3D era. Imo, Mk Deception was the darkest MK to date, the whole stormy title screen, the ominous soundtracks, some of the stages, the overall mood all screamed "evil serious shit is imminent".

One of its key single player contents was also a tetris minigame where characters have huge heads and taunt eachother like kids during matches.


I think MK takes itself too seriously now. I miss the goofy stuff tbh. I miss Toasty, I miss the announcer laughing when someone got hit with an uppercut
I like the term 'self-serious'. It is trying to wear big-boy pants with its story and presentation...but the pants are so big they're just clown-pants. It is trying to be a media product instead of being Mortal Kombat.

MK was moody. Sometimes that mood was silly. Sometimes grim. Both worked. Just like the tonal shifts work in something like Big Trouble in Little China. Is it silly? Yup. Is it serious? Yup. Is it dark and spooky? Yup. It's a balancing act. Hell, even things like Friendships were a direct playful middle-finger to the moral busybodies saying the game was too violent.


The Prettiest
Why are people mad about her voice? She had the same accent as MK9. In this timeline the only thing that changed was gender. Attitude, being a negro and the accent are all the same. And why are people saying "Cyrax and Sektor are nothing like that!" How? Sektor was an arrogant asshole in MK9 and Cyrax was humble and forgiving in MK9. They're the same in MK1. People just complain about anything. Don't like the character? Don't play them. It's literally so simple. I can't speak for everyone but I, for one, am hype to see one of my favorite characters not only be included in the game but also a black woman? Which is underwhelming represented in anything ever? Count me in especially since I'm black and almost exclusively main females in every game I play. I absolutely love the character and can't wait for her to release. This day and age is so wha wha wha. Like, voicing your concerns and venting is one thing. And I get that and encourage it but being a pessimistic, ungrateful baby about something as petite as one or two characters is laughable. Guess what? Femrax and Swaptor are coming, and they're coming in hot and WET.

HOT and WET. Just how I like em. So get with it or delete the game.


The Prettiest
Please stop lmao

I actually liked you before. Now I don't. But besides that, he clearly has an African accent. The new Cyrax has an African/Jamaican accent... Connect yourself the dots on that one and you'll be there in no time. Are you upset the accent is a little heavier? Which in my opinion is cool. As fuck. Especially since I'm of Jamaican descent.

Mf you don't even play Cyrax. Yo ass mains Sektor so why do you even care? Lol.

Further more even if I was wrong, and I'm not so don't hold your breath on that, you refuted the lowest point in the argument.

Kiss my Bomb.
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Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
I actually liked you before. Now I don't. But besides that, he clearly has an African accent. The new Cyrax has an African/Jamaican accent... Connect yourself the dots on that one and you'll be there in no time. Are you upset the accent is a little heavier? Which in my opinion is cool. As fuck. Especially since I'm of Jamaican descent.

Mf you don't even play Cyrax. Yo ass mains Sektor so why don't you even care? Lol.

Further more even if I was wrong, and I'm not so don't hold your breath on that, you refuted the lowest point in the argument.

Kiss my Bomb.
It's heavy to the point where it seems like the intent is to draw attention to it, and I don't fuck with that. Accents in this game are mad inconsistent. Scorpion has an accent, but his brother doesn't? Neither do either of his clanmates in Sektor or Smoke?

So when I see this African woman being given the absolute thickest accent in the game next to Baraka, I can't help but imagine the idea was to say "look here, look what we did". And as a black person I don't rock with people using us as part of a checklist for points. That's my entire problem with it, it doesn't feel genuine. When the vast majority of characters do not have accents, it just bugs me that you give a really thick one to this woman for "no" reason.

Like shit like this is cool in something like Tekken, because character nationality is heavily celebrated and established.

Idk, like maybe I'm just buggin on this. But I just can't shake the feeling that there was some goofy shit going on with the intention. Sektor is Chinese, no accent. Smoke is Czechian, no accent. Sub Zero is Japanese, no accent. But an African woman? "No, one, will, re, spect, us"


The Prettiest
It's heavy to the point where it seems like the intent is to draw attention to it, and I don't fuck with that. Accents in this game are mad inconsistent. Scorpion has an accent, but his brother doesn't? Neither do either of his clanmates in Sektor or Smoke?

So when I see this African woman being given the absolute thickest accent in the game next to Baraka, I can't help but imagine the idea was to say "look here, look what we did". And as a black person I don't rock with people using us as part of a checklist for points. That's my entire problem with it, it doesn't feel genuine. When the vast majority of characters do not have accents, it just bugs me that you give a really thick one to this woman for "no" reason.

Like shit like this is cool in something like Tekken, because character nationality is heavily celebrated and established.

Idk, like maybe I'm just buggin on this. But I just can't shake the feeling that there was some goofy shit going on with the intention. Sektor is Chinese, no accent. Smoke is Czechian, no accent. Sub Zero is Japanese, no accent. But an African woman? "No, one, will, re, spect, us"
Ngl, that was mad respectful and well-worded. I like you, man. Love the sentiment.

