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Cyrax and Sektor Deconfirmed? Robocop Gets a MK3 Cyber Ninja Costume

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Just to play devil's advocate here, I think the blame doesn't all fall on NRS when it comes to guest characters in MK games. I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I do believe that it has more to do with WB than NRS themselves. Like they have some contracts to certain franchises to give them exposure idk. But that's just the feeling I get.

And then there's the side where NRS balances their roster characters that haven't been in games for a while and also maybe want to attract people with characters you never thought you'd see in MK games, or they also think it'll be cool to have these guests in like take Spawn, for example, he has been demanded by fans over and over again.

So I think overall, whether you agree with this or not, the issue is way more complicated than 'NRS doesn't give a fuck'.
What I said had nothing to do with guest characters.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
What I said had nothing to do with guest characters.
I know, but the robots not making it in is mostly because of the space they allot guests and that's the truth. Why do they choose some MK characters over others? They don't wanna repeat DLC or whatnot, but I just wanted to say that there's more to that decision than NRS just not caring. There are a lot of other factors that come into making a roster.

And I agree that it's shitty to have Robocop in there, give him classic robot costumes AND both Cyrax and Sektor were in the story as non-playable characters. That's just shitty and I feel you.

Didn't Boon say something about no story characters will be unplayable in MK11 or something or did I dream that?


Miley Cyrax®
I just don't like the argument* "Robocop is more popular than Cyrax and Sektor." Disregarding Robocop for a moment, both Cyrax and Sektor alone are even more popular than some of the new MKX and MK11 characters.

So if Cyrax and Sektor are more popular than some new MKX/MK11 characters, then Cyrax and Sektor must also be more popular than Robocop. Otherwise, if Robocop is more popular than new MKX/MK11 characters and the classic cast, that's a problem. Generally speaking, most of the younger crowd is only vaguely familiar with Robocop or didn't even know who he is until recently. I just think NRS wanted to do this, plain and simple.

In this given argument, if you replace "Robocop" with any other DLC character, then yes, it is true that they are equally popular or more popular than Cyrax and Sektor. This argument just doesn't work for Robocop. I don't think it's a solid argument.

*(DLC) Shang, Nightwolf, Terminator, Sindel, Joker, Spawn, etc... all objectively more popular than Cyrax and Sektor in 2020...... Robocop? No.

I say this as a big fan of the 1st Robocop movie too.


haha shokan queen go down up
tl;dr for this whole thread:

  • The Robocop skins dont deconfirm the robo bros.
  • It's cool that Robocop is in the game.
  • Robo bro fans are allowed to be frustrated by Robocop implying the robo bros aren't going to make it in.
  • Mileena is still dead and we're all thankful for that.
  • It isnt Robocop fans fault robo bros might not make it in.
  • Sheeva remains the coolest bitch "No one asked for".


bye felicia
I just don't like the argument* "Robocop is more popular than Cyrax and Sektor." Disregarding Robocop for a moment, both Cyrax and Sektor alone are even more popular than some of the new MKX and MK11 characters.

So if Cyrax and Sektor are more popular than some new MKX/MK11 characters, then Cyrax and Sektor must also be more popular than Robocop. Otherwise, if Robocop is more popular than new MKX/MK11 characters and the classic cast, that's a problem. Generally speaking, most of the younger crowd is only vaguely familiar with Robocop or didn't even know who he is until recently. I just think NRS wanted to do this, plain and simple.

In this given argument, if you replace "Robocop" with any other DLC character, then yes, it is true that they are equally popular or more popular than Cyrax and Sektor. This argument just doesn't work for Robocop. I don't think it's a solid argument.

*(DLC) Shang, Nightwolf, Terminator, Sindel, Joker, Spawn, etc... all objectively more popular than Cyrax and Sektor in 2020...... Robocop? No.

I say this as a big fan of the 1st Robocop movie too.
I would love to see your character popularity charts


Miley Cyrax®
I would love to see your character popularity charts
Too much work for a whole chart haha. Generally speaking, in the year 2020, in a Mortal Kombat game: Do you really think 1980s Robocop is really more popular than actual Mortal Kombat characters? As much as I love Robocop, I just don't think so, especially when comparing him vs Cyrax and Sektor.

