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Current (05/13/17) Wonder Woman


Ready to lose your head?
@Akromaniac27 -
just saw your online match against Pig's Dr Fate.
Good job, Pig Of The Hut was on auto pilot thru those sets until you came and put pressure on him. Fate's zoning seems to be a major problem for most but you seemed to find some answers but nothing consistently. Between WW traited up shield toss and bracelets parry, do you feel like in a runback set you could have dealt with the zoning more comfortably?

here are the online matches - Akromaniac27 - match starts at around

I think I ran it back after and won. Honestly don't remember because everyone is hoping on fate lol...But yeah, zoning is an issue she seems to deal it specifically. Her shield toss is punishable on block even at a distance, so she can't use it as a check if they can hit her back. And his free wakeup, like with most of the zoners, is an issue too because you're forced to respect and work on moving in again, or challenge it with armor and killing meter for nothing on the wrong read. MB roll seems to only be useful for characters that can build meter safely and turtle or characters with minimal need for it


Ready to lose your head?
You were the closest one to beating him it seemed.

Annoying they took out many tools WoWo had to deal with great zoning play :(

How east is it to hit comfirm a d12 into shield toss??

Easier or harder than d12 tiara in IGAU1?
That was my biggest concern and theory since they showed her gameplay. It was obvious how much zoning and long range game would take place, and they took away her means of checking/punishing it. Even her air dash doesn't help that much because most if not all of the zoners, have good recovery and can go for anything else to still halt her.

Tbh, I've never hit confirmed into tiara in Inj1, so I can't say for sure. But the window to hit confirm IS more lenient because of how much slower the second hit of d12 is.

I personally think she needs her demigod punch back or be able to select which blessing to get from trait if they're not gonna buff it's recovery. She technically "has" options to challenge zoning, but it's literally based on luck from trait and that they don't setup a wall after seeing it activate to make it near useless


Ready to lose your head?
Either that or give her an air dash on default (cmon, like she can fly; supergirl and superman have one and supergirl actually have ambiguous asf air crossups). And then Hermes buff can improve her dash speed and distance or something. I know it's early, but it's obvious that she will struggle hard against zoning.

Deadshot is even worse than Fate because you literally shimmy forward before you're forced to crouch again. You take a literal step forward only and one bullet of his knock back trait sends you flying back to fullscreen distance


Dojo Trainee
I'm not a "pro" player so i dont care if she's top tier. Is she fun to use? Did you enjoy your time w/ her or does it feel like a chore for you.

I didn't play injustice 1 so i don't have the emotional baggage of what she was or wasn't. I just like the character(always have) and really care about her being depicted like i envision her to be. Diana can fly in the comics so her needing a buff to do so bugs me.

side note-
Wonder Woman calls out the name of the god that she wants the blessing from. So having it be a random blessing doesn't even make sense. LOL.
NRS probably should have kept her saying "for the gods" and then the blessing came with the light hitting her and the god name being announced.

she raises her arm- for the gods, a light hits and she's blessed...
hail Hestia,
hail Athena
hail Hermes

The bolded text is what is important to me and my brothers. WW flies in the comics and cartoons and DEFLECTS ENEMY FIRE. All they needed to do with WW was make her bracelets return enemy fire (meter burn could use the Amalthea kiss to make it go back superfast and unblockable to simulate the moment where she blows up Olympus with the pantheon's augmented energies).

Everything else could stay the same. If the were killing the sword/shield stance (which is really more Xena than WW) then a new move to parry punches and the like with follow-up attacks could have been added. But NRS has made some truly bizarre choices. Getting a power from a RNG fits a Shazam user more than WW. Even they are not Ultra Man or Baron Blitzkrieg who actually do access one superpower at a time.

