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Coolest Guys in MK Communities

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Weird? Actually, I am since my friends tell me this(but not the same weird you're thinking ;) ) I'm actually pretty silly, nice in general but to be honest some folks on here bring out the worst in me. Example, I'm weird sometimes because I like weird things like putty and slingshots ;) and telekinesis lol.

Also, I do believe in general not just me but people in general are often misunderstood on forums compared to face to face. You can kind of get a sense of that in some of my vids but even that's hard because I'm talking to a camera but pretend it's people since they'll watch you know?
I love/hate you

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
All of the ATL community, thanks for helping me with this game and just being awesome people overall.
Pig Of The Hut Thanks for letting me room with you in Philly for NEC, one of the best players of this game and most knowledgeable about the game.
@Lord of the Fly Sorry I'm so young, always respect your NW
TylerLantern such a chill guy, makes awesome MK vids, great competitive player too
BeerGuyEd probably one of the coolest guys in the community, hosts Level up after work, does awesome stream work, probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. Also Ed's laugh is the best lol
@JimmyVonVitti great player, awesome guy as well, will always be fun chillin with you and Tyler playing casuals
@Clint the Beast (probably not on tym, but w.e) Beast of a player ;b drunk like a mother fucker all the time at tournies lol another great player in ATL community
As for other players I know, mostly from NEC
DetroitBalln313 and MortySeinfeld two of the best players in MK, both really helpful and well rounded players, great people too, had a great weekend with them at NEC, leveled up a shit ton
OneBoxyRobot my bro, we need to hang out and play some casuals, wait at another BK for our food lol.
@VSM Hitoshura another member of the cyrax circle of salt, great player, awesome guy as well
EDIT: Insuperable @Mr Mileena
<3 Both awesome players and people, it would be really cool to meet both of them in person. Props to Insup for repping Quan/best Quan, and Mr Mil for doing the same for Sindel.
I'd also like to shout out Osu 16 Bit for being a brilliant Kit at Final Round and handing the fan he had to CD, his beard is also god tier


Well I don't really know any of the US players but I will give some love to them as well. Just wanna say firstly that everyone in this community is terrific. Helpful, warm people and we all get along fine (for the most part).

I do wanna say that these guys would be on my Christmas Card list (if I was a Christian):
i2 Gaug3

Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone here...

Then there are these PND's who I'm eager to meet:
Ketchup-LK9T9 (special thanks to you for being so helpful on the forums)
A F0xy Grampa

Only allowed to tag 10 people so I will list the others normally..

Temjiin (lol that's all I can think of for now)


Also want to show my appreciation for those in the land of the free:
SwiftTomHanks seem like an awesome guy. Hope to meet you one day if I ever make it to the US and A. Thanks for all the Sektor help.
L0rdoftheFLY read above and apply to Nightwolf :p.
Tom Brady the ultimate undisputed King of MK. Also my favourite player to watch and learn from. Thanks for everything you've done for this community.

I love everyone else as well (too many to list though). All the podcast hosts, the trolls, also shout-outs to the guys in Holland too (taco, solid, mr e etc. etc.)

Last but not least a special thanks to the guys who manage this site. The Elder Gods I should say.... Tim Static STORMS ZAQ (the only other dude who plays Marvel :) ) 9.95 OJuggernautO

BLESS YOU ALL! :REO:16Bit:tonyt
thanks dan, konqrr, digi, and arez. it's been 10 years with this community. new or old it don't matter. i doubt those memories will ever fade away. you know who you are. wish we could go back to the MKD days. that's what i'll remember most as "coolest".


DanCock i liked sidestepping too.


My personal coolness tier list

Transcending all other humans tier, cannot even be classifed based on the fact that there is no other human comparable
God Tier, overpowered supercool people, just too much cool for others
2.tom brady

top tier, only a few bad matchups
MK Peanuts(potential moving up based on new tech)
blueNINE(kung lao drops him from transcending tier)
habity(hes potentially a serial killer so i couldn't bump him up)
MK Kobra(deckhand)
Superi0rMagik(teabagging and nice reads bro bumps him up from mid tier)
CptXecution (he gave me free pizza once)
tos nerd(sonya keeps him from my level)
daddydabho(that video he showed me droppe dhim)
skeet skeet
WoundCowboy(stop counter-poking me)
BodamEscapePlan(cool guy needs to add me to facebook so i can beat off to his photos)
psycho paff
hornysmurfer(i dont know why ur not in transcendent tier there is no just explanation)
chancemen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
99 problms(with age comes experience)
any1 i forgot god do i feel like a homo doing this no offense to any one but im really just procrastinating from doing my final thats do in a couple hours and honestly this list is way too long im wasting my time and its retarded and i look like a complete idiot doing this)
MID TIER = these people should seriously consider psychotherapy
nitemare and skeet (they use cyrax)
poopingtoad and seahorse, im jealous of their abs, plus i need to put peopl ein mid tier so my list isnt stupid but i dont want to insult anyone
klakity, (the dude kept stroking my leg and his brother habity had to restrain him it was creepy but hes pretty hot im not gonna lie but what if i had gotten a boner and it touched ur hand)
low tier= these people are not really human beings in my eyes
dribirut (he uses reptile, and his girlfriend is hot and his hair is curly)
xXxKilllgxXx (hes my roomate and he uses reptile and hes always yelling at me to do the dishes and hes delusional about his abilities plus he uses reptile)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
All the players I am about to list of just some of the people that I know and I think a really awesome people (keep in mind this is not everyone just a short list,because everyone I have not in the community is awesome )

1) Pig
2) Fly
3) quandaghost
4) Insuperable
5) Mr. Mileena :-*
6) BeerGuyEd
7) Guamokun
8) Admiral Augustus
9) Blackula
10) Cyus