You're getting 12gauged.... better think of a new username/alias.Everybody in the community is a [ban incoming], except for me.
You're getting 12gauged.... better think of a new username/alias.Everybody in the community is a [ban incoming], except for me.
lol wtf
I knew it...Since people are talking about people they don't like, there are only 3 people I will actively avoid in tournaments if I see them. But 1 refuses to go to them lololol. But all 3 are people I know others would agree on, so I don't feel too bad.
It takes a lot for me to actually dislike someone. I may act like an arrogant asshole but it's just an act. <3 you all.
He's not the only one you forgot... Feelings are hurt. Words are said that cannot be taken back.... .... ASHLEY PLS!!!!!OMG!!! And how can I forget my buddy CURBOLICOUS Ahh so sorry. You are definitely one of the #1 coolest
Honestly? Pretty much everyone I've met. Yeah, even Hitoshura despite me not making his list (HOW COULD YOU?! HITO PLS!!!!). THTB get's a special shout out too just because like he said putting the three of us in one space is a recipe for something volatile if you "MIX THE FUCK OUT OF IT!"
Big shout out to WNBA as well, especially SwiftTomHanks who was nice enough to let me crash on his couch for a night after WB and who loves Game of Thrones. Honestly, the amount of people I can tag will not be allowed by this site. So VSM, WNBA, Arizona, Canada, Ohio...
Oh, and Maxter..... he's like our Malboro Cowboy.
You're so cool you don't need a shout out. Actually giving you a shout out would diminish your coolness . @thequeenofsheba better be at Toryuken in a few weeks with Death too.Shady you forgot me in your shoutouts. *tear* but seriously you are one of my #1's. C'mon its even facebook official. lol
Noooooooooo! Clint is my hero.
It's of Revolver. I'm right here with you.Hito makes a 100 person list and i dont even make it lmao
I doubt I would actually avoid anyone at a tournament, but I can understand where you are coming from. Everyone I have met at major tournaments and local tournaments have all been really cool and very accepting of tournament new comers. A lot of people troll and joke around, but all trolling and joking aside, this TYM community and the MK community as a whole has been nothing but nice, cool, and respectful upon me meeting the people I have met at tournaments, and of course every community has its black sheep, but for the most part, everyone is great. Honestly, some of the people who I thought would be a little stuck up, they turned out to be some of the coolest people of all.Since people are talking about people they don't like, there are only 3 people I will actively avoid in tournaments if I see them. But 1 refuses to go to them lololol.
No one likes you. Go away.It's funny how some folks are listing people they don't like in a "coolest guy" thread lol.
CRKfiend is a cool guy, military guy, loves and is good in MK and is just a cool guy overall. Remember him dating back to Shinjinko days!
Online I avoid you because your weird. But at a tourny I would go out of my way to make friends. You seem like a real funny guy to hang and talk to.Touche.
Mr. Mileena seems like a cool guy and Nickdagreek, too many people to name so I'll just say most people(with a few exceptions)
Weird? Actually, I am since my friends tell me this(but not the same weird you're thinking ) I'm actually pretty silly, nice in general but to be honest some folks on here bring out the worst in me. Example, I'm weird sometimes because I like weird things like putty and slingshots and telekinesis lol.Online I avoid you because your weird. But at a tourny I would go out of my way to make friends. You seem like a real funny guy to hang and talk to.