One good thing though is the sound design for the character and the animated sparks when things hit her bracelets. I will play her regardless


Dojo Trainee
Stronger than Hercules
Swifter than Mercury
But I guess not so much in NRS view. It is like they are having trouble with the concept of warrior skill and superpowers with her

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
^ I don't think you are banned from posting random matches to youtube. Ban is only on story mode. Character breakdowns and combo videos are fine.


Ready to lose your head?
@Akromaniac27 hey dude, thanks for all the info. I'm a WW main also and have been posting some stuff to twitter I'll be uploading to YT once the stream/upload ban is lifted on release. I DID find some cross up stuff in the corner and even mid screen. https://twitter.com/facelessManTv/status/863966752883048448

Also other WW mains. tag me in stuff! I'll return the favor: @Skeezer12 @TheGabStandard @Saboteur-6 @Jaiyson @Nivek @Lex Luthor II @Endding @Yoaks
I like it. My only peeve is that 223 has such a drastic change in frame advantage depending on them teching or not. Try it midscreen or in the corner, doing a whiffed amalthea bash right after 113 on hit. You'll be right on top of them and should be able to set up stuff from there too


Regina George of discord
I'm watching some people saying her shield bash is too good, they are comparing it to Doomsday's venom, I don't even have the game but can she even get anything from it on block? Doomsdays was soo good because of the stuff he could do on block (D1, earthshaker, grab) not to mention his had armor and combined with his trait it was so powerful.


Nah her shield bash is not good as DD's venom. You can't MB it like doomsday could do. Doomsday could ex at any moment of the charge. She doesn't have armor on EX. You can have a pressure after. Shield bash again, instant air db2, shield toss if they backdash. Lasso. D2 if they jump in.

But i think she doesn't need armor in her shield bash. You already have the ex dash to deal with projectile. And you can full punish.
Shield bash is really good to whiff punish or to punish a dash. Ex it is just to be safe.


Regina George of discord
Nah her shield bash is not good as DD's venom. You can't MB it like doomsday could do. Doomsday could ex at any moment of the charge. She doesn't have armor on EX. You can have a pressure after. Shield bash again, instant air db2, shield toss if they backdash. Lasso. D2 if they jump in.

But i think she doesn't need armor in her shield bash. You already have the ex dash to deal with projectile. And you can full punish.
Shield bash is really good to whiff punish or to punish a dash. Ex it is just to be safe.
Yeah, I was just saying people were comparing them and some people are even asking for nerfs to shield bash (lol @day -2 nerfs)


Ready to lose your head?
Yeah, I was just saying people were comparing them and some people are even asking for nerfs to shield bash (lol @day -2 nerfs)
It works nothing like DD's venom. Unlike his, it's really there for a check and moving in and not for mindless offense. The pushback after it on block doesn't allow her to go for pressure; it's more of conditioning them after to react a certain way and punishing them for it. It just amazes me how it does about 10% when MB, has no armor, is a mid, MB has a lot of recovery frames, and meterless is punishable unless you space it perfectly, and yet, call for nerfs...meanwhile Atrocitus' 50/50's are still there, Cheetah and Swamp Thing have 50/0's plus command grabs to open you up with, and the zoning throughout, apparently isn't an issue...


You picked a bad time to get lost friend
Interesting read, as mentioned also saw you in Pigs Video, clean display.

Been distracted by the discord channels floating around, but I'm back to TYM as well. So thanks all for the tags!

With release so close, cannot wait to delve into her. I'll just add a question, if you don't mind. With her trait ender (113) is it worth ending the combo with a trait buff move (if possible) or retaining another buff if possible? Would it just come down to preference or the hero your fighting?


Ready to lose your head?
Interesting read, as mentioned also saw you in Pigs Video, clean display.

Been distracted by the discord channels floating around, but I'm back to TYM as well. So thanks all for the tags!