Again, this is only under the assumption that this decision was made by a popularity contest (which I don't personally think it was.) Just commenting on the "popularity theory" behind this decision.


Miley Cyrax®
The only redemption is if Cyrax and Sektor also come back, and -- with MK3 Robocop -- submit to Frost, who is the true Tekunin Grandmistress.



The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
Too much work for a whole chart haha. Generally speaking, in the year 2020, in a Mortal Kombat game: Do you really think 1980s Robocop is really more popular than actual Mortal Kombat characters? As much as I love Robocop, I just don't think so, especially when comparing him vs Cyrax and Sektor.

Again, this is only under the assumption that this decision was made by a popularity contest (which I don't personally think it was.) Just commenting on the "popularity theory" behind this decision.
I think there are definitely more fans of Cyrax/Sektor than RoboCop in the MK community. However, RoboCop is a cult classic, and I think that having him in the game means more to his fewer fans than having Cyrax and Sektor would mean to their entitled fan base. Based on this thread, it seems that the cyborg fanbase would be more "it's about damn time" as opposed to the RoboCop fanbase's "holy shit, they actually did it! I finally get to play as RoboCop in a game I care about!"

Art Lean

Frost is an overgrown angsty teen with Senpai issues.
I can't stand her, she's the worst "kombat kid" in my book. Utter brat and hate her hair. And she's stuck around for 18 years for some reason, ugh. Diet Sub Zero; light in flavour, poor packaging, none of the satisfaction.

I think this is why I'd like her to go full cyber ninja, it would take away some of her try-too-hard appearance if it was hidden behind a glorious gleaming dreadlocked old school helmet and a digitised voice.

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I am you
Too much work for a whole chart haha. Generally speaking, in the year 2020, in a Mortal Kombat game: Do you really think 1980s Robocop is really more popular than actual Mortal Kombat characters? As much as I love Robocop, I just don't think so, especially when comparing him vs Cyrax and Sektor.

Again, this is only under the assumption that this decision was made by a popularity contest (which I don't personally think it was.) Just commenting on the "popularity theory" behind this decision.
RoboCop is obviously something NRS wanted to do and has nothing to do with fan demand... and my guess he was chosen in the name of Nostalgia,
Looks like it's targeted maybe 35 y/o to 50y/o audience that would probably find it mind-blowing nostalgic that he's in the game, I would have loved it if they would sell him separately and not as a part of a story expansion just to see how many people would actually buy RoboCop's character just for the kicks of it

... I still think there's a shot for Cyrax and Sektor or a new type of Cyber Ninja that is not a guest character.

Art Lean

Those were the best designs. The cyborgs looked like trash in MK9, but thankfully they added those klassic skins.
Not a fan of Cyrax's smiley "beak" in the redesign. Love the classic MK3 look no matter how cheap and nasty it may have been, the helmet look great, especially the black soulless slits for eyes, far better than the glowing ones.

The same goes for Kabal, his design kept evolving needlessly to excess. I think he looks amazing in his MK3 mask in MK11; the chrome slits for his beady eye glints look horrifyingly cold and hateful as he performs his fatalities, the mask a ghastly DIY work of life-saving scrap equipment giving him the sterility of a medieval torture surgeon. Far better than the ridiculous array of glowing neon Predator helmets that take up the majority of his mask gear options.

On that note, wish Baraka would regain his pure black eyes from MK2 as well!

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Miley Cyrax®
RoboCop is obviously something NRS wanted to do and has nothing to do with fan demand... and my guess he was chosen in the name of Nostalgia,
Looks like it's targeted maybe 35 y/o to 50y/o audience that would probably find it mind-blowing nostalgic that he's in the game, I would have loved it if they would sell him separately and not as a part of a story expansion just to see how many people would actually buy RoboCop's character just for the kicks of it

... I still think there's a shot for Cyrax and Sektor or a new type of Cyber Ninja that is not a guest character.
Yea I feel this. Just to be clear, I'm not against Robocop being in the game. If anything, I think it would be way cooler to have Robocop AND the cyber ninjas, but that could just be me lol
I remember when Tarkatan Alien was around aping Baraka moves and killing him in the KP2 trailer, after people were speculating Baraka was going to be in from that Silhouette Tease. And still he came back for MK11 as the best he's ever been.