Yeah. I definitely feel you. I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the same coin as you because even tho we are both black mfs, you see it as a hat trick "OMG LOOK AT THIS. BLACK PEOPLE DONT YOU LIKE THIS VERY OBVIOUSLY SUPER BLACK CHARACTER WE INCLUDED FOR THE SAKE OF WOKE INCLUSIVENESS?!", whereas I personally feel a lot more represented and I'm very happy and thankful for that. I actually speak patois (which obviously comes with the accent) and it warms my heart a great deal as I can identify with this character on a personal level in more ways than one. In a fighting and in one of my favorite fighting games, no less. As a fighting game player!? Bro whaaaaat? That's rare for someone like me. But yeah, I totally get you. I'm more flabbergasted at the fact that people are kinda pissing on my parade in all kinda ways but I don't think they take the small majority of people like me into consideration. Rightfully so. A small margin like this obviously wouldn't be noticed.

But, I understand and respect your point of view which nine times out of ten I would agree with. It's just in this very specific scenario, it caters to me so it is plausible in my eyes. Hopefully I explained it in a way in which you understand why I'm going hard (pause) over this character.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Ngl, that was mad respectful and well-worded. I like you, man. Love the sentiment.

Yeah. I definitely feel you. I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the same coin as you because even tho we are both black mfs, you see it as a hat trick "OMG LOOK AT THIS. BLACK PEOPLE DONT YOU LIKE THIS VERY OBVIOUSLY SUPER BLACK CHARACTER WE INCLUDED FOR THE SAKE OF WOKE INCLUSIVENESS?!", whereas I personally feel a lot more represented and I'm very happy and thankful for that. I actually speak patois (which obviously comes with the accent) and it warms my heart a great deal as I can identify with this character on a personal level in more ways than one. In a fighting and in one of my favorite fighting games, no less. As a fighting game player!? Bro whaaaaat? That's rare for someone like me. But yeah, I totally get you. I'm more flabbergasted at the fact that people are kinda pissing on my parade in all kinda ways but I don't think they take the small majority of people like me into consideration. Rightfully so. A small margin like this obviously wouldn't be noticed.

But, I understand and respect your point of view which nine times out of ten I would agree with. It's just in this very specific scenario, it caters to me so it is plausible in my eyes. Hopefully I explained it in a way in which you understand why I'm going hard (pause) over this character.
I feel you. I'm not trying to shit on you for enjoying it. I'm down for representation and all that, but I just want it to come from a good place.


The Prettiest
I feel you. I'm not trying to shit on you for enjoying it. I'm down for representation and all that, but I just want it to come from a good place.
That's real. I'm pretty sure they slapped the Jamaican accent onto someone supposedly from Africa(?) and think they did something major but I'll take what I can get at this point especially from NRS. I'm under the impression almost every company does that. Make a random old or new character gay or black or lesbian or whatever the hell to fit whatever agenda. Usually not my style to conform to that kinda stuff but again, I'll take what I can get. I'm desperate in terms of female characters I actually like to play. Let alone skin color. Let alone accent... Let alone a female version of one of my previously favorite characters with an accent... That just so happens to be black. It's the convenience for me. But a slap in the face at the same time as far as I'm getting from you. And at that point I'm both happy and disgusted with myself and what I've become. But I'm going to trick myself into believing they did it for people like me. The 1%. I will sleep better at night enjoying the character that way. And not as a weak bitch that caved into the blanket clowning by NRS if that's what it truly is. And it probably is. I don't know... Ion wanna talk about it anymore... I'm depressed.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I actually liked you before. Now I don't. But besides that, he clearly has an African accent. The new Cyrax has an African/Jamaican accent... Connect yourself the dots on that one and you'll be there in no time. Are you upset the accent is a little heavier? Which in my opinion is cool. As fuck. Especially since I'm of Jamaican descent.

Mf you don't even play Cyrax. Yo ass mains Sektor so why do you even care? Lol.

Further more even if I was wrong, and I'm not so don't hold your breath on that, you refuted the lowest point in the argument.

Kiss my Bomb.
I seriously have no horse in this race and I do not care is she is a woman or has an accent, but this did make me laugh - the guy proved you wrong. You were owned and I cannot believe you are defending yourself over this. There is not even a hint of an African accent in there. Maybe it is an American thing, but his accent is about as African as Raiden's is Asian. Sheeva has more of an African accent.


The Prettiest
I seriously have no horse in this race and I do not care is she is a woman or has an accent, but this did make me laugh - the guy proved you wrong. You were owned and I cannot believe you are defending yourself over this. There is not even a hint of an African accent in there. Maybe it is an American thing, but his accent is about as African as Raiden's is Asian. Sheeva has more of an African accent.
You literally lost the argument after saying you don't have a horse in the race and yeah... He has an African accent... Sheeva just had a deep voice. Nothing African about it. Idk who you are but stay irrelevant and don't @ me... I literally don't know you. And for obvious reasons. Little obnoxious, runt peon just chiming in for no reason.

Edit: Also I'm not defending anything. At a point in the argument I was just explaining why I liked the character so much. Little salty shitball.