With release so close, cannot wait to delve into her. I'll just add a question, if you don't mind. With her trait ender (113) is it worth ending the combo with a trait buff move (if possible) or retaining another buff if possible? Would it just come down to preference or the hero your fighting?
When trait is activated, you're stuck with it until the next use (after the meter goes down and recharge fills up). But that's why I showed the alternative combos using either more lasso or shield based attacks and enders, for the damage increase, and because you can't get another blessing as of yet.

If you already have trait activated, you can still go for the 113 ender, whiff an amalthea bash and be right on top of them. Or go for other meaty setups like a ji3, or do alternative combos ending in lasso grab instead for a few percent more and distance, all of course varying on the MU.


The anticipation is killing me
This is nice stuff, I appreciate you guys sharing what you have found so far for the community. Hopefully we can all come together and make this character as great as she can be

AK Stormthegates

@Akromaniac27 -
just saw your online match against Pig's Dr Fate.
Good job, Pig Of The Hut was on auto pilot thru those sets until you came and put pressure on him. Fate's zoning seems to be a major problem for most but you seemed to find some answers but nothing consistently. Between WW traited up shield toss and bracelets parry, do you feel like in a runback set you could have dealt with the zoning more comfortably?

here are the online matches - Akromaniac27 - match starts at around

I can def see where the changes to Wowo in the game make it rough for her. Could you not just do IA shield toss or walk and parry to help in that matchup?

Also what about her charge at certain distances? Don't know the data on Fate projectile could it possibly punish?


Wowo can't parry somes projectiles. Like shield toss or GL's bf2 (low). Against dr fate i think you don't have time to parry, walk and parry again. Plus you have to parry 3 times if fate do his proejectile in ex. I think dr fate projectile is -17.
Thank you for the info!!

***Yes, I got the game early, no I cannot stream because of banning, and no Share Play does not work yet because it's locked. I didn't jot down every single thing so if some stuff is off or unclear, I will update it tomorrow. Yes, there is a 99.9% chance there will be a patch upon release and this can change...this is for anyone without the game that's curious as to what she has as of now. And yes, this is my own feedback on her, so take it with a grain of salt. This is in now way trying to replace the pre-release thread so if mods feel the need to merge them, so be it***

That aside, I have mixed feelings about the our new Goddess of War. To start, she is nothing like Injustice 1 Wonder Woman. Man jokes aside, her play and mobility has dramatically changed. She seems to have a zoning game to her now on top of the footsies and pressure. Now while it seems like she has it all (zoning + pressure), she kinda has to pick one or the other depending on the MU. Against zoners, her shield tosses don't help her out all that much, at least from what I've played so far, but against characters without strong projectiles or no projectiles at all, she can keep them at bay and chip them away with her shield tosses. Her footsies are weird to say the least, because outside of sweep range, her b2 is much too slow to contest with other footsie tools, but you "can" play footsies in that range with her Amalthea Bash provided you have meter and it won't whiff. She is actually meter dependent in this version and needs it for just about everything. Without meter, your bnb's are doing roughly 15% if even that; with bar, she gets around 30-35%. Linking b3 is MUCH tighter than Inj1 and your best ender now is 113, and not lasso grab. You need meter to make use of Amalthea Bash*MB. Trait is random, but each one still holds some use no matter what, with the exception of Artemis' Light, which is the bracelets. Can't guarantee a parry, and can't guarantee a follow up for the damage buff after either. Her jump ins aren't really ambiguous at all so crossup setups don't really exist with her, so far from what I've found

***Disclaimer*** In game frame data is off, what's new lol. Should expect an update on the official launch but as of now, I can say what's safe, borderline safe, plus and what has gaps.