You guys can handle Robocop getting this 1 weird looking Cyborg skin.


haha shokan queen go down up
You guys can handle Robocop getting this 1 weird looking Cyborg skin.
It is weird looking right? Like they tried to go old school but lost interest half way through. They are clearly referencing the OG dirtbike armor robo bros but this design lacks the cheesy but charming aesthetic they had to work with at the time.

Art Lean

It is weird looking right? Like they tried to go old school but lost interest half way through. They are clearly referencing the OG dirtbike armor robo bros but this design lacks the cheesy but charming aesthetic they had to work with at the time.
The game's problem is... it looks too fucking good when it wants to. The costume design and textures are INCREDIBLE when they're done right yet that means that the more tacky looking costumes really stand out and look awful by comparison. MK11's graphics are off the scale when they want to be, literally sometimes I have to marvel at how good they captured real world textures and applied them to the costumes of its characters. Compare that to the consistently awkward "sweaty clay" design of MKX; it's literally incredible how good this game looks at times.

Look at the gorgeous textures of Kold War Skarlet... the worn leather, the stitching. Gaze down her boots and see the leather flaking brown upon its creases. You can literally feel the materials with your mind's eye. Jade's velvet literally looks like velvet; your fingers can sense its soft yet course pile depending on the direction they ran across its grain, the graphics are literally that good when they make the effort to be.

Kano's old school storyline leather MK3 redux/reboot/redesign "Down Under" looks great (I personally prefer it without the upper body sections as per "Shameless Grifter" but that's beside the point); just look at the thick leather stitching, the creases, the weathering, you can zoom in and know how it feels to the touch. It literally looks amazing.

Then compare it to his actual (and pointless due to the above) official MK3 DLC Kombat Pack "Cannonball" skin Kano received and I'm staring at it going "ewww what material is that?" I can see the shoulders are clearly some kind of awful manmade cushioned padding akin to a gym mat, but what the hell is the main costume made of? It looks godawful and thoroughly artificial whatever it may be, it's like some kind of sheer nylon-neoprene-lycra weave that's just 100% revolting and belongs on a sex-offenders' register. I tried having him in white as one of my variants for the MK1 throwback, but the texture of the costume looked so revoltingly skin-hugging across his thighs that I just had to remove it. I'd love him in a thick stitched cotton MK1 karate gi, but not in this vile tacky shiny tent-material.

Likewise, the MK3 cyberninjas may have been made of a gloss spray-painted plastic, but they had this glorious futuristic stormtrooper-esque "plastoid" texture to them that actually worked. As my above pic of Sektor shows, I love how the light glistens off the smoothness of the helmet, it feels like a natural evolution of MK2's ninja masks. I actually felt they looked more original in MK3 than they did the more robotic they made them. They looked thoroughly like unique MK characters in 3; the cyberninja redesigns that continually followed just felt like they were trying to shed themselves of their original design too much and became far too generic looking.

And due to how good the textures can look, that for me is a big reason Robocop's cyber ninja skins look like a tacky cosplay that lack either that hard chrome of his default outfit, yet are also devoid of the lightweight sci-fi plastic armour sheen of the MK3 photocapture costume. Instead the end result looks like something home-made for a comic-con, one of those "lol I made a Cylon-Cyrax mashup costume" that loses the edge of both costumes it plays heritage to.
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Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
He's in the game to advertise the new film
That 100% isn't the case, especially cause there ain't no new film to advertise!
There's talks about rebooting it, again sure, but that's all there is, talks, there is no film in production.

So yeah, naw.


Really doesn‘t seem like any more Trilogy characters from here on out, which is a shame since I would have loved even one more Ninja.

Wonder what kind of guests they‘ll package with all the 3D era chars to get people to buy em lol