What is safe:

1 - 8f high; short ranged
11 - no gap and safe
b1 - 11f mid; sweep range but can get outfootsied outside of it
b11 - no gap and safe
d1 - 6f mid
2 - 10f mid; slightly better range than 1
22 - safe and no gap
b2 - 22f overhead, -3 on block, can be followed up at point blank range; reaches at starting match point
f2 - 21f low, -6 on block, short ranged
b3 - 27f, +7 on block
f3 - 29f overhead, + on block, but forgot how much
d3 - 14 or 15f and -5 sweep

Safe/Plus but has gaps :

113 - gap between last two hits, but is plus on block and is your go to combo ender; guarantees a trait call with a few frames of advantage left over

b112 - gap between the last two hits; I honestly see no point in doing the full string, but maybe some hidden tech/use to be found; can't be cancelled, can't be followed up and knocks them away; I believe it's only safe too, not plus

d12 - -7 on block, and there's a gap between the two hits

223 - VERY plus on the last hit but theres a pretty large gap between the last two hits; decent ender as it knocks them fullscreen and in some cases can get you a safe trait call; 113 is easily better but 223 does a little more damage

b23 - not sure on the block frame data of this because of it's block stun, but there's a gap between the two hits

f23 - punishable on block

d2 - punishable up close, reaches at starting match point

shield toss
- 14f I think, variable frame data depending on distance; unsafe up close, not plus like what in game says
Shield toss*MB - has a gap no matter how fast you MB it and MB is still unsafe; also variable frame data depending on distance
Up Shield - I believe this was 11f and was unsafe or safe, I forgot tbh because it's pretty much impossible to hit someone grounded unless you're in their face; no real use for the MB unless for combo swag I guess
Air Downward shield - 7f MID, pretty damn safe even point blank and has deceptive range; have so far found absolutely no use for the MB
Air Straight Shield - decent projectile but hardly used it all or labbed it; her other shield tosses seem to make up for this one
Amalthea Bash - about half screen 8f mid, minimal whiff recovery but unsafe on block; variable block data depending on how late the bash hits them; does not keep them standing like in the first INJ and knocks them away
Amalthea Bash*MB - +2 on block, has a decent chunk of recovery frames if you whiff it, and knocks them away pretty far but you don't get too many frames of advantage like you do with the meterless one
Upward Amalthea Bash - invincible wakeup, can't really delay the MB and has decent recovery; punishable on block; has some combo potential mostly in the corner off of d2 as well as midscreen but situational and minimal
Upward Amalthea Bash*MB - overhead, no combo follow up and is borderline safe depending on where you hit the opponent; if you hit them right, it's safe vs 6f reversals
Lasso Grab - no longer plus on block, few frames of advantage on hit, still a high, now 15f, don't remember if it's punishable if done upclose but it IS negative; MB adds a little extra damage
Bracelets of Submission - 5f parry, parries projectiles and all attacks aside from lows or jump ins; kinda different from INJ1 because you don;t recover as quickly on a successful parry AND the parry stays active for what was said in game to be 16f
Super - 22f mid and reaches from a little past starting match distance

All in all, she will take a good minute to settle down with and adjust to and it's way too early to call for any buffs or nerfs, yet unsurprisingly, the pitchforks are already here, so we'll see. Her playstyle change is welcome but can't say, for obvious reasons, what needs to be added or taken away. She doesn't thrive at all off of her b2/f2 50/50 and you REALLY need to manage your meter well this time around.

Added some combos for you guys. Video's unlisted:

I don't know all the Wonder Woman mains, so I ask if you please tag in everyone I missed.

@Skeezer12 @TheGabStandard @Saboteur-6 @Jaiyson
***Yes, I got the game early, no I cannot stream because of banning, and no Share Play does not work yet because it's locked. I didn't jot down every single thing so if some stuff is off or unclear, I will update it tomorrow. Yes, there is a 99.9% chance there will be a patch upon release and this can change...this is for anyone without the game that's curious as to what she has as of now. And yes, this is my own feedback on her, so take it with a grain of salt. This is in now way trying to replace the pre-release thread so if mods feel the need to merge them, so be it***

That aside, I have mixed feelings about the our new Goddess of War. To start, she is nothing like Injustice 1 Wonder Woman. Man jokes aside, her play and mobility has dramatically changed. She seems to have a zoning game to her now on top of the footsies and pressure. Now while it seems like she has it all (zoning + pressure), she kinda has to pick one or the other depending on the MU. Against zoners, her shield tosses don't help her out all that much, at least from what I've played so far, but against characters without strong projectiles or no projectiles at all, she can keep them at bay and chip them away with her shield tosses. Her footsies are weird to say the least, because outside of sweep range, her b2 is much too slow to contest with other footsie tools, but you "can" play footsies in that range with her Amalthea Bash provided you have meter and it won't whiff. She is actually meter dependent in this version and needs it for just about everything. Without meter, your bnb's are doing roughly 15% if even that; with bar, she gets around 30-35%. Linking b3 is MUCH tighter than Inj1 and your best ender now is 113, and not lasso grab. You need meter to make use of Amalthea Bash*MB. Trait is random, but each one still holds some use no matter what, with the exception of Artemis' Light, which is the bracelets. Can't guarantee a parry, and can't guarantee a follow up for the damage buff after either. Her jump ins aren't really ambiguous at all so crossup setups don't really exist with her, so far from what I've found

***Disclaimer*** In game frame data is off, what's new lol. Should expect an update on the official launch but as of now, I can say what's safe, borderline safe, plus and what has gaps.

What is safe:

1 - 8f high; short ranged
11 - no gap and safe
b1 - 11f mid; sweep range but can get outfootsied outside of it
b11 - no gap and safe
d1 - 6f mid
2 - 10f mid; slightly better range than 1
22 - safe and no gap
b2 - 22f overhead, -3 on block, can be followed up at point blank range; reaches at starting match point
f2 - 21f low, -6 on block, short ranged
b3 - 27f, +7 on block
f3 - 29f overhead, + on block, but forgot how much
d3 - 14 or 15f and -5 sweep

Safe/Plus but has gaps :

113 - gap between last two hits, but is plus on block and is your go to combo ender; guarantees a trait call with a few frames of advantage left over

b112 - gap between the last two hits; I honestly see no point in doing the full string, but maybe some hidden tech/use to be found; can't be cancelled, can't be followed up and knocks them away; I believe it's only safe too, not plus

d12 - -7 on block, and there's a gap between the two hits

223 - VERY plus on the last hit but theres a pretty large gap between the last two hits; decent ender as it knocks them fullscreen and in some cases can get you a safe trait call; 113 is easily better but 223 does a little more damage

b23 - not sure on the block frame data of this because of it's block stun, but there's a gap between the two hits

f23 - punishable on block

d2 - punishable up close, reaches at starting match point

shield toss
- 14f I think, variable frame data depending on distance; unsafe up close, not plus like what in game says
Shield toss*MB - has a gap no matter how fast you MB it and MB is still unsafe; also variable frame data depending on distance
Up Shield - I believe this was 11f and was unsafe or safe, I forgot tbh because it's pretty much impossible to hit someone grounded unless you're in their face; no real use for the MB unless for combo swag I guess
Air Downward shield - 7f MID, pretty damn safe even point blank and has deceptive range; have so far found absolutely no use for the MB
Air Straight Shield - decent projectile but hardly used it all or labbed it; her other shield tosses seem to make up for this one
Amalthea Bash - about half screen 8f mid, minimal whiff recovery but unsafe on block; variable block data depending on how late the bash hits them; does not keep them standing like in the first INJ and knocks them away
Amalthea Bash*MB - +2 on block, has a decent chunk of recovery frames if you whiff it, and knocks them away pretty far but you don't get too many frames of advantage like you do with the meterless one
Upward Amalthea Bash - invincible wakeup, can't really delay the MB and has decent recovery; punishable on block; has some combo potential mostly in the corner off of d2 as well as midscreen but situational and minimal
Upward Amalthea Bash*MB - overhead, no combo follow up and is borderline safe depending on where you hit the opponent; if you hit them right, it's safe vs 6f reversals
Lasso Grab - no longer plus on block, few frames of advantage on hit, still a high, now 15f, don't remember if it's punishable if done upclose but it IS negative; MB adds a little extra damage
Bracelets of Submission - 5f parry, parries projectiles and all attacks aside from lows or jump ins; kinda different from INJ1 because you don;t recover as quickly on a successful parry AND the parry stays active for what was said in game to be 16f
Super - 22f mid and reaches from a little past starting match distance

All in all, she will take a good minute to settle down with and adjust to and it's way too early to call for any buffs or nerfs, yet unsurprisingly, the pitchforks are already here, so we'll see. Her playstyle change is welcome but can't say, for obvious reasons, what needs to be added or taken away. She doesn't thrive at all off of her b2/f2 50/50 and you REALLY need to manage your meter well this time around.

Added some combos for you guys. Video's unlisted:

I don't know all the Wonder Woman mains, so I ask if you please tag in everyone I missed.

@Skeezer12 @TheGabStandard @Saboteur-6 @Jaiyson
***Yes, I got the game early, no I cannot stream because of banning, and no Share Play does not work yet because it's locked. I didn't jot down every single thing so if some stuff is off or unclear, I will update it tomorrow. Yes, there is a 99.9% chance there will be a patch upon release and this can change...this is for anyone without the game that's curious as to what she has as of now. And yes, this is my own feedback on her, so take it with a grain of salt. This is in now way trying to replace the pre-release thread so if mods feel the need to merge them, so be it***

That aside, I have mixed feelings about the our new Goddess of War. To start, she is nothing like Injustice 1 Wonder Woman. Man jokes aside, her play and mobility has dramatically changed. She seems to have a zoning game to her now on top of the footsies and pressure. Now while it seems like she has it all (zoning + pressure), she kinda has to pick one or the other depending on the MU. Against zoners, her shield tosses don't help her out all that much, at least from what I've played so far, but against characters without strong projectiles or no projectiles at all, she can keep them at bay and chip them away with her shield tosses. Her footsies are weird to say the least, because outside of sweep range, her b2 is much too slow to contest with other footsie tools, but you "can" play footsies in that range with her Amalthea Bash provided you have meter and it won't whiff. She is actually meter dependent in this version and needs it for just about everything. Without meter, your bnb's are doing roughly 15% if even that; with bar, she gets around 30-35%. Linking b3 is MUCH tighter than Inj1 and your best ender now is 113, and not lasso grab. You need meter to make use of Amalthea Bash*MB. Trait is random, but each one still holds some use no matter what, with the exception of Artemis' Light, which is the bracelets. Can't guarantee a parry, and can't guarantee a follow up for the damage buff after either. Her jump ins aren't really ambiguous at all so crossup setups don't really exist with her, so far from what I've found

***Disclaimer*** In game frame data is off, what's new lol. Should expect an update on the official launch but as of now, I can say what's safe, borderline safe, plus and what has gaps.

What is safe:

1 - 8f high; short ranged
11 - no gap and safe
b1 - 11f mid; sweep range but can get outfootsied outside of it
b11 - no gap and safe
d1 - 6f mid
2 - 10f mid; slightly better range than 1
22 - safe and no gap
b2 - 22f overhead, -3 on block, can be followed up at point blank range; reaches at starting match point
f2 - 21f low, -6 on block, short ranged
b3 - 27f, +7 on block
f3 - 29f overhead, + on block, but forgot how much
d3 - 14 or 15f and -5 sweep

Safe/Plus but has gaps :

113 - gap between last two hits, but is plus on block and is your go to combo ender; guarantees a trait call with a few frames of advantage left over

b112 - gap between the last two hits; I honestly see no point in doing the full string, but maybe some hidden tech/use to be found; can't be cancelled, can't be followed up and knocks them away; I believe it's only safe too, not plus

d12 - -7 on block, and there's a gap between the two hits

223 - VERY plus on the last hit but theres a pretty large gap between the last two hits; decent ender as it knocks them fullscreen and in some cases can get you a safe trait call; 113 is easily better but 223 does a little more damage

b23 - not sure on the block frame data of this because of it's block stun, but there's a gap between the two hits

f23 - punishable on block

d2 - punishable up close, reaches at starting match point

shield toss
- 14f I think, variable frame data depending on distance; unsafe up close, not plus like what in game says
Shield toss*MB - has a gap no matter how fast you MB it and MB is still unsafe; also variable frame data depending on distance
Up Shield - I believe this was 11f and was unsafe or safe, I forgot tbh because it's pretty much impossible to hit someone grounded unless you're in their face; no real use for the MB unless for combo swag I guess
Air Downward shield - 7f MID, pretty damn safe even point blank and has deceptive range; have so far found absolutely no use for the MB
Air Straight Shield - decent projectile but hardly used it all or labbed it; her other shield tosses seem to make up for this one
Amalthea Bash - about half screen 8f mid, minimal whiff recovery but unsafe on block; variable block data depending on how late the bash hits them; does not keep them standing like in the first INJ and knocks them away
Amalthea Bash*MB - +2 on block, has a decent chunk of recovery frames if you whiff it, and knocks them away pretty far but you don't get too many frames of advantage like you do with the meterless one
Upward Amalthea Bash - invincible wakeup, can't really delay the MB and has decent recovery; punishable on block; has some combo potential mostly in the corner off of d2 as well as midscreen but situational and minimal
Upward Amalthea Bash*MB - overhead, no combo follow up and is borderline safe depending on where you hit the opponent; if you hit them right, it's safe vs 6f reversals
Lasso Grab - no longer plus on block, few frames of advantage on hit, still a high, now 15f, don't remember if it's punishable if done upclose but it IS negative; MB adds a little extra damage
Bracelets of Submission - 5f parry, parries projectiles and all attacks aside from lows or jump ins; kinda different from INJ1 because you don;t recover as quickly on a successful parry AND the parry stays active for what was said in game to be 16f
Super - 22f mid and reaches from a little past starting match distance

All in all, she will take a good minute to settle down with and adjust to and it's way too early to call for any buffs or nerfs, yet unsurprisingly, the pitchforks are already here, so we'll see. Her playstyle change is welcome but can't say, for obvious reasons, what needs to be added or taken away. She doesn't thrive at all off of her b2/f2 50/50 and you REALLY need to manage your meter well this time around.

Added some combos for you guys. Video's unlisted:

I don't know all the Wonder Woman mains, so I ask if you please tag in everyone I missed.

@Skeezer12 @TheGabStandard @Saboteur-6 @Jaiyson


Death Before Dishonor
When she's walking with her shield to deflect projectiles is it gear dependent or she can do it with her trait randomly?


Death Before Dishonor
Shield walk is extra ability, it's not a part of her basic moveset.
Damn that sucks I see it already she going to have a rough time bypassing zoning worse than how it was in inj1. I don't even know if I want to continue maining her now for fuck sake I really didn't like her sword/shield stance in inj1 I'll find out midnight if I want to continue playing as her. Does she have her air tackle or her dive punch?


Athena guide me, the thunder God...
For midscreen or corner?
It's a tight link, so its better to do f23 and then b3 midscreen. It's just to show optimal (as far as I know) damage (literally like a 1-2% difference only)
you can just delay the mb and you get more frames and becomes easier.. just like inj1
One thing I forgot to mention about trait and I'll make a video of it later, is that when the symbol for the buff is gone, and trait is charging back up (that red bar filling up for next use), whatever buff you had on, still works until youre able to activate trait again, she just won't glow for those few seconds. I'm not sure if it's a bug or intentional or if it'll get removed within the first patch, but yeah.
Probably a